Pagan Tim

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At first, Tim had been very hesitant to admit to anyone that he was pagan. He'd heard stories about what happened to people who were, and he had become terrified. He'd only been one for about two weeks when a rumor started going around the school, saying that a pagan girl had gotten attacked in the hallway. Tim had hid all of his crystals and candles, only lighting them to check up on the deities. Any time someone other than Bruce came in, he'd scramble to hide it all. He knew Bruce could keep him safe, but he didn't want to risk something happening when no one was there.

"Hey, Persephone. Sorry I've been gone for so long. I had a mission." Tim whispered as he lit the purple candle. The flame flickered, almost scolding him for not bringing her. "I'm sorry. Really, I am. I didn't want anything happening to you. Here, I'll light Hades for you, okay? He's gonna be pissed at me too, but he'll be with you." Tim set her candle down, reaching for the black candle. It popped as he lit it, almost burning it. "Hello to you, too. Your wife wanted to see you." Hades popped again. "I had a mission. I'm back now, so stop pouting."

Tim picked up his white candle, lighting the wick. "Hey, Artemis. Sorry I've been gone for so long. Mission. You know how those are." She flickered, except hers seemed to be in forgiveness. Yes, she knew what missions were like. "Have any good hunting while I was gone? Catch a bear or two?" She flickered again. "That's good. You want to be next to Freya? You two usually get along." She flickered once more. "Alright. Let me light her. I'll try to be more consistent with lighting you guys." Tim chuckled. At least Artemis seemed to be in a good mood.

"Hey, Freya. Sorry I've been absent. I've had a mission." Tim smiled as he lit the maroon candle. Freya popped a few times, but wasn't too harsh. "I'm gonna set you by Artemis. She was excited to see you again." Tim set her down, smiling as the her flame and Artemis' started drawing towards each other. Tim was half convinced they were in love, but he wasn't going to jump to any conclusions. He moved on, reaching his last two candles. He usually switched the order he lit them in, so nobody could throw a hissy fit over not being first.

"Hey, Loki. Have fun while I was gone?" The green candle popped a few times, flickering with glee. "That much, huh? What am I, boring?" Tim chuckled, setting him down. He picked up Apollo, admiring the gold glitter. "Hey, Apollo. I know you're busy with the sun, but I thought I'd check in on you since I've been gone for a bit. It must get lonely up there."

Tim sat the candle down, blowing out the match he'd used to light them. He sat down to work, surrounded by the candles. He liked it when his deities were lit, because he liked seeing them interact. He liked seeing the light in his room dip and change as the gods conversed. It made him feel like he was back in time, before people were condemned for believing in something different than everyone else.

"Hey, Tim, I need your help with something." Dick walked into Tim's room. Tim suppressed a yelp, trying to play off his surprise. "What's up?" "Wally's got a friend who wants to get into deity work, and Zee is out of town. Need some help." "Why do you think I can help?" "Tim. I've known Zatana and Zatara for years. I know deity worship when I see it. I just need some gods for them to start with."

"Artemis would be a good one. She's pretty chill. Maybe Freya? It really depends on the signs. I'd have to see them. You don't mind?" "No. If I minded, I probably would've been struck down a long time ago. Hey, if you need any help with offerings, I can grab stuff from Zee." Tim smiled. "Thanks, Dickie. Um, do you mind not telling anyone? I don't think I'm ready to get it out there." "I can keep a secret, Tim. Just tell me when you want to announce it, and I'll help you."

Dick walked over, wrapping his arms around Tim's shoulders. "You thinking of any others for you?" "Maybe Aphrodite." "Make sure you keep her and Persephone apart, okay? They don't get along well." "Thanks, Dick." "It's no problem, Timbo."

"So? What'd he say?" Wally asked as Dick walked out. "Said he'd have to meet your friend. He is a pagan, though." "That's cool! You got a pagan brother." "You got a pagan friend." "Not common." "Not common at all. Just like us. Two badasses who fell in love." "You're so cheesy." "You love it." "I do." "Love you, Dickie." "Love you too, Walls."

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