Elemental Chaos

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Wally hummed as he walked the halls of Hogwarts, looking for his third year friend Dick Grayson. Wally was a Gryffindor. Bravery and stubbornness and all that shit. When his Muggle mom and Wizard dad found out he had been accepted, they sent him off without a second though. It was an excuse to get the annoying kid out of their house. Wally didn't mind. He got to be who he was here, and had plenty of friends. He stayed over the holidays as well, which is where he met Dick. It was back in Dick's first year. The poor thing was so turned around by Hogwarts, and was bullied about it by a nasty group of seventh years. Wally had come across the scene and had stood up for Dick, like any classic Gryffindor would do, and the two became inseparable. Dick was a Ravenclaw, and for one very obvious reason: he was smart as all hell. Despite only being a third year, he'd mastered several sixth year spells. He excelled at every class, and never seemed to struggle with spells. He even knew how to cast spells without speaking, which Wally was jealous of. He was good at potions, somehow getting on Snape's good side despite being a Gryffindor.

Even though they were different houses and different years, Dick and Wally were extremely close. Wally had helped Dick learn the layout of Hogwarts, and Dick was helping Wally master spells. You could usually find Dick at the Gryffindor table during meals, talking to the others and helping with homework. Wally was surprised Dick didn't charge for it. He could make some serious bank on the people who forgot essays (Wally was guilty of that one). Whenever they had breaks that lined up, they'd meet in the library or the Great Hall. Dick would work on homework while listening to Wally rant about classes, giggling whenever Wally came up with a funny pun. You'd have to be blind if you didn't see how much they cared for each other. Several of the teachers had noted this, and Professor Mcgonagall was dreading the day they'd find out about James Potter and Sirius Black. The two already a reputation as pranksters, occasionally setting their sights on another student within their friend group.

Their friend group consisted of Wally, Dick, Artemis, Conner, Aqualad, and M'gann. Artemis was a fifth year Slytherin, and excelled at Quidditch. It was a running joke that the small group could be a Quidditch team themselves. Aqualad was a sixth year Ravenclaw, who spent most of his free time down at the lake. He was the Ravenclaw goalie, and had a reputation for being unbeatable. In the last three years, nobody had scored a shot when it came to Kaldur. He was the calm person of the group, able to solve problems in seconds. Conner was a second year Gryffindor with anger issues to spare. He was a Beater for the Gryffindor team, and had a knack for knocking people off their brooms. You could usually find him in the library, sitting next to the forbidden section. M'gann was a fourth year Hufflepuff, and a natural at telepathy. She could read a person's thoughts right as they thought it, and used it to her advantage. She knew all the gossip in Hogwarts, and had plenty of blackmail. She rarely used it, but very few people wanted to take that chance. The only people she couldn't get into were the professors and Dick. Dick always knew when to block her out. 

Wally went into the courtyard, shocked to see Dick in the fountain. It wasn't surprising to find Dick in strange places, but it was surprising to see he had a rain cloud over his head. Wally sighed as he walked over. "Dick, darling, love of my life, why is there a rain cloud over your head?" He asked as he sat on the ground, outside of the rainstorm. "Hey, Walls. Accident in transfiguration. Another kid accidentally cast a rain spell instead of a change spell. We were trying to turn coins into spoons. Well, they were. I did. Mcgonagall just told me to keep doing it twelve times, then I could work on another class. Managed to get about halfway through my essay for Snape before this happened. The teachers are trying to find someone who knows the reversal spell. The sucky thing is it's in the book in my bag,  but I can't get it without soaking it." Dick crossed his arms, pouting. Dick's bag was on the far wall, sitting away from the water. "Don't you have some sort of waterproof spell?" "You're not allowed to enchant library books." Wally nodded, walking over to Dick's bag and pulling out an old book. "Spells for the Curious Wizard or Witch. Really?" He raised an eyebrow, opening the book and flipping through the pages. "I've already learned all the other spells. I'm trying to memorize those, but it's kinda hard when you can't actually touch the book." Dick shrugged. 

"You know the name of it?" "Try the Removal spell. If not, the Reversal spell." Wally flipped through until he found the page he wanted. "Here we go. The removal spell. Good for any hexes, curses, or unwanted love potions." "Just tell me how to cast it. I'd rather get it over with than wait for you to figure it out." "Alright, alright. Try remotionem." Wally turned the book around, letting Dick look at the page. "Alright. This may take me a second. You may want to back up. Don't want to be removing your face, or something." Dick pulled out his wand, standing up from his spot. He was completely soaked, and Wally was thankful that it was warm out. "Alright, here goes nothing. Remotionem!" Dick pointed his wand at the cloud, grinning when a red beam shot out. The cloud slowly dissipated, letting the sun shine on Dick's face again. "There we go. Much better. Sicco." Dick uttered once he stepped out, grinning as the water evaporated. "Dude, you're unreal." Wally shook his head. "What can I say? I'm a master." "You just learned a brand new spell in a matter of seconds. Why aren't your classes seventh year classes?" "I'm probably going to skip ahead a few years next year. I'm going to talk to Dumbledore about it next week. We may be in the same year next year." Dick grinned. "You'd have to take your OWLs next year, then." "Took em last year. Outstanding on every test." "Unbelievable. Simply unbelievable." Wally shook his head as Dick grabbed his bags, walking with him to the Great Hall.

They ran into Flitwick on the way, who was followed by Mcgonagall. "Mister Grayson! I see you've solved your problem." Flitwick grinned. "A removal spell. Had to get Wally to find the spell in my book. I'm good now." "Very resourceful, Mister Grayson. Mister West, you helped when you didn't need to. Twenty points to Ravenclaw, ten to Gryffindor." Dick and Wally grinned, continuing their travels to the Hall. "You know, you've seriously got to teach me how you learn those spells so easily." Dick shrugged. "I don't know how I do. It just...kind of happens. Magic comes naturally for me. Pretty ironic, considering I didn't know anything about magic before first year." Dick's parents had been magic, but had passed when he was only nine. "Did you have any signs they were magic? Anything weird you couldn't figure out?" "No. We just seemed like a normal family. Come on. I'm hungry, and I don't want to lose all the food to your stomach." Dick playfully elbowed Wally's side, which his stomach growled at. "Not my fault that kid's speed potion exploded on me." Wally blushed. It had happened his second year, but it was brewed wrong, so it was permanent. The kid just barely managed to keep from being expelled. Wally had been in the medical wing for a week before he was sent back to the common room. 

Dick sat down at the Gryffindor table, glad that some of lunch was still left. "You know, for a Ravenclaw, you're in Gryffindor territory a lot." Wally said as he sat down. Dick shrugged. "It's nice here. Everyone at the Ravenclaw table just talks about studies, and test results. People talk about other stuff here. Besides, you're here." Wally blushed. It was no secret the two were head over heels for each other. "Hey, I've got Muggle Studies next. If you want, I can give you my notes afterward so you have something new. Besides, we can laugh at how inaccurate it is." "Sure, Speedy. Just make sure they're legible this time." "It was one time! Once!"

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