Sex pollen

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Wally looked over at the door as someone knocked, wondering who the hell was at his house this late. Normally he'd be asleep, but he was finishing up some of his assignments, so he was up later. Very few people actually came to his house at night, unless it was a hero who needed help, and they usually used the window. Besides, he always got a call ahead of time, and he hadn't this time.

Wally opened the door, surprised to see Dick. He was leaning against the doorframe, and he looked feverish. "Dickie? What are you doing here?" Wally pulled him inside, pressing the back of his hand to Dick's forehead. "Fought Ivy downtown. Got hit with sex pollen. Knew you lived nearby, so I came here. I don't feel good." Dick rambled, body trembling as he stood. "Alright, let's get you to the shower. We'll get some cool water for you." "It hurts." "I know. Just let me take care of you, okay? You'll be just fine." Dick didn't look good.

Wally led Dick to the bathroom, keeping an eye on his condition. Dick's pupils were blown wide, although his body was weak in Wally's arms. He kept tripping over his own feet, and Wally wondered how the hell he'd managed to get here without falling flat on his face. Wally sat Dick against the wall, turning to the tub. He had to get Dick cooled down. He turned the cold water on and added a bit of heat, letting it flow through the tub. He plugged the drain, waiting for it to fill. "It's almost ready, Dickie. I'm gonna need to get you out of your clothes, though."

Dick nodded, moving to let Wally pull his shirt off easier. His chest was heaving, and it seemed he was struggling to breathe. "You okay? Besides the whole horny thing?" "Yeah. I'm just really hot." "I know. The bath is filling up right now. Just hang on for me." "Your eyes are really pretty." "I know, they're part of my charm. I'm gonna get your pants off, okay? You better be wearing some sort of underwear under there." "M' not Jay." "Yeah, that's an experience I don't ever want to have again. Just lean on me, kay?" Dick nodded, wrapping his arms around Wally's neck. He was so tired, and yet somehow so wound up he just couldn't sleep.

Dick buried his nose in the side of Wally's neck, breathing deeply. Wally smelled great. Sure, this was the guy who'd been his best friend since he was a kid, but he couldn't find it in him to care. "You like my shampoo? Got it two weeks ago." "It smells good." "I really like it. Do you care about your boxers getting wet?" "I got another pair here. I don't really care." "Alright. Let me finish the bath, then we'll get you in." Dick didn't let go. "Dickie, come on. I gotta turn the water off." "You can do that with me holding on." "It's the pollen speaking in your brain, Dick. We've gotta get you cooled down."

Wally managed to drag Dick with him, turning off the water. "Alright, time to get you in." Wally picked Dick up, setting him down in the water. Dick sighed, letting his head roll to the side as he got the first bit of relief he'd had in a while. "I'm going to get you some water. I'll be right back, okay?" Wally asked as he brushed the hair out of Dick's face. Dick nodded, sliding down in the water and blowing bubbles.

Wally made his way to the kitchen, grabbing a water bottle and a granola bar. His phone started ringing, so he answered it. "Wally West speaking." "Wally, is Dick with you?" Bruce's gruff voice cut through the phone. "Yeah. He crashed here about twenty minutes ago, said he'd been hit by sex pollen. I've got him in a cool bath right now, and I'm going to see if I can get him to eat something." "I'm on my way over." "I can take care of him for tonight. He's pretty tired, so I think he'll just end up crashing. He was a bit feverish, but I'm taking care of that." "Are you sure? I can pick him up." "Yeah. I'm sure. I can take care of him." "Call me if you need anything." "Will do. See you later, Bruce."

Wally slid his phone back into his pocket, heading towards the bathroom again. He could hear water splashing around, as well as soft sighs. "Having fun in here?" Wally asked as he closed the door. Dick was sitting up in the bath, hair now damp and slicked back as he ran his fingers through it. "Yeah. I feel much better now. Thanks for this." "It's no problem. Here. I got you a water bottle, and a snack if you get hungry." "Thanks. Sorry for crashing in on you so late, I just didn't know where else to go. I'd gotten separated from the others, and my mind was so foggy I could barely think." "You're cool, dude. Based on the slight fever you had, I'm glad you came to me."

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