Deal with the devil 8

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Smut warning! Don't like, don't read.

Dick grinned as Wally pinned him down, Wally's hands making his seem tiny in comparison. He could hold both of Dick's wrists in one hand, and his fingers touched when he wrapped his hands around Dick's waist. Sure, Dick could change his size to match Wally's, but he liked this. He liked being small, liked feeling protected. He liked it when Wally wrapped around him, like a protective cocoon. 

Wally dipped his head down, sliding his fangs against Dick's gentle neck. "You look so good like that. All spread out for me. Can't wait to get inside of you. It's been too long." He mused, his free hand trailing down Dick's stomach. "That's cause you've been busy. I didn't want to interrupt you." Dick whispered, panting at the heat in his stomach. "You should've told me. I can always take time off to help you. You need to feed." "You don't need to get behind because of me." "Believe me, I am way ahead. I like spending time with you, so I work hard to clear time. There's nothing better than you."

Dick blushed. Wally chuckled, gently sinking his teeth into Dick's neck. Dick gasped, tilting his head to give the redhead more access. His long, scaly tail was wrapped around Dick's waist, keeping him in place as he sucked and bit marks into his neck and shoulders. Dick hummed softly, leaning into Wally's embrace. Okay, yeah, he'd only told Wally he needed to feed because he almost passed out (again), but he had a good reason! Wally had a lot of work to do daily, and Dick didn't want to be the reason he got behind. It had taken him over sixty years to get used to asking for things from the servants. Wally was another matter entirely. 

Wally flipped them over, putting Dick on top. "Wally?" "Come on, baby. I want to see you ride me." "Which one?" "Whichever you prefer. If you get too tired, I can always take over." Dick nodded, reaching behind him and grabbing Wally's length. It was long and thick, as always, but...holy shit, were those barbs? "You try to stay in me tonight?" "Hell, wrong one. One or two?" "Mm, let's go two tonight." Wally grinned, changing until the head of his cock was thicker and flatter. "Horse cock? Really?" "You chose it." "What was the other one?" "Tentacle." "I'm getting that one in me later tonight." "You got it."

Dick positioned Wally's cock at the tip of his folds, his slick slowly dripping over the head. He slowly sank down, moaning as the thick head pushed past his entrance. "You're really tight. You like this, don't you?" "Wally, I'm trying my best not to fall here. If you make me laugh, something might rip." "Is it too big?" "No, I've just got to get used to it. My body will change to fit it, I just need to get it all in." "Alright. Tell me if you need any help." "I think I'll be okay. Thanks for the offer, though." 

Dick managed to get all the way down, resting his head on Wally's shoulder. "Give me a minute. It takes longer when I'm low on energy." "I didn't even do anything!" "I could sense it. You're just begging to get me moving, aren't you?" "I can't help it. You're too sexy."  "That's my job." "Oh, I know it. I'm glad I managed to scoop you up before anybody else got you." "I'm glad you got me." "How about now? Is it better?" "Yeah. Better brace yourself."

Dick lifted himself up, until only the tip remained inside. He slammed himself down, moaning at how Wally spread him out, made him feel full. "Just like that." Wally grinned, wrapping his hands around Dick's hips and helping him move. He loved when he could get Dick on his cock, loved making him move and show himself off. If he had a choice, he'd stay here every second, watching as Dick enjoyed himself. 

Wally summoned a collar, pulling Dick forward by the leash. "Come on, baby. Let Daddy take care of you. You gonna let me fuck you good? I'll go nice and deep, just like you like it." Dick whimpered, nodding enthusiastically. Wally pinned Dick to the bed again, wrapping the leash around his wrists. Dick only had a few seconds to prepare himself before Wally started moving, thrusting that giant cock into Dick's body. Dick yelped at the first thrust, any breath knocked out of his lungs after that. His legs instinctively wrapped around Wally, tears bubbling up in his eyes.

Dick cried out as he came, squirting against Wally's stomach. The Demon Lord grinned, pulling Dick closer. "Such a good boy for me. You like this, don't you? You like when I use your body." Dick whimpered, body aching as Wally continued his rampage. Dick didn't have enough energy yet, so this hurt a little. He'd be okay in a bit. He knew he would. It always happened. Wally always took care of him when he needed it. 

Dick passed out at some point, pulled close to Wally's body. He woke up later, to find his face pressed into the pillow and a tentacle inside his walls. "You're awake. Good. I was afraid that you would miss this." Wally purred in his ear, kissing his shoulder. "What happened?" "You passed out. Don't worry, I've got you." Wally pressed into Dick's body, growling softly in his ear. A moan was punched out of his chest as Wally came inside of him, overflowing his uterus and dripping down his legs. Wally pulled out, admiring his cum sliding down Dick's trembling thighs. 

"Feel better?" Wally asked, looking at Dick's face now. "Yeah. Mind helping me clean up? I don't think I'll be walking for a bit." "Yeah. I love you, Dick. If you ever need to feed, just tell me. I can always make time for you." "Thanks, Wally. I'll try." "All you have to do is ask, darling. Come one, let's get you to bed." "I love you so much." "I know you do." 

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