Dog Park

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Wally sat on the bench, typing on his phone as his dog ran around. He usually came here on his days off, since Tucker was always stuck in his small apartment when he was gone. It gave him time to run around and have fun when he didn't normally have the space. He would spend hours here, letting Tucker have fun and run around.

Lately, however, he'd noticed a new arrival at the park. It was a black haired man who usually came with seven different dogs. He would train some, and the others would run around. The pit bull he brought usually played with Tucker, and was one of the sweetest dogs Wally had ever met. The human was pretty sweet himself.

Wally infatuation with him started the way every romance movie with dogs started. He'd been walking Tucker through the park when he started running a different direction, towards the man with seven dogs. They ran around until the leashes were tangled around their legs, pulling them close together. Wally had found himself completely in love. He hadn't gotten his name, to busy trying to stop the flood of apologies that came from the younger. What he did get was that he was a pet sitter for a wealthy neighborhood, and that he brought the dogs here to play. He was very good at watching the dogs, making sure they didn't get into fights or get aggressive.

Tucker started yipping, running over to the gate and running along the fence. The dog sitter was back again, although he only had one dog with him today. It was the pit bull, and Tucker seemed excited. "Hey. Where's your crew?" Wally called. "Dog show today. They're all competing." The raven haired guy answered, opening the gate and stepping inside. "Not this one?" "Nah. Last time she tried to compete, she almost got her ear bit off by a chihuahua. Plus, this show isn't allowing pit bulls."

"Why?" "They claim they're too aggressive. I don't really mind. She's mine, anyway. I don't like putting her in environments that make her uncomfortable. That's why I like here. Not too many people, and your dog gets along with her just fine."  "He's usually pretty chill. How did you find this place?" "Got a recommendation from a friend. I've been happy with it." "Yeah. I enjoy it too. I have a small apartment, so it's nice to let him run around. I need a bigger place, but I can't afford it, and doggy daycare is ridiculously expensive." "I understand that. Mind if I sit here?" Wally shook his head, sliding over to give the other room.

"I'm Wally. I never did get your name." "Dick Grayson. You're the one I got tangled up with." "Yeah. How do you handle all of those dogs? Surely they're not all attentive." "I work out. I started because I wanted to be able to hold any dog like it was a baby. It's payed off, especially whenever I pass a mailman. Those dogs go nuts." "Rich dogs, huh?" "Don't get me started. I have to carry around a bag of special food for one of the dogs because she's on a diet. Something stupid her owner put her on. I throw the container away and get her some real food. I don't like making their health worse when I know I can treat them better." "Is it a vegan diet?" "Worse. A carb diet." "No." "Yeah. She doesn't have any allergies or anything, so it's not that. Her owner went on one, so they decided to put her on one too. I tried to explain to them that it wasn't healthy, but they just brushed me off."

"Do they give her any protein supplements?" "Nope. Says they're 'the work of the devil', whatever the hell that means. I give her some whenever I see her, which is about every two days. I also groom them, so each one has a very specific care routine they have to go through, or their owners get pissy. This is the only money I can make right now, so I can't risk losing any of this. They're all tight knit, so if one drops me, the rest will too. It's a sucky situation." "No kidding. I work for a pharmacy down by the taco building, so-" "Taco building?" "I always go there to get tacos, so that's what I call it." "Makes sense. Go on." "I work for the pharmacy, so I know what it's like to need that job. Do you have an apartment or something?" "Yeah. Rent went up just a bit ago, so now I need this job even more."

"Why don't you move in with me?" "Seriously? We barely even know each other. I could be a serial killer, for all you know." "Yeah. Tucker likes you, and I trust his judgement. It'll cut down rent and stuff, and we can help each other with our dogs." Dick chuckled. "True. I mean, we could." "But?" "But if I don't make it to the houses on time, I could lose my income. I don't know where you live, and I don't know how far away it is." "Which neighborhood do you go to?" "Glenn-wood. You know, the one with the golf course and stuff?" "Yeah. It's a twenty minute drive from my place. It could work." "What about size? My place isn't huge either, but we're putting two dogs in a small space." "That's what here is for. We can take them here and let them run some energy out." "I suppose it could work. I'll have to think about it." "How about I get your number? That way you can call me when you've made up your mind." "Got your phone on you?" Wally nodded, pulling it out.

Wally sat in his apartment that night, watching his phone anxiously. He really hoped Dick would respond. Wally had sent over a few memes earlier, just to make sure it worked. Dick had giggled at them, calling Wally a dork. Now Wally could get that laugh out of his head. It was so pretty. His smile was amazing too, with dazzling teeth that looked like pearls. Tucker was curled up in his lap, dozing on his knee. He always conked out after a day at the park, which made Wally happy. Tucker tuckered himself out. His phone rang on the table, lighting up with Dick's name. It was a text.

"It's a deal."

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