Youtubers 2

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Dick and Wally were sitting at their rescheduled panel, waiting for everyone to file into the room. Dick was in his mask again, and seemed much better than he did yesterday. He was chatting with Wally easily, holding his hand under the table. He seemed okay, as long as the others were in their seats down below the stage. He could handle distance. He seemed a little skittish at first, but he was better now. Here, Wally could make sure he stayed calm. Wally could keep him safe here. The doors finally shut, meaning everyone was inside. "Since everyone's in here, I guess we'll start. Hi, my name is Wally, you guess know me as WW-eats-a-lot. For those of you who were supposed to be at my panel yesterday when I disappeared, I apologize. I don't like doing that, but we had an emergency, and they need my help to take care of it. But I'm excited for today and this panel, so I'm going to pass the mic to Birdie over here so we can get going."

Dick accepted the mic. "Heyo. My name is Birdie, most of you, if not all, know me as Birdiedoesthings. I'm sorry as well for disappearing yesterday, I was also called in for the emergency. I'm not going to disclose what happened unless some of you have questions later, since it can rattle some people. I know there are others in the crowd who can handle it, but if I can keep everyone here without sending them into a panic attack or something, I would much prefer that. Sorry to start it off on such a sour note, but I feel like it needs to be addressed. Yesterday was a little rough, and that's why we weren't here. But it's handled now, so I think we're going to start." "Alrighty. What I normally do at the start of panels is try out foods that fans have brought me. Now, I still have some stuff from yesterday, so I figured we could both do it. That good with you, Birdie?" "Sure. What do you have over there?"

Wally rustled under the table, pulling things out of the bag he had. "I have chips from Britain-" "Crisps!" An audience member called out. "I'm calling them chips, and I will die on that hill." There was a chuckle through the room. "Anyway, got those, one of those Japanese candy makers, a few other things, and a pack of noodles. Ooh! It's the one that heats itself up!" "You sound like a little kid." "Cause those are freaking cool! It's like a microwave without the actual microwave!" "It's heat activated by water." "Just for that, I'm starting with the noodles first." "It's spicy. That's what it says on the package." "I'm still doing it first." "Don't start crying when your mouth burns off." "You're trying this too, Mr I-Like-Everything-Spicy." "Alright. I'm not going to cry like a baby about it, though." "Oh, shush. Alright, while we're waiting for this stuff to warm up, we are going to take questions. There are some limits, though. One: no asking about Birdie's identity. He's not going to tell you. Two: Nothing inappropriate. We aren't minors, but we are uncomfortable being asked these things. Three: nothing about where we live. We consider that part of his identity. Other than that, you've got free reign."

A mic was handed to a duo of girls. "Hey. I'm Emilia, this is my sister Haleigh. Our question was how do you find the time and effort to do all of these videos?" "Ooh, that's a good one. Birdie, why don't you answer that?" "Well, I don't know about Wally here, but my job is YouTube. I earn my money through there. That answers time. My channel is kind of like my safe space, so I feel better when I'm making videos. My effort goes into my videos because I enjoy making them. Walls?" "It's pretty much the same for me. I'm not sure how many of you in here feel the same way, but our channels are where we can be ourselves. I happen to be fortunate enough that I'm funny when I'm myself. Birdie over here attracts a lot of people because he does about everything, so there's plenty for people to be interested in. I know for me, I feel better when I see that a video is doing good, or that the comments are asking for more of that content, because I feel like I'm making these people happy. That makes me want to produce more content. So, I make more."

The mic went to a guy dressed up as Kirishima. "My name is Nolan, and my question, if you don't mind explaining, is what happened yesterday? It must've been pretty big if both of you had to solve it." "I'll take this one. So yesterday, a few hours before my panel, a group of people got in the convention, got backstage where I was, and attempted to unmask me. I know it may not seem that bad to some of you, but for me, my identity is very important. I don't feel comfortable sharing my real one because it could mean some people close to me would be hurt in an attempt to get at me. I don't do well in crowds, especially when they're pressed up close to me. I had a bad experience when I was a kid, and it stuck with me. Basically, the crowd sent me into a panic attack, and I couldn't calm down. Wally and I kept in touch after our collab, so they got him to come and calm me down. It was really bad. I got calmed down, but at that point I was so mentally and physically exhausted that everybody knew I couldn't do my panel. Wally took me home, where I got some sleep. I am better now, but it was not a good day at the end."

Birdflash oneshots 2Where stories live. Discover now