Sailing the high seas

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Wally sat on the bow of the ship, watching the waves roll beneath him. He was a pirate, and a damn good one at that. He had one of the fastest ships on the ocean, which meant he could swoop in and take whatever he wanted without anybody knowing. He had a good crew, and people knew by now not to mess with him. Even the Navy didn't bother him anymore. Well, it helped that he'd sunk over fifty Navy ships, and over sixty other ships. Yes, he had a well earned reputation. However, ignorant high class people still didn't know who he was. That meant he could go into rich colonies and steal from the people there.

Dick was the son of the richest man in the island of Curacao, and he was bored out of his mind. He'd never wanted to be a nobleman. He'd never wanted to be in high society. He wanted to be a sailor. But not just any sailor; he wanted to be a pirate. He wanted to be free as a bird on the endless sea, plundering whatever he wanted from unsuspecting fools. He wanted to go on daring chases, wild adventures, he wanted to run from the law in ways being rich didn't allow him. He wanted to run up and down the decks, wanted to swing on the ropes and wanted to sleep in a hammock. He was tired of his bed, soft but stationary. He wanted to sleep in a hammock, which swung with the waves. He knew how to sail, too, but Bruce would never let him. He said it wasn't a nobleman's job to sail, that was the sailor's.

One night, Dick snuck out of his house. He went to the local pub, hoping to find something. None of the ships had pirate flags, but why would they? They could get arrested and killed here. Dick was dressed like a commoner, as Bruce called out, ragged old pants and a loose blue shirt with strings at the neck. It felt better than the tight as hell clothing Bruce insisted he wear. Why would anyone wear that stuff? It was suffocating. Besides, he had to behave in those. In these, not so much. Nobody would bat an eye if someone dressed like him came in. If someone like Bruce came in here, however, they'd probably be torn to pieces or robbed of everything they had. Maybe he'd find a crew here.

Dick leaned against the bar. "Whatcha looking for?" The bartender asked, cleaning a cup. "Got any rum?" "Yeah. Want a mug?" "Yeah. Thanks." The bartender nodded, filling a cup and setting it in front of him. "Well, what's a little thing like you doing here?" The guy next to Dick asked. He looked like a creep. "Looking for a crew to join. What's it to you?" "Just wondering how such a pretty thing got here." The guy reached out. "Hands off. Unless you're part of a crew or a captain, I'm not interested." "That's no way to treat a stranger." "I want nothing to do with you unless you meet the requirements. If you don't, leave me alone." "Why, you little-" "Do we have a problem here, gentlemen?"

Dick looked over to see a redhead in a coat. "What's it to you?" "I happen to be looking for a new addition to my crew. He's looking for a crew to join. If he'll take it, I have an offer for him. Touch him, and you'll be touching me crew. And I don't take that lightly." He shifted his coat, revealing a tattoo on his chest. Dick grinned at the skull and bones. The creep paled, mumbling under his breath about friends and walking away. "Thanks. Name's Dick. You?" "Wally. You saw it?" "Yeah. You are the type of crew I'm looking for." "I assume you know the risks?" "Yeah. I don't care. I'm tired of behaving all the time. I want to let loose a little. Always wanted to be a pirate." "You know how to sail?" "Yeah. I learned when my dad wasn't shoving lessons down my throat."

Wally smiled. He held out his hand. "Dick, you've got yourself a deal. You sure you won't be missed?" "I will be, but they've been trying to control me my entire life. It's time to break free." Wally grinned, slinging his arm around Dick's neck. "I think you and I are going to be great friends." "We could be more." "True, but I generally like to know my partners before we get together." "We'll have plenty of time out there." "C'mon, I think it's time you meet the crew. You're gonna have to make some appearance changes, to make sure you're identity isn't found out. I can tell a rich boy when I see one." "Well, hopefully soon, I'll actually be earning my riches." "Damn straight."

Wally led Dick to his ship, a big boat on the edge of the harbor. It was a nice ship. "Stole this beauty from a bastard named Luthor. She's been good to us." "No flag?" "Oh, we've got one. But I'd rather not advertise our criminality to all the rick folk. Sides, it lets us get into ports without suspicion. Who's going to suspect such a great looking ship?" Dick grinned. "Bloody brilliant." "Trust me. I'm a genius. We're leaving tomorrow. Are you sure you want to join us? This is your only chance to back out." Dick nodded. "I'm sure." "Then come aboard. Let's see what the crew thinks of you." "I'm excited." "Been through storms?" "Many." "Then you'll be just fine. Welcome to the crew of the Victory Bell."

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