Sleepy team

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Wally was holding onto the side of the Bio-ship tightly, trying not to let himself get thrown around. One of their missions had gone wrong, again, and now they were trying to get into the ocean alive. They were being followed closely by several planes, all firing at them. To make matters worse, they'd somehow drugged Dick, who was strapped down on a gurney in the back. "Hold on! This is about to get rough!" M'gann called over the loud rumbling of the ship being pushed past its limits. "Yeah, cause this part has been a walk in the park!" Wally called back, just barely keeping his head from slamming into the window. "I'm sorry, but these things are just too fast, and I can't do anything crazy without hurting Dick. Our best bet is to get into the ocean and get out of their sight." "Try and make a dive now! The water should be deep enough to submerge us completely." Aqualad shouted. M'gann nodded, turning the ship down towards the water. Wally glanced back at Dick, just barely managing to get a glimpse of his unconscious face before the impact threw him around again.

When Wally finally found the strength to open his eyes and not throw up, he got onto his knees and looked around. Dark water pressed at them outside the window, several schools of fish swimming lazily around them. "Alright, sound off. Who's not dead?" Wally groaned. Artemis raised her hand, sprawled out on the floor. Aqualad lifted himself out of his seat shakily, face pale. "I appear to be alright." "Kal, no offense, but you're a shit liar. Sit down. The way you were sitting, your ribs are probably busted." Artemis growled, pointing at his seat. "Can you keep it down? I hit my head pretty hard." M'gann rasped. "Sorry. I'm gonna check on Dick. I say we stay here for a minute, let the Bio-ship rest, then head home. Kal, can you contact the League? Just...tell them whatever, I don't care. Just let them know we're not dead." Wally groaned as he stumbled to the back of the ship, where Dick was still laying. He looked almost peaceful, body relaxed on the gurney. Wally sighed, leaning on the gurney and pushing Dick's hair out of his face. They were alright. 

The team laid around for ten minutes, letting some of the initial shock melt away. M'gann was fine after a bit, and they wrapped Kaldur's ribs up to try and prevent further injury. Dick stirred after fifteen, eyes opening slowly. Wally helped him into the main sitting area, bringing him to the small make-shift circle. M'gann was leaning against Artemis, and Kaldur was laying down. "S' everyone alright?" Dick slurred, letting Wally pull him into his lap. "Just recovering from our delightful impact. What about you? How do you feel?" Artemis shrugged. "M' sore, and my head feels funny, but I'm okay otherwise." "Do you remember how they caught up to you?" "They caught me in the vents. They apparently have security in their vents, so they knew I was there. They knocked me out of the vents, and I just barely managed to get away from them. Course, they drugged me, but I guess I got back here before I passed out." "Did you get the info?" "Yeah. I was on my way out when they caught me."

The communication device on Kaldur's belt started beeping. "Did they get the message?" Wally asked. "Yes. However, because of the rough travel we had, I am unable to make a two-way call, so video messages must do." Kaldur took the device off, setting it in the middle and playing the video. A hologram of Batman appeared, standing inside the small group. "Aqualad, we've received your message. We also triangulated your location. Do you require assistance?" The hologram disappeared. "Wow. Short and sweet." Wally snorted. "I can fly the ship out of here, no problem. I don't think we need assistance getting out, but we'll need medical once we get back." Artemis stated. "Agreed. Do you think he'll notice if I video a message laying down? I don't want to sit up." Kaldur huffed. "I think he'll understand if he does notice. We're all pretty tired. We could just sleep here for now. As of right now, there's no danger. We're all exhausted, and the Bio-ship also needs to rest. Besides, those planes might still be above us. We should wait them out. In the meantime, we can sleep. One of us can stay awake for watch, just in case, but I think we're still safe right now." Artemis yawned. Wally and Dick both nodded in agreement. 

Everyone laid down where they were, too exhausted to try and get up. "I might be able to send B a text with my Hologlove. It'll be easier than you having to video yourself." Dick whispered. "Can you try?" "Yeah, I can try, fishy. You just lay back and relax." "I'm only half fish." "Just a joke, Kal. Just a joke." Kaldur closed his eyes, ignoring the pain in his ribs as he tried to fall asleep. Artemis and M'gann were leaning against the driver's chair, leaning into each other's warmth. Dick pulled up his Hologlove, sending a quick message to his father and answering the other concerned messages. "Kay, he's got it. He knows we're going to wait a bit before returning. I told him we'd contact him before we left." "Good. Let's rest now. It's been a very long day." "Amen to that, Speedy. Amen to that."

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