Sailing the high seas 2

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Dick had been a member of Wally's crew for the past three years, and he was happier than he'd ever been. He felt much better out at sea, and he'd managed to earn the crew's respect faster than anyone else. It had only taken two weeks and a raid from another crew before Dick was truly part of the group. Nobody messed with him, lest they get a bullet in their head. He and Wally had ended up together when the crew set them up, so the redhead was fiercely protective of him. Everyone had somehow unanimously decided to protect the youngest member from any harm. Of course, as is life, harm actively sought out the newest pirate. Let's start with a treasure hunt that nearly killed him.

He'd been with Wally as they walked through a cave, holding up a lantern to light their path. He could hear water dripping around him, plopping down on the stones around him. Wally was leading him through the tunnels, turning around corners and weaving through stalagmites. They'd been walking for a while, and Dick was worried they were lost. "You sure we're going the right way?" "Yep. Two more rights, and we'll be there." "This seems eerily quiet for a cave, especially one with a mountain of treasure in it." "I know, but sometimes you get caves that are just spooky. It'll be fine. We'll be in and out in a jiffy." "You're sure?" "I'm positive. We're only investigating. We're not taking anything yet." "Please. I saw you slip a coin in your pocket last time." "That was for authentication." "Sure."

Wally held out his hand, smiling at Dick. He knew most people would be running away screaming if they knew where they were, but Dick wasn't. He was right there next to him. Dick grabbed his hand, letting himself get pulled closer. He and Wally had been dating for about four months, and Dick was one of the happiest pirates on the ship. He knew he'd have to take risks with this job, but he always felt better when Wally was with him. "We'll be okay. I promise." "I know. I'm glad you're with me." "I'm glad I'm with you, too. I feel like this goes better when someone's with me." "That's cause there's someone to watch your back." "Just so long as you're not looking at my ass." "That ass is a treasure in itself, Walls. There's a reason I saved that for me."

They finally turned into a large cavern, and the gold in that room alone would've been enough to equal Bruce's riches. "Whoa. We hit the jackpot, Dickie!" Wally chuckled, walking through the mountains of gold. "Are those blankets made of gold?" "They are. Look at all this! We'd be set for life!" "Yeah. We would." Wally looked over at Dick, who didn't seem to excited. "Hey. What's wrong?" Wally walked over, gently cupping Dick's face. "All this. It just reminds me of my dad. You know we didn't get along well, but all I left him was a note. A note that said I was sick of his lifestyle. I didn't even tell him I was going to be a sailor. I haven't written to him since then. He probably thinks I'm dead, Walls. I can't get rid of that guilt, and seeing all of this just seems to hit me again. How do I let him know I'm alive without telling him I do this stuff?"

Wally chuckled, kissing Dick's forehead. "You tell him you're a sailor, and that you're happy this way. You're healthier, too. You tell him this lifestyle suits you better than being a nobleman, but that you can always help him with business." "You'd let me go back just like that?" "Well, no. I'd probably put up a fight. But he is still your family, and if you need to go back, then you go back. I'm not here to stop you, or make you unhappy. I'm here to do what you need me to do. If that means bringing you back to your dad? I'll be unhappy, but I'll do it. It's your life, Dick, your past. I'm just here to make the ride a little bit easier." Dick smiled, leaning his forehead to touch Wally's. "Thanks, babe." "No problem, my little star."

The gold next to the duo clinked, a few coins falling from the top. They jumped back, staring at the mountain. "That's not good." "Especially since this place was so devoid of life earlier." "Let's split up. That way it can't go after both of us." "Deal. Should we go get the others?" "No. If it's really that dangerous, bringing them will only put them in danger. We just need to look around." Dick nodded, heading towards a throne piled with gold. Wally headed towards a chest, strangely plain compared to the rest of the room. Neither had a good feeling about this place. There was no way a cavern of gold just goes unnoticed by people. Even if the map was hidden, they were adventurers. Somebody else should've found it by now. The cave was actually very exposed on the outside. Maybe it was the twisting tunnels? It was practically a maze back there.

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