New home

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When the doorbell rang that night, Wally was expecting a mailman or a Jehovah's witness who'd overstepped their boundaries. Maybe a pizza deliveryman who went to the wrong house by accident. He wasn't expecting to see his seventeen year old boyfriend, who had a small bag and was sobbing. Without asking anything, Wally pulled Dick inside and sat him down on the couch. His skin was cold, like he'd been outside for a long time, and he was shivering. His eyes were red and puffy, and he was on the edge of hyperventilating. "Hey, breathe for me. You're breathing too fast. You're going to go into a panic attack. Just breathe. You don't have to tell me anything yet." Wally gently wiped away Dick's tears, holding Dick until he could talk. He needed to get Dick calm before he could figure out what was going on. Something big had happened, and it was clearly hurting Dick.

After about thirty minutes, Dick finally calmed down enough to sniffle out a few words. "Sorry." He croaked, desperately wiping his face with his sweater sleeves. "You don't need to apologize. Do you need anything? Food, maybe some water?" "Just a place to stay for a while." "Why? Did something happen?" Dick tried to look away. Wally carefully pulled Dick's head back to face him. "I just want to help you. I'm not here to judge. I promise." Dick finally sighed. "Bruce and I had a fight. He, um, he found out I wasn't straight and just kind of snapped. Started going on a rant about how he'd done so much for me, and how I just threw it all out the window. I'm not sure about this, but I think Jason might've heard a bit of it. He told me to pack my stuff and leave, so I left. I didn't know where else to go." Wally hugged Dick tighter. "I'm so sorry. I didn't...I shouldn't have asked you." Dick shrugged. "It's probably better than you do know. I know this is a lot to ask, but can I stay here for a bit? Just until I find my own place." "You can just stay here for good. We were already planning on moving in together anyway." "Really?" "Yeah! Come on, it's late and you're cold. Let's go to bed." "You're sure you don't mind?" "Not at all. I love you, and I don't care how much of an asshole Bruce is. I'm going to love you no matter what."

Dick let Wally lead him to bed, changing into a pair of boxers and one of his boyfriend's shirts. Wally's clothes always hung off of him, but he loved wearing them. They made him feel safe, which he desperately needed right now. When his parents died, Bruce was the person who filled the gap in his heart. He promised Dick a home, and gave him a place where he was happy and comfortable. Now it was gone. Dick's home had been shattered again, and his father had once more perished. He had no idea if Jason was okay. Alfred probably wouldn't let Bruce touch the kid, especially not when he was enraged, but there was no telling what an angry Bruce would do. He should probably call and let Alfred know he was safe, but he was so scared of Bruce picking up the phone. It was probably better to keep his distance for now. He could always try later. Right now, later sounded good.

Dick didn't sleep much that night. Every time he closed his eyes, he could see Bruce yelling at him, calling him awful things like "abominable" and "faggot," reminding him that Dick was no longer his son. Wally seemed content to stay up with him, holding him every time he woke up. Although he didn't show it, Wally was pissed. How the hell do you take a kid in after his parents die, promise to be there for him, and then dip when it turns out he's gay? What sense does that make? Dick had been an amazing son. He usually did what Bruce asked, unless it was some brainless request about the vigilante side of things. He always brought home good grades, and he didn't break rules. He even went to all of those stuffy galas, despite the fact that people didn't like him there! They hated the fact that a little circus boy was living the high society life. He made a mental note to slap Bruce the next time they saw each other, because that was utter bullshit. Wally had seen some bullshit in his life, but Bruce's bullshit was surpassing them all. 

When the sun rose, neither moved. They'd gotten no more than an hour's rest last night, and Wally knew that his boyfriend needed to be with someone right now. For the longest time, they just laid in bed and said nothing. It was an old cliche, but they didn't need to say anything. Wally knew that Dick was hurting, and Dick knew that Wally was there to help him. Dick had been ignoring his ringing phone all night, which now sat in silence on the nightstand. He knew it was probably other heroes who were just concerned for him, or maybe news outlets looking for the next hot story, but he just couldn't care. He always knew there was a chance that he would lose Bruce, but he always assumed it would be from the job. A henchman that got lucky, or a trap he couldn't escape. It just wasn't fair that he lost Bruce to his hate. What had caused Bruce to hate gay people so much, anyway? Was it passed down from his father? Did he have a bad experience with gays? It didn't make sense at all. Bruce donated to thousands of charities, and seemed to care for all life. Well, all life except for homosexuals. 

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