Deal with the devil 9

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Dick had no easy time carrying Vixen. The baby was heavy, and he'd never imagined going through labor before. Even with the help from the servants, there were certain things he couldn't avoid. Back pain was one of them. The baby bump hurt, and his back was taking the toll. He had to overcorrect for the bump, which meant he usually stoop with his shoulders farther back than normal. It left him feeling exhausted. How did anybody handle this? Maybe he needed to go around in a wheelchair. It would probably save his back some, if at all. Could he heal from his back getting ruined? Sure, he did every month or so, but that was sex. Was pregnancy different? Was he going to need to see a healer or something?

Dick was washing some fruit he'd picked, wishing desperately for something to help his back, when Wally stepped behind him. "Hey, beautiful. How are you doing?" "My back hurts. I'm just trying to-" Wally wrapped his hands under Dick's baby bump, lifting it up. Dick sighed, leaning back against Wally. "Satan, thank you." "Anything you need. I've got you, baby. You don't have to worry about anything, alright? You're my precious jewel." Dick nodded, leaning into the kiss Wally pressed to his cheek. He knew Wally would do what he needed to do. It's what he always did, even though Dick tried to tell him he didn't have to.

Dick usually met up with Kirishima or one of the other brides about once a month, to make sure the baby was developing healthily and to make sure he wasn't doing something he shouldn't be doing. Vixen was a very strong kicker, and usually left Dick winded at the end of every meeting. Kirishima had almost tried to get Dick to the labor bed because he thought he was having contractions. It was part of the reason his back hurt so much. They didn't have much of a solution, other than take it easy and occasionally let Wally lift it. It never seemed clear to him how anyone managed to make this look easy. Hell, Kirishima had had his fifth kid about two weeks before Dick showed up, and he showed no signs of being pregnant at all! Was Dick a slow developer, or what? He hoped he managed to get back on his feet that quickly.

"Hey, Dickie. How're you doing?" Kirishima asked as he wrapped his arms around Dick, being careful with the baby bump. "I'm making it. Back's getting angry at me, but I'm taking care of it so far. How are you and the kids?" "They're doing good. Regrath is out taking care of their place, Xargrog is an Admiral for the army, Barzumond is tending to the gardens at Satan's place, Tolgiron is preparing to find a Bride, and Zargramel is adjusting to his new home." "That's great. Sorry I wasn't much help moving Z in. He wouldn't let me pick up anything heavy." "He was right, though. You don't need to be staining yourself. I taught him well when I had him at home. Now, come on. I want to see if this baby is close yet." "I'm still three weeks away, Kiri. I've got time." "That baby could come at any moment. Bakugou and Lord Wally have been talking, and I'm moving here until it's born. Once it's here, and you're settled, I'll leave, but I'm going to act as your nurse for a while."

Dick chuckled. "Good to know. Can you find your way around here well enough?" "Yep. Wally shared a memory of the layout with Bakugou, and I can tap into Bakugou at any moment and find it. How's your food intake been? Have you been drinking enough water?" "It's been fine, and I'm drinking plenty of water. Trust me. This little demon takes all the water as soon as I drink it, so I have to drink enough to satisfy them and me." "That's good. How much are you walking?" "A good bit. I walk around for an hour or two, sit for a little bit, then start walking again. I know I need to keep moving, especially since they like it so much." Dick sat down on the couch, leaning into the corner piece. Kirishima sat next to him, pressing the back of his hand to his forehead. "Your temperature seems pretty normal. Any cold or heat flashes?" "Had a cold flash a few days ago. It disappeared pretty quick, though, and it's only happened once, so I wasn't too worried about it. I try not to worry about too much right now."

Kirishima nodded, moving his hand down to Dick's stomach. "I'm just going to feel around a bit. Tell me if I'm pressing too hard, okay?" Dick nodded. Kirishima started pressing down, moving his fingers around. The baby seemed to be forming right. It seemed like a more humanoid demon, so Dick didn't have to worry about horns or spikes or anything, especially since he had human anatomy. Sure, he had a true form, but it usually took at least a hundred years for brides to discover them. Dick wouldn't find his for another ninety years, at least. Kirishima had his, but he preferred staying like this. It felt better. Besides, Bakugou hated his true form unless he was in battle, saying he felt too big, so Kirishima stayed the same size as Bakugou to make him feel better. It was the least he could do, considering Bakugou was railing him almost every week. It was nice for him to do something, considering Bakugou normally had to take care of everything. He got very protective when Eijiro was pregnant. Eijiro didn't mind, really. He knew Bakugou loved him.

"Alright, baby seems good. He's a humanoid baby, so no spikes or horns to worry about. If I had to guess, I'd say a little over two weeks before delivery day. You excited?" "Yeah. And nervous, and terrified, and-" "Okay, stop right there. I will be with you. I've been through this plenty of times and I know the best ways to do this. You just need to breathe, relax, and listen to what I say. I'll be guiding you through. The only thing you need to be worried about is being ready to push that baby out. Have you been doing those exercises I gave you?" Dick nodded. "They're a little harder to do with the baby kicking me, but I'm doing them. I try to do them every day or so." "Good. As long as you keep those muscles strong, you won't have a thing to worry about. Have you done them today?" "Yeah. Did 'em this morning. Really wish I could have a good cup of coffee right now, but I can't." "Don't worry. Once this little one comes, I'll make sure to get you a big cup." "You're the best, Kiri."

Wally and Bakugou walked in, each carrying a bag. "Hey, Kiri. How's the baby?" Wally asked as he set the bag down. "Healthy as ever. Dick's doing good too. As long as he keeps moving around, he'll be a-okay. I'm putting the delivery date a little closer to two weeks, though. I can tell the kid's getting impatient." "He's not the only one. This one over here keeps talking to it, asking it when it's going to come out. They always kick just a little bit harder after that." Dick chuckled, leaning into the kiss Wally gave him. "Well, it's not long now. Just a few more weeks, and you'll have a bundle of chaos for the rest of your lives." "Fun." 

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