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Dick didn't know where he was. He didn't know who was with him. He couldn't remember much, either. All he remembered was being at the Manor, in the library doing research. The next thing he knew, he was awake in a dimly lit room, unable to pick himself up off the chair he was sitting in. It felt like his brain was a pile of mush, and exhaustion ran deep through his veins. He couldn't find the energy to pick his head up, and he had some sort of muzzle on that kept him from talking. He knew he should be scared, and should be trying to escape, but he was too tired to try. His body ached, too. Maybe he'd worked out too much recently? That didn't seem likely, though. Alfred and Wally watched over his workout carefully, to make sure he wasn't doing too much.

"And you're sure it's worked?" A voice asked from outside the door. "Positive. He's just sat there for six hours. He'll listen to everything we say." Another giggled in response. Dick furrowed his brow. He knew those voices. He knew he should be feeling some sort of emotion, but he couldn't figure out what. Where had he heard those voices before? It was on the tip of his tongue, but he just couldn't figure it out. A door opened in front of him, but he couldn't find it in himself to look up. "See? He's completely under our control. He doesn't recognize voices, so he'll listen to whatever anyone says." A hand grabbed his chin, pulling his head up and forcing him to look at two men. They looked familiar, but he couldn't remember why. One was really pale, with green hair, and the other was dressed in some sort of green suit and hat. "I'm impressed. I didn't think a clown of your stature could pull off something like this. We've sent the ransom demand?" "Yep. Brucie should be getting it any second now." 

The hand around his chin disappeared, and his head dropped. "I take it that's a side effect?" "Unfortunately, yes. He's too exhausted to hold himself up unless instructed." "I say we take him with us. Test just how much this thing works." "Alrighty. Stand up, kiddo." Dick felt his body move. It was strange; he didn't want to stand. He was so tired, and any movement made it worse. A hand grabbed his wrist, wrapping something metal around it. He knew what those were, he just couldn't remember the name of them. They did the same with his other wrist, and he realized he wouldn't be able to pull them too far apart. What were they called again? Why couldn't he remember them? What was anything they were talking about? The man in the green suit wrapped a hand around the chain, pulling him forward. He stumbled a little, but managed to regain his footing. "Come on, Dickie! Time to walk a little." The purple suited man laughed, skipping in front of the other man. They knew his name. How did they know his name?

Dick must've zoned out at one point, because he was suddenly in another room, sitting on a couch. There were dozens of people in the room, all talking to each other. "How much did you demand?" "Fifteen mil. Still amazes me how much someone will pay for their kid. You sure he's not going to try and run?" A woman asked. "I'm sure. Look at him. He can barely keep his eyes open. He won't be able to leave unless we're with him." "Can I play with him? I wanna see what makes him tick!" "No, unfortunately. We need him unharmed. Maybe If Wayne doesn't pay up, then you can." Wayne...was that Bruce? Where was Bruce? Was he okay? What about the rest of his family. "What about the Bat? What if he comes in?" "Then I will break him. He will not get close to the boy." That accent was familiar. South America, maybe? He knew somebody with a South American accent, but he didn't remember who.

"Alright, scatter, ya idiots. We got work to do, and starin at the kid ain't gonna do 'em." A rough voice commanded. The group of people surrounding him disappeared, except for a man in a green cloak. "That means you too, Ra's." "I don't take orders from a mob boss. Besides, is there no other way to get his compliance? Seeing him so dull is strange." "We coulda used a lotta chains, but druggin 'im was easier. Plus, less money. Every breath, he drugs himself more, so we don't gotta worry about it wearin' off. Plus, chains can be broken. Locks can be picked. Meds can't be stopped." "Very well. But I would make sure he doesn't overdose. Too much, and he may die before Wayne ever gets the chance to see him." "I'll be watchin' 'im. You worry too much for an old man." "An old man who has seen this go down before. The rich may be easy to steal from, but you know the Detective will be after us soon." "I ain't worried about the Bat. We've got a little distraction for him downtown." "It didn't work."

The lights went off, plunging the room - and Dick - into darkness. There was the sound of grunting and falling somewhere to his right, and something very loud to his left. A gloved hand wrapped around his chest, pulling him behind the couch he'd been sitting on. "Don't worry, Dick. I'm going to get you out of here." A gruff voice whispered. He knew that voice. That voice made him feel warm, and safe. There was some sort of clicking, and the metal bands fell off of his wrists. He wanted to see this person. He could feel a suit under him, although it felt similar to armor. Wait, how did he know what armor felt like? Arms wrapped around his body, gently lifting him and carrying him away. Now he was really tired. It was hard to think, and trying to think took energy that he didn't have. He leaned into the broad chest, letting his eyes drift closed. Surely this person wouldn't mind if he took a small nap. 

Dick woke up to hands gently shaking him. He was on a stone floor with his head propped up, but the air around him seemed different. Cooler. "Dick, wake up. Open your eyes, Dick. I need to see them." It took some effort, but Dick managed to crack his eyes open, looking up to meet dark blue eyes. "Hey, Dickie. Stay with me, chum. I'm going to cut the muzzle off, but I need you to sit still. Just focus on me, okay? Just keep your eyes up here." Dick could feel Bruce grabbing one of the straps on the muzzle, and heard fabric getting cut, before the muzzle came off. The first breath Dick took made him feel like he hadn't been breathing. Cool air entered his lungs, not diluted by any drugs. It felt like a burst of energy had been injected into his body, bringing thought back to his brain. "...Bruce?" "Hey, chum. How do you feel?" "Strange. I don't know how to describe it. I'm tired, but awake at the same time." "How about we go home, and have Alfred check you out?" "Sounds great. Where's Wally?" "Eagerly awaiting your return." "Then let's go!"

It took about ten minutes for the duo to get to the cave, but it only took twelve for the couple to reunite. Dick had almost fallen on his face because he forgot his body wasn't exactly the strongest at the moment, but Wally quickly caught him. It took less than thirteen for the tears to start pouring. Wally held Dick to his chest, pressing kisses to his forehead and whispering soft thanks to whatever god might've been listening. It had taken a little bit of prompting to get the duo apart so Alfred to check on Dick, but Wally eventually let him go. The redhead stayed close to Dick anyway, sitting next to the gurney as Alfred did neuroevals and took samples for drug tests. Wally held Dick's hand as the avian fell asleep, promising him that no matter what happened, he would be next to him when he woke again. And hey, if he fell asleep next to Dick's bed, holding his hand? He'd gladly do it again.

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