The young prince's value

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Dick giggled as Wally swam after him, turning through coral to gain some distance. He'd managed to sneak away from the castle with Wally, and they were playing around in the coral reef. "I'm gonna get you!" Wally called. "You can try!" Dick called back, swimming into a shipwreck. Wally followed after him, using the ship's long halls to sneak up on him and nab him. Dick squealed as Wally pinned him down, giggling as the redhead started tickling him. "Wally! Stop it!" "Nope! I won, so this is my prize!" 

The two rolled around in the ship, trying to win. It was a nice day in the ocean, so they'd decided it would be the perfect day to play. They eventually made their way to the crow's nest, sitting and watching the fish swim by.  "I have to go back soon." Dick whispered. "You're kidding...right?" "No. B sends someone to check up on me every few hours, so I have to be back before the light gets very bright." "But we just started!" "We've been swimming and playing for an hour and a half. I don't wanna go back, but I have to. We can go to the garden." "The groundskeeper always yells at me." "Alfred?" "No. The other one. The younger, meaner one. Alfred never yells unless I deserve it."

Dick leaned up, swimming out of the crow's nest. "Come on. I don't wanna leave you out here." "Fine. We'll come back later, though...right?" "Yeah. I'll see if Bruce can set up a picnic or something." "Okay." Wally grabbed Dick's hand, swimming back to the palace. Neither really wanted to leave, but they had to. All mers had been put on alert because of a threat to the kingdom. Parents were getting more protective of their children, and the duo were worried they'd be separated. They snuck back into the garden, sitting next to Dick's favorite seaweed. It didn't help much. They both knew it was getting bad.

"Oi! What are you doing here?" Mutengesi asked. "He's with me, Mono." Dick growled. Dick could never remember his full name, so he just called him Mono. Don't ask where the same came from, no one knows. Mono didn't like Wally, although Dick could never understand why. They'd never caused any trouble they didn't clean up. "That ain't the point. He's not supposed to be here." "If he's with me, then he's exactly where he needs to be. Shouldn't you be pruning the flowers, or something?" "Your father sent for you. I'm simply here to get you, and he insisted on bringing you alone." "Fine. You wanna chill in my room?" "Sure."

Wally swam towards the castle, and Dick followed Mono. "What does he want to talk to me about?" Dick asked, getting bored as they swam down dark tunnels. "Dunno. Didn't ask. He just said bring you here." "Why here?  Why not in the throne room? or my room? Or the library?" "I don't know, so stop asking questions!" Dick crossed his arms, now following in glum silence. Mono was no fun. First, he sends Wally away. Second, he starts taking him down these deep, dark tunnels. Finally, he snaps at him for just being curious. Worst. Conversationalist. Ever.

They eventually came to a dark room, holding only an empty chest. "What's this for?" Dick asked, looking into it. "The only thing I know is he said he wanted you to look at it." "Strange. Normally there's stuff in these chests." "It may be hidden. Why don't you get inside? It might come out when the lock closes." "I might get stuck." "He gave me the key. I can get you out." Dick felt uncomfortable, but sat inside anyway. Mono closed the door, and Dick heard the lock click. He waited for what felt like forever.

"I don't think anything's happening." He called. "Just give it a second. It might need time." Did Mono sound...happy? Dick suddenly heard more clicking. Something rope-like wrapped around his body tightly, pulling his arms to his chest and covering his mouth. He yelped, although it was muffled, and tried to wriggle out of the restraints. It simply tightened, pressing him uncomfortably against the wood. "Finally. I'll have to tell Makanika his damn gears got stuck." Mono sighed, swimming over and picking up the chest. 

Dick was scared. He couldn't move or talk, and nobody had any idea where he was. As far as anybody knew, he was still safe. Where was Mono taking him? This was bad. This was really, really bad. Every time he tried to move, the ropes just got tighter, and there was a rope around his neck that would occasionally cut off his air supply. He felt lightheaded, sore, and he was terrified. He wanted to go home.

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