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Wally West, also known as WW-eats-a-lot, was one of the most popular Youtubers. He wasn't quite sure why, but his followers like watching him ungodly amounts of food and rate them on a scale of "disgusting, would never touch again", to "I'd eat this every single day if I could". He'd been around for about six months, and already had 15 million subscribers. He'd blown up after getting mentioned in another Youtuber's video, and he'd almost combusted when he saw who it was. Nobody knew his real name, since he always wore a mask, but his username was Birdiedoesthings, so everyone called him Birdie. He was the largest Youtuber on the app, with over 150 million subscribers. Everyone knew his channel. It was a mix of lots of things. He'd do interactive stuff with the subscribers, rate so called "healthy foods", and would show proper workout technique. 

Wally followed his channel almost obsessively. If he had to guess, he'd say Birdie was around his age, twenty or so, and he was hot as hell. His body was pure muscle, with strong biceps and glorious abs. To be famous, you usually had to be one of three things: funny, hot, or fake. Birdie had claimed the first too. The comments on his lives and his videos usually consisted of people begging Birdie to rail them or barking. Birdie always chuckled at the comments, sometimes slicking his hair back and licking his lips. Wally had almost passed out the first time he saw that. Very few Youtubers actually encouraged their followers, but Birdie seemed to like it. He'd play with them sometimes, bending over to grab something and showing off his glorious ass (there was a whole community around it), or stretching just right to flex his muscles. Wally had a very secret crush on this guy, and he often went to Discord chat rooms to talk about it. 

Wally usually ignored his notifications, but when they started coming in constantly, he had to check them. Millions of people were commenting his username of Birdie's new videos. Wally had meant to watch it last night, but he'd fallen asleep exhausted. Had something big happened? Why was everyone tagging him? He clicked on the newest video, although the title alone scared him. Planning a collab. That sounded like Birdie was planning to do a video with someone. After waiting for the ads to finish (why did YouTube need 2 adds?), he watched intently as Birdie came into frame. "Hey guys. Got a bit of a different video today. Sorry for those of you who came for my ass. I'm working on doing a collab with another Youtuber, but I can't decide who. I've got it narrowed down to three choices. First is this guy," Another black haired Youtuber popped up. "He's very workout central. I'd say his username, but it's quite hard, frankly, so I'm going to call him Workout. He's got about 12 million subscribers." Wally had to agree, his username was very...interesting. Workoutkfwkjhfyofbfer. Keyboard smash. Alright then.

"Next is this sassy Lady, Artemis. She does a lot of archery stuff, and she'll occasionally collab with Workout. She's got a little over 7 million, so if you could show her some love, that'd be great. She does informational stuff about how to care for bows and how to get started. It's like having an instructor without one. She doesn't hold her tongue, though. She likes to bite back at commenters who act stupid. So anyone who wants to try and woo her over, she doesn't like it as much as I do and she'll let you know. I've got all their links in the description below, so don't go scrambling to find them. Probably should've said that at the start of the video, but whatever." Birdie shrugged. Wally felt his heart start to pound in his chest. Were people commenting just to mess with him? Or was it something else? Gah! He hated waiting. He could skip ahead, but then he might miss something. If he had one flaw, it would be the fact that he was so damn impatient. He could barely wait for his chicken nuggets to finish cooking. He just had to hope he didn't get stopped by anymore ads. Yeah, he was a creator, but he'd still get ads sometimes. It was annoying as all hell. He wondered if Birdie got ads.

"Finally, you've heard me talk about him before. This is WW-eats-a-lot. I've mentioned him a few times because I really enjoy him, and I figured you guys would too. He's a good channel, mainly, rating stuff he eats from 'never eating again' to 'I'd eat this every day.' He's got about fifteen million, and he's generally an easy going guy. Makes a lot of people laugh. He does video games too, so if you're interested in lets plays, he's one guy to go to. He's just here for a good time, and I think it would be fun to collab with him. Well, all of them, really. To choose which Youtuber I collab with, comment down below their username. In three days, I'm going to reach out to the person with the highest amount of comments. If they decline, it'll go to second place, and so on. I'm really excited about this one, so don't be shy. If they all decline, I'll make another video, and do something similar. Anyways, until next time, guys. Birdie out." The video ended, leaving the replay button on Birdie's face. 

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