How to get your dads back together

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Dick always knew that Bruce and Clark had spats. Every couple had them, and the heroes were no exception. There were some nights where it got so bad that Clark flew off into space somewhere while Bruce cooled down. It was never anything bad, though. They were both just overprotective as hell, and it could get a little unbearable at times. So, when Bruce and Clark had another bad fight, Dick decided to fix it. He was tired of his dad going to bed mad, unable to sleep because his heater of a Kryptonian wasn't there with him. It usually led to a grumpy Bruce, and Dick was the one who had to deal with the aftermath of said Bruce. Not this time. This time, the two men were going to talk their issues out, even if it killed them.

Wally and Dick grouped up in Wally's house, laying out a plan while Wally ate. "Alright. When he's upset, Clark usually goes here in the asteroid belt. Now, our normal frequency doesn't reach there, but he changes to a frequency that only Batman and I know about. I want you to get on the frequency and talk to him." "Will he have his comm on?" "He always keeps it on, just in case B invites him back home. Tell him to come back, and go to the Batcave. I'll wrangle in Bruce, and get him there. Try and get Clark there first, so Bruce doesn't slink away before Clark notices." "Got it. Do you think I could lure him in with brownies? He always did like brownies, and pie." "Yeah, but you'd have to get a Mama Kent pie. Ain't no pie like her apple pie." "Agreed. I'll go with brownies. Iris always keeps a few around, just in case Barry comes in with low blood sugar. I can offer him one." "Good. Now I get to figure out if Bruce is taking his anger out on a punching bag or a criminal. Go ahead and find Clark. It may take me a bit to find Bruce." Wally nodded, kissing Dick on the cheek before zipping off. Dick grinned and shook his head, rolling his eyes lovingly. Wally was so hopeless sometimes. 

Clark was sitting on an asteroid, pouting as he watched the planets slowly move. He just wanted to keep his love safe. He'd already lost so much, and Bruce meant everything to him. Okay, so he probably should've warned Bruce before he pushed him out of the way, but there was no time! It was better for Clark to take the hit and receive minor injuries, then for Bruce to get hospitalized. Why didn't Bruce see that? Why didn't Bruce understand that Clark just wanted to protect him? "Pshh, this is Mr Awesome 231121225, paging Superman." Clark chuckled at the boy's antics. "Hey, Wally." "Hey, Supes. Word is you and Bats had a spat." "It's nothing to worry about." "Well, Dick's worried about you two. So, how about you come down, and you two can talk? I've got brownies." "I suppose. Just promise me that if we do run across Bruce, you two let us talk." "Got no problem with that. Just come down now. Pretty please?" "Never go into Negotiations." "I leave that to Dick. He's much better at it than I am." "Alright. Where am I going?" "Gotham. Dick invited me over, so I'm in the cave." "I'll be there. You better have the brownies." "A speedster always keeps his word." 

"Well, well. Is this how you deal with every fight?" Dick asked as he landed on the roof behind Batman. "Not now." "Yes, now. You're always a pouty bitch whenever you and C fight. I'm not dealing with it again, so you're going back to the cave tonight." "I can't. Not tonight." "Bruce, you're not dealing with this very healthily. When I was doing the same after Her, you tracked me down and made me talk. So, I'm returning the favor. You're going to the cave, and you're going to figure out your issues." "You're very brave tonight." "I'm tired of you being bitchy because you're emotionally stunted and you actually have to work on this relationship. You can't just grunt and expect him to understand. You've gotta talk, and you can start tonight." Bruce sighed. "You're not giving this up, are you?" "Not until you get over your issues." "Fine. He's probably still up pouting in space, so I'll have time before he gets back." "Good. You can unwind a bit. Just promise me that when he gets back, you'll try to talk to him." "I'll...try."

Bruce was showering in the cave before he realized that Clark was there. He should've expected it, really. His eldest always had something up his sleeve. He'd just started when he heard voices, both very familiar. "These Iris' brownies?" "Yep. Best in the business. Hey, why don't you get cleaned up? Space leaves a burnt smell on you." "Really? I never noticed." "Well, I do. And I guarantee Bruce can, too. Go get cleaned up before he gets here." Bruce sighed, turning off the water and wrapping a towel around his waist. Dick didn't mean talking about his issues to his son, he meant talking about them to his boyfriend. Of course he did. "I'm going to lock the door, so he doesn't find out. I'll unlock it once you're done." "Sounds great."

By the time Bruce went out to the lockers, Wally had already locked the door. "Well, they certainly inherited your inability to not interfere." Bruce muttered as he walked past Clark, grabbing his clothes from the locker. Clark jumped. "Bruce!" "That is my name." Clark's eyes locked on Bruce's shoulder, there a thick scar ran. It had happened on one of their first missions together as a couple, when Bruce had been sliced with a sword. Superman had been worried for a week before Bruce finally convinced him he was fine. "You're still worried, aren't you?" Bruce asked, pulling his boxers and shorts on. "How can I not? You're always throwing yourself into danger." "You do too. You never stop to think about what would happen if a weapon finally got past your skin. You keep looking at that scar. Do you know why I took that hit?" Clark frowned. "Why?" "Because the swords were laced with Kryptonite. Because it would've killed you if it hit. Because as worried as you are about me, I'm more worried about you. You throw yourself into danger, never thinking about the consequences that might follow. I love you with all my heart, but I hate when you do that. You don't need to protect me. I can protect myself. Worry more about your own condition." "It's a little hard to do that when all the bullets that bounce off of me can easily rip through you." "How about a deal? You can stay here tonight, as long as you promise to try and let me fight my own battles." "Deal. Now, since we're all hunky dory again, I have an idea of how we can make up."

Bruce snorted. "Never use the term hunky dory again. Makes you sound like a country kid." "Bruce, my darling, stop being a rich boy for five minutes and let me be romantic." "Fine. You said something about a way to make up?" "Mhmm." Bruce jumped as Clark wrapped his arms around his body, hands going to cup his ass. "Wow. You really are horny, huh?" "I was just holding you close. Why? Do you want me to do something?" "How about I give you one clue, and you try to figure it out?" "Sounds great." Dick stood up outside the door, walking off. "I'm not listening to this part. I'll let them fuck and save my sanity by not invading. Come on, Wally. We've got a city to patrol." "Agreed. I'm not sure I want to know how your dads sound." "Neither do I."

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