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"I don't like it in here. How the hell was this ever for children?" Flash shivered as they walked through the old pizzeria. Freddy Fazbear's pizzeria had shut down a few months ago, but Batman still had a bad feeling about it, so now the League was in this rotting building looking for...anything. "Well, it was a lot brighter and not rotting when kids were here. I remember coming here years ago." Dinah frowned. It seemed so strange, to see this place broken down. "What exactly are we looking for again? I'm tired of Bonnie staring at me." Hal shuddered at the rabbit animatronic, which had dull eyes. "Anything out of place, but keep an eye out for anything that might point to where the missing children went." Bruce rolled his eyes. They were being cowards. "I remember that story. Five kids went missing one day. I think it listed their names." "Jesse McCartney, Jason Spisak, Stephanie Lemelin, Khary Payton, and Crispin Freeman." "Jesse sounds like a singer's name." "Don't say stupid stuff like that."

"Enough. I'm going to the security office to try and access the tapes. The rest of you, look around for anything out of place. I don't care how small it is, just look." Batman huffed as he walked off, wondering how in the hell he ever managed to work with these idiots. "Jeez. Guess he didn't drink enough blood last night, huh?" Hal whispered to Barry. Canary rolled her eyes, but walked off towards Pirate's Cove. Back when she came here, before all the stuff about missing children, her favorite animatronic had been Foxy. The poor thing had always been on the side compared to the others, but Dinah liked that. She liked not having to race to the front to see a show. But Foxy was broken down. Most of the felt was missing, and his endoskeleton showed on his legs. There was a sign in front of his stage, although the letters were faded. 

"Are you here to help?" A small voice asked behind her. Dinah turned around, shocked to see a pale face and red hair. It was a little boy, although he was see through. His Right eye and right hand were gone, tears streaming down the left side of his face. Dinah wanted to run, but she held her composure. "Yes. What's your name?" She knelt down, watching as he walked closer. "Jason." "It's nice to meet you, Jason. What are you doing here?" Jason shrugged. "Can't leave." "Why can't you leave?" "Because he killed us. We can't leave while our bodies are here." "Are you talking about the other four?" Jason nodded. "He told us we'd meet the animatronics. I always wanted to meet Foxy. He brought me to the room in the back, but Foxy wasn't there. He cut off my hand, stabbed my eye, then stabbed my heart. Right here." Jason pointed to his chest, where Dinah noticed a dark spot. She couldn't believe it. Who'd be so cruel to children?

"Do you know where the others are? Maybe we can help them too." Jason nodded. "We're all in the animals. He put me in Foxy. Khary's in Freddy, Crispin's in Bonnie, Stephanie's in Chica, and Jesse's in Goldie." "Goldie?" "Yeah! They never used him for a show, though. His insides were broken. I can show you where he is, though! It's a secret room. Only us and the guy who killed us knows about it!" "Why don't you give me a second to tell the rest of my team, and then we'll go find everyone, okay?" Jason nodded vigorously. "Canary to everyone. I've found Jason's spirit. He says the bodies are all here, in the animatronics. They haven't been able to leave." "This is Superman. He knows where all of them are?" "It appears so. He says Jesse is in some secret room, so I'm going to go there. Some of you need to examine the other bodies." "I'll check out Freddy." Superman nodded. Hal sighed. "I'll get Chica." "I guess I'll get Bonnie. If I end up dead, you'll know who killed me." Barry groaned. 

Dinah brought her hand down, shaking her head. "Alright. I've got some of my friends going to get yours, okay? Why don't you take me to Jesse?" Jason nodded, walking into the kitchen. Most of the metal had rusted over, and there was a rotting smell coming from the pantry. "Through here. He's not fond of new people, so it may take him a minute to come out. Jesse, it's me! Come on out." Jason knocked on the wall, standing back and waiting. A quiet voice called out from behind the wall. "Who's with you?" "A friend. She's gonna help us get out of here." Jason held his hand out. Another pale hand passed through the wall, grabbing onto Jason's hand. "She's not gonna hurt us?" "No. She won't hurt us. If you come out, I can show you." A head peeked out, reluctance very clear on his face. Dinah knelt down, wondering why this one was so nervous when Jason seemed so open.

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