To be or not to be

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Dick was tapping his foot nervously, sitting outside of a Ministry of Magic office. In the spring of his third year, Dick had decided to take on the quest of becoming an Animagus. His skill level wasn't a question. Dick was one of the brightest wizards at Hogwarts, which is part of why the Ministry was so eager to accept his request for the Animagus process. They believed he could handle the transformation without any repercussions. He'd done every step, except actually drinking the potion. It was something that had taken months to work on. All he had to do was wait for a storm, then it would be complete. There were days where he pondered what he would turn into. Would he be a bird? Would he be a house pet? Would he be an exotic animal? Questions kept flooding Dick's mind about it. At the moment, Bruce was talking with a wizard named Wyatt Gibson, getting a start on Dick's registration. Bruce always was one for getting an early start on paperwork. It saved him headaches in the future.

A familiar man with a scar over his face walked up to him, pointing at the empty seat on the bench next to him. "Is this spot open?" He asked, a soft smile gracing his features. "Yeah. It's open." The wizard sat down, looking up at the gold walls. "Such a beautiful building. There are many times I wish more could look like this, but then I remember that if everything looked the same, nothing would be special. What about you? What do you think?" Dick looked up. "I think that for such a beautiful building, a lot of sad and boring things go on here." The wizard laughed. "A very good observation. Hello, DIck. How have you been?" Dick grinned. "Good." "Very nice to see you again, Mister Grayson. So, what is Bruce doing here?" "He's registering me to be an Animagus. I'm just waiting for a storm, then I'll become one."

Remus hummed. "Do you have any idea what you'll be?" Dick shook his head. "I couldn't begin to guess. I admit, I'm a little nervous about it. What if I get a bad form?" Remus chuckled. "I think the only 'bad form' a person can get is a skunk. Dreadful little creatures. I wouldn't worry about it. I'm sure that whatever form you get will be just as powerful as you." Dick smiled. "Thanks. What about you? Why are you here?" "I've come to talk to Dumbledore and Fudge about a job position. I'm sure you've heard about the last Defense Against The Dark Arts professor?" Dick nodded. Professor Lockhart had fallen under a forgetting charm, and a rather nasty one at that. "So you'll be taking over?" "Hopefully. I hear that you're a rather good student." Dick shrugged. "Magic is easy for me. I don't struggle with it like some people do. Of course, it's chased away some potential friends and given me plenty of fake friends, but I manage. Dumbledore's talking about moving me up a few years next year." "Quite an accomplishment. You remind me of James. He's great at Charms. Always seemed to pick up on spells before anyone else. Used to drive Severus mad. Is there anything you don't excel at?" Dick shrugged. "Not a fan of Divination. Trelawney's a bit strange to me. Keeps telling me I'm going to die." "She does that a lot. Every year, she predicts one student's death." "Mcgonagall told me." "Good. Then I trust you won't let her get to your head."

Bruce finally left Gibson's office, sighing softly. "Hello, Bruce. I imagine Gibson's getting to you?" Lupin grinned. Bruce smiled. "Well, the sheer amount of paperwork he's trying to get me to sign was ridiculous. Why do I have to sign a paper paying for the Ministry's research on flobberworms when I'm only here to register my son?" Lupin stood up, wrapping his arms around Bruce. "Well, I hope you only signed what you needed. Your boy is very interesting. I look forward to teaching him." "Indeed. Maybe you can teach him how to hide transformations?" Bruce whispered. "Perhaps. When is the next storm?" "Tomorrow night. The Ministry advised giving him at least 24 hours alone after it starts." "That's a good idea. I remember when Prongs and Padfoot changed. Wormtail took a little longer, but he got there. James was so irritable afterwards that he actually snapped at Lily. I'm surprised she didn't slap him right then and there." "How are they? I haven't had a chance to reconnect with them." "Been doing better. Their boy is about to start his first year at Hogwarts. I'm glad Sirius was their Secret-Keeper that night. Really allowed James to get the one up on Voldemort. I'd say he deserved that Order of Merlin after that night." "Indeed. How about you come over once you're done, and we can talk some more. I'll invite James and Sirius." "That sounds like a plan. I'll let you know when I'm done." 

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