Redhead squad 2.0

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Smut warning! Don't like, don't read.

"Well now, what's this? Starting without us?" Roy smirked as he walked into the bedroom, a bottle of lube in his hands. "You were taking too long, Harper. We got impatient. Besides, I don't hear him complaining." Barbara smirked, motioning to the man between her legs. Dick was sucking at her clit, held there by the slender hand in his hair. "Anyway, it's been so long since he got a treat. There's no harm in pampering him a little." Kori added, two skilled fingers sliding in and out of Dick's tight hole. "Who said he didn't? I'm just wondering why you bad girls couldn't wait." Roy slid behind Barbara, pulling her to his chest and biting on her neck. Wally sat next to Kori, sliding a finger at her dripping entrance. A whimper was forced out of Dick's throat as Kori started rubbing against his prostate, and he squirmed ever so slightly to get away from the unrelenting pressure.

The group had a little system. Wally and Roy were the top doms. They were the ones that always filled the dom role, and kept the others in place. They were the Alpha males, the ones who took care of the pack. Kori and Barbara were the betas, the half-and-half's. They weren't quite dominant enough to truly be Alphas, but they weren't completely submissive. They usually behaved, but it seemed they needed a little punishment that night. That was fine. Wally and Roy were happy to oblige. Finally, there was Dick. The True Sub, as they called him. Everyone knew Dick could be an Alpha male if he wanted to be, but he wasn't. He'd told them before that he liked it when control was given to someone else. He liked when they took care of him. Dick was the baby boy of the group, and was often pampered by everyone else. He very rarely received punishments, and was considered the Omega. Everyone knew everyone's limits, and very rarely were they pushed over. However, they all had a safe word in case it did go haywire.

Kori shivered as Wally pushed his finger inside of her, pressing into Dick's prostate harder. Dick yelped, almost choking on slick. "Now, now. That's not nice. We don't want to hurt him, now do we?" Wally slid his other hand under Kori's neck, making her look up and reveal perfectly tan skin, ready for marking. He could see Roy on the other side of the bed, holding Barbara's arms behind her back and marking her shoulders up with hickeys. The girls loved it rough, and they loved to be punished, so he knew they were getting off on this. Roy did too. However, this time they had a plan. They knew the girls wouldn't wait, and they knew they'd draw Dick into his subspace without having everyone there. They knew exactly how to make them desperate.

Roy slid his arm under Barbara's knees, lifting her off of Dick. She whined, but he shushed her. "You don't get to complain tonight. You did this to yourself." He set her on one of the bed corners, standing up next to her. "Stay, or you'll only make it worse for yourself." She pouted, but Roy knew she'd listen. Roy then moved to sit behind Dick, helping him sit up as Kori continued to open him. "Hey, honey. Can you hear me, Dickie?" Dick nodded, groaning softly while Kori removed her fingers. "Do you remember your safe word?" Dick nodded again. "Come on, baby. Use your words. What's your safe word?" Dick drew in a shaky breath, hands holding onto the sheets tightly. "P-Philadelphia." "That's it. Do you think you can go get the toys? Or are your legs too shaky?" "Need a minute." "Okay. Take as long as you need, honey. We've got all night." Roy smirked at Barbara. He knew she hated waiting.

Dick nodded after about a minute, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. "Are you sure you've got it?" Roy asked. Dick nodded again. "I'm sure. I'm okay now." "Okay. Just bring the small box, okay? We don't need too much tonight." Dick nodded once more, pushing himself off the bed and walking unsteadily towards the closet in Roy's room. They lived in a pretty big house, so each had a room. Roy kept all the toys in his, so nobody but Wally could use them without asking him first. "Now, as for you two, I think I know the perfect punishment. You were so impatient, so you had Dick make you feel good. Now you're going to make him feel good. You're going to help us get him off, and if you behave, maybe we'll give you your release. If not, we won't. And there will be no touching yourself, you hear?" They nodded.

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