It's just a bit of shock

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The Bats stood in silence, watching as Talia leapt out of the giant hole. Bruce had just been freed from her control, so all attention turned to the injured acrobat. His elbow had been popped out of place in the fight against his father. "Are you alright?" Kate asked, watching as the acrobat swayed. "Fine. Just tired." Dick sighed. He hurt. Pain was stinging everywhere in his body, but especially in his arm. "Come on. We should probably get out of here before anyone realizes we're here." "I'll stay here. They'll be looking for me. Get him back to cave, and try to get his elbow back in place. Relay the message to Batwing." Bruce started walking back towards the dining hall, already dreading the paperwork that would come from this." Kate nodded. "You two heard him. Come on. I've got you." Kate slid Dick's good arm over her shoulders, leading him forward as Damian followed. Dick was clearly not okay, but he was being a stubborn ass about it, so Kate would let it slide for now. As long as he didn't try to fight off treatment, she'd let him be stubborn.

Dick pressed a button on his belt, relieved when the Bat-jet appeared. "Alright, on. Kid, you know how to pilot this thing?" Damian nodded. "Of course." "Good. Take us to the cave. I'm going to try and get Nightwing's arm back in place. You still with me, Big Bird?" Kate asked as she led Dick to a seat, worried by how pale he was. Being pale was her schtick, not his. "Am I supposed to feel my blood pumping?" "I'll take that as a no. Get us there as quickly as you can." "If you're not in a seat, you'll be thrown around." "Trust me, I'll be fine. We need to worry more about Dick. I think he's going into shock." "That can't be. Grayson's trained to not go into shock. Besides, he hasn't lost blood." "Well, Bruce was trained to resist mind control, but he still fell victim. Besides, he's been in pain for a while now, and seeing Bruce nearly kill himself must've rattled him. There might be some internal bleeding. Just go. Hey, Wing, I need you to stay with me." She tapped Dick's cheek, frowning when she didn't get much of a response. 

Luke landed on the back of the Jet, walking in. "How is he?" "Going into shock. That suit have access to a medical database?" "Yeah." "Good. Search up how to treat shock, then hold him down for me. I need to pop his arm back in place." The Jet took a sharp right, pressing Kate into the seat. Damian really was going fast. "It says we need to lay him down and keep him warm. Let's turn the heat up in here. I'll hold his bicep." "Good. Damian, try not to make any turns until I say so. I'm popping his arm back in place." Kate carefully grabbed the lower part of Dick's arm, maneuvering the bone back to where it was supposed to be. They got a wince and a quiet whimper from Dick, but nothing more. "Shit. Damian, punch it!" "I'm going as fast as I can! Anymore, and the speed will shatter every window we fly by. You'll have to keep Grayson conscious." "How much longer?" "ETA's 2 minutes." "Alright. You hear that, Wing? Two more minutes. Just stay with us for a bit longer. I should've paid more attention in my first aid classes." "Most first aid classes only teach about cuts and broken bones. Never touch on shock. As long as he keeps his eyes open, he'll be fine. Hey, buddy, when's your birthday?" Dick groaned. "December 1, although a lot of people see me as a March baby. Do I act that much like a Pisces or Aries?" "He's rambling, but that's good." "Hold on! I'm going to land this, but going from Mach one to nothing is going to be bumpy." "Just do what you can."

The landing was indeed bumpy. Going from high speeds to barely moving happened to throw people around, which meant Kate ended up sliding. Luke just barely held on, keeping an eye on Dick as they were jostled around. He was obviously not okay. There was a gentle thud, and then the Jet stopped. "We're here." "Good. Kate, you alive back there?" Luke asked as he unbuckled Dick, carefully lifting the hero. Kate gave a thumbs up. "Yeah. Focus on Nightwing right now. Get him laid down, and put a warm blanket on him." Damian butted in. "We should get him out of his uniform. Restrictive clothing isn't good for patients experiencing shock." "I thought you didn't think he was in shock." "The symptoms match, and I haven't seen Grayson like this before. Shock seems to be the answer right now. Someone needs to contact West." "Who?" "Wallace West. His boyfriend, who's annoying." Damian rolled his eyes, walking over to the computer. Luke laid Dick on a gurney, pulling off his mask. Dick's eyes were cracked open, looking at him in an unfocused manor. "Good to see I'm not the only gay bat." Kate snorted. Damian sighed. Great. Now Grayson was going to insist they make some sort of homosexual vigilante club. He pressed a few buttons on the computer, almost immediately being met with red hair. "Heyo." Wally grinned over the screen. "West." "Hey, Demon. Where's Dick?" "Currently in shock. We had to fight Mother and Father, and he got injured. How fast can you get here?" The call disconnected, and Wally appeared in the cave, this time in person. "Pretty damn fast, apparently." Kate whistled. "West is a speedster. Able to run at inhuman speeds." "What happened?" Wally asked, zipping over to the occupied gurney. "A fight with Father gone bad. Dislocated his arm. Probably some internal bleeding. We're treating him for shock until Pennyworth can get here."

Wally held his hand out, letting Luke shake it. "Wally West. Kid Flash, if we're talking hero names." Luke accepted it. "Lucas Fox, but you can call me Luke. Batwing." "Name's Kate, but I go by Batwoman. So, you're his redhead boyfriend?" Wally nodded. "Our girlfriend's back in Blüdhaven right now. She's on patrol." "Damn. He gets more than I do, in more ways than one." "Yep. He's a little chaotic at times, but we love him." "We've been keeping him warm for a bit. He's doing better than before, so I'd say it's working." "Probably. Hey, Dickie? I need you to open your eyes some more, kay? I need to see them." Dick slowly opened his eyes more, locking on the redhead. "Hey, baby. You're okay now. I'm here. Do you think you can give us a minute alone? It's easier to calm him down when he's alone." Kate nodded, grabbing Luke's arm and dragging him out. She thought for a second, but grabbed Damian and threw him over her shoulder. "Hey! Put me down!" "Calm down, kid. I'm just making sure you don't interrupt them. None of us have seen Dick in shock, besides Wally." "Man. It's still crazy to me that he's got a boyfriend and a girlfriend. I have a hard enough time getting one. He's got two!" "Tell me about it." 

Wally gently pushed Dick's hair out of his face, gently cupping his cheek. "You had me worried for a second. They said you were hurt, but never said how bad." "Got my arm dislocated. Got my ass kicked by Bruce, but I'm fine." "Okay. I want Alfred to check over you, then I'll take you home." "Good. Now, why did you send them away? We both know I'm good now." "Yeah, but I wanted some time alone with you." "Sly dog." "You love me. Hey, how do you feel about a little massage session when we get home?" "Depends on how deep it gets." "However deep you want it." "Good. Then you better be ready to listen." "I can always listen to you. I'm sure Kori can, too." "Oh, I know. She loves treating me good." "Perfect." Kate called over from the computer. "If you're going to do the nasty, find somewhere else to do it!" "Already the plan!" Wally called back. "You're such a dork." "Yeah. Hey, you know she's not straight?" "You know what we should do?" "Gay hero club?" "Gay hero club."

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