Vampire Protection Squad

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Wally grinned as he walked into the living room, standing next to the hammock. "Hey, baby. How're you doing?" Dick grinned back at him. "I'm getting there. How much more of the bag do we have?" Wally checked the bag. "About a quarter left. You're doing so good. Hey, Jay and I found some of that stuff you like on a trip to a new store." "What stuff? I like lots of things." "The, what's the word for it...the Rom bars." Dick's face lit up. "You found some?" "Yep. You get through this bag of blood, then I'll get you one." "You boys spoil me too much." "We do it out of love. Well, I do. Jason may be doing it so he doesn't go back to animal blood." Dick chuckled again. "Maybe. How many zombies did you see?" "A few. One was missing an arm, but kept trying to swing at another zombie. I think they were fighting over food."

Now, you may be asking, what the fuck do zombies and vampires have to do with each other? Well, for the last six years, the world has been in a zombie apocalypse. Dick had originally been travelling on his own, but was found by a vampire clan who took him in. They brought him to their tree house, which was situated on farm property. Not only did they have clean water and a filtration device, they had animals to eat. Although he'd been exhausted at first, they came to be very protective of him. The first time Dick had gone out for food with them, he had Wally breathing down his neck the entire time. It was about three months in that Dick started giving his blood. He'd heard Jason complaining about how animal blood tasted like shit, and how they had a perfectly good human a few rooms away. Wally snapped at Jason, saying the risk of turning Dick was very high if they tried to drink from him, especially since they'd been starved of human blood for quite some time. The next time he was alone with Bruce, Dick suggested drawing his blood. Bruce had tried to object at first, but Dick insisted. He said it was payment for their protection. A little bit of his blood in return for safety. Dick had been doing that for six years, giving blood every two months. 

After about five minutes, Wally started pulling the needle out. "There we go. You're done for the day. Give me just a minute to put this away, then I'll help you to the living room." Wally kissed Dick's forehead, gently pushing his hair out of his face. "Thanks, babe. You're the best, you know that?" "Yep. You never hesitate to remind me." "Good. Hey, you think we can watch a movie?" "I'll ask Bruce. You know he's weird about it." "I get why. I just wish we could do more cutesy couple shit, you know? Curl up under a blanket and watch a movie. Sit on the roof and count the stars. That kind of stuff." "Who says we can't?" "Bruce, ever since he found those zombie birds." "Is that why he put the chickens and the cows on lock down?" Dick nodded. "Yeah. He didn't want them getting infected. But that also means our adventures on the roof are limited." "Damn. And I finally found good beer again." "We can drink and watch a movie." "I can drink. You're going to be guzzling down some water and apple juice." "You're no fun." Dick pouted as Wally picked him up. "I know. I'm just the worst boyfriend ever." Dick giggled. "You're an idiot." "I know. It's part of my charm."

Tim looked up as they walked into the living room, jotting down something in a notebook. "Hey, Wally. How are you feeling, Dick?" Dick shrugged, letting Wally sit him on the couch. "About how I do every time. Do you mind getting me some apple juice?" Tim shook his head, standing up and walking into the kitchen. Wally wrapped a blanket around Dick's waist, kissing his cheek. "I love you." "I know. Believe me, I know." "Good. You should try to get some sleep. You look exhausted." "I just need to get my blood sugar up again. I'll be fine once I drink the apple juice. Tim, you are amazing." Dick accepted the glass Tim handed him. "Just don't forget it." "What're you working on over there?" Wally asked, wrapping his arm around Dick's shoulders. "I'm trying to see if I can find a cure for the zombies. If we can cure them, we can end this." "How's it going?" "Shit." "Well, I hope you find an answer soon." "Me too."

Bruce and Barry walked in, immediately noticing the human on the couch. "Hey, kiddo. How're you doing?" Barry asked. "I'm doing pretty good. I just got some apple juice, so hopefully I'll be good after that. Hey, can we watch a movie? Since I'm currently unable to do anything." Bruce nodded. "Just don't crank the volume up too much. We don't want to attract zombies." "Got it. So, bedridden human, what do you want to watch?" "How about Wall-E?" "That's my movie!" "I'm the one who just got blood drawn. Put it on, darling." "Fine, but only for you." Wally started tickling Dick's sides, grinning as Dick started giggling. The human was so cute. Tim rolled his eyes, but couldn't keep the smile off of his face. "You're gonna make him miss the movie." "Nah. This is his fee for choosing my movie." "If it's his comfort movie, how is it your movie?" "We share the same name! Wally," Wally pointed at himself, then the TV. "Wall-E." "Whatever you say, man."

Dick and Wally stayed curled up for the duration of the movie, content to just sit with each other. The zombie apocalypse seemed to have slowed down, especially since the hoards of zombies had started turning on each other. There were so few humans left, especially compared to the zombies, that they had turned to eating each other. Wally had once watched a crazed zombie crack open another zombie's skull, pulling a pile of mush out. Wally assumed it was the brain, but didn't stick around for long when he saw the zombie start to eat the mush. He didn't eat much that night. After that, everybody started noticing it more. Zombies were more willing to attack easy prey, such as other zombies, rather than humans and vampires with weapons. It had almost got to the point where they could walk through town and not get attacked. They weren't quite there yet, but they were close. 

When the movie ended, Dick was fast asleep in Wally's arms. They were laying down on the couch, Dick's back pressed into Wally's stomach. The sky outside was dark, the moon hanging high in the sky. Wally chuckled softly. "So much for just needed apple juice. Come on, mister. It's bedtime." He carefully picked the ebony up, bringing him to their shared room. Dick always got sleepy when his blood was drawn, and always fell asleep despite his claims that he wouldn't. He tucked them both into bed, pulling Dick to his chest. "I love you, Dickie. Now and forever, I'll always love you." 

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