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"So, when is your Frogadier going to evolve?" Jason asked Damian, yawning in his seat. The Gotham League was in town again. The town had a league of its own, since it was known for having many gyms. The last time they'd counted, there had been one gym for every type of Pokemon. Damian, the youngest, glared at the older. "He'll evolve when he wants. I don't see you badgering Grayson about his Eevee or his Purrloin." "Yeah, cause he's only had them for two months. He's had his Greninja, Altaria, Flygon, and Lunala for years. Besides, we haven't contacted him in a while, so they might have evolved." "I get it. He's got a lot of fully evolved Pokemon." "Yeah, and that's why he's the one competing in the League." "I just couldn't get eight badges in time. Drake is in college, and you got banned last year." "Look, the other guy swung first. It's not my fault if I thought to use my Pokemon." "I don't think a human can defend against a Houndoom." "Then he shouldn't have fought me. Besides, it's only a two year ban."

"Hush, both of you. The League is starting." Bruce gently reprimanded from behind them. They were sitting in one of the large boxes above, and had a perfect view point of the battlefield. "When is Dick coming out?" "He's in the sixth battle. Tim will be joining us once his class let's out." "What college has class the day of the League?" "Gotham's, apparently." Alfred answered as he handed Jason a cup. "I thought I asked for coffee." "You did. But seeing as your Pokemon is laying across your lap and is known to follow your every command, I will not put you in a state where you think irrationally. You get tea for today." "Hey, just cause Houndoom is a loyal Pokemon doesn't mean he's a bad guy. Look at that face and tell me he's bad." "I never said he was bad. I was condoning his owner's actions, not his." Jason pouted as Bruce chuckled.

Wally was sitting at the edge of the box, anxiously petting the Jolteon in his lap. He was the leader of the electric type gym in town, and had only recently gotten his Jolteon. He and Dick had gotten Eevees together, agreeing to evolve them naturally. Wally had found it funny that his Eevee turned out as an electric type, but he wasn't going to take it for granted. He could battle challengers with her, so he was fine with it. He hadn't heard anything from Dick in the last two weeks, so he was a little nervous. Jolteon looked up at him, rumbling softly. "I'm okay, buddy. Just nervous. He's been working so hard for this. I can't help him much from here. Not like I normally do." Wally whispered, petting between her ears. He and Dick were well known for double battles and single battles, so it wasn't unusual for Wally to be nervous.

The first battle had been...okay, in Wally's opinion. Both trainers seemed sloppy, and one didn't seem as familiar with Pokemon as the other. In the end, the Beartic beat the Skarmory, earning the trainer's victory. "Wow. That was dull." Jason yawned. "They're twelve, Jason. Cut them some slack." Wally snapped. "Easy, Love Bird. Just cause Dick's gone radio silence doesn't mean you get to be rude." "You're older than them. You've been battling a lot longer. You know how to read a person for strategies, how to beat them easily. They don't. I've seen it a lot at the gym. They just need more time." Barry sighed. "That bad, huh?" Bruce whispered. "Yeah. He's been real antsy lately. I am a little worried about your kid. He hasn't contacted any of us." "Dick is a strong trainer. He can take care of himself. I know he'll be fine." "Is that a Daddy Bats feeling, or a World's Greatest Detective feeling?" "Both."

Tim joined the group in the middle of the sixth battle. "Hey, Timbo. Just in time. It's this battle, then Dick comes up." Jason grinned, tossing a piece of popcorn at him. Tim's Magneton knocked it away, zapping at Jason. "Yeah, class ran long. But I'm here. What's the news?" Tim chuckled as he sat down. "First round was sloppy, and the rest are normal battles. Just Pokemon going at it until one passes out." "That's the whole point of this. That's literally what this is." "It's more entertaining when Dick does it." "True. Any word yet?" "No. Not since the last time he called. I'm not even certain what Pokemon he's using." "Well, it'll probably be best if he uses the ones he's been training with." "Shut your trap. I meant he might've caught new ones and he might be fighting with them." Jason rolled his eyes as he pushed Tim's head. "I know. I just wanted to annoy you." "Well, you do a good job of it." "I'm your brother! Of course I'm great at annoying you." "Now I understand why Grayson was going insane." "Hey! He loves us!" Jason draped himself over Tim dramatically. Barry giggled at the brothers. Bruce just sighed.

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