Death of a brother 3

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The first thing that came to mind when Wally woke up was that he needed to puke. His body felt like it was revolting against him, and he barely made it to the bathroom in time. Everything in him hurt. It felt like he couldn't breathe, likes something was plugging his throat up. God, what happened? The last thing he remembered was falling asleep on the couch, waiting for Dick to come home. Did he eat something bad? Had he somehow managed to fall ill, even with his enhanced metabolism? He was usually done with his sicknesses before the sun rose. He hoped he hadn't gotten Dick sick. The last thing Blüdhaven needed was its two heroes out of commission.

Wally sat by the toilet for what felt like hours, coughing and spitting up everything in his stomach. He could see the sun slowly rising through the bedroom window, and really hoped he could get through with this before Dick woke up. The last thing he needed was to worry the acrobat. Dick had been very stressed lately, and things had probably been tense when he went to Gotham to help track down that Red Hood guy. Dick finally had a weekend off, so he needed to relax as much as possible. Wally knew that would be impossible if the ebony knew he was sick. Why did life love to screw them over? From villain attacks to nosy brothers, something always came into their downtime. Maybe he needed to run them to....Scotland, or something. Somewhere secluded. Somewhere that Dick's family couldn't track them to. Maybe the moon. Wait, Bruce had that ship. Never mind. He may just ask Alfred to keep all the Bat boys, besides his, in the Manor. That could work. 

Dick's six thirty alarm started going off, making Wally cringe. Not only was it killing his head, but that meant Dick would wake at any moment. He couldn't see Wally like this. The speedster did his best to stand, having to fight through a few rolls of nausea. He could do this. He could get through today without showing many symptoms of being sick. He just had to make sure Dick was enjoying it. It took him a second once the nausea had passed to realize that Dick's alarm was still going off. Wally frowned. Dick should've been up by now. Was he really that tired? It had just been a short overnight trip to Gotham. It wasn't like he'd gone to California and back with no Zeta beams. Wally slowly trekked over to the bed, worried when he saw that Dick hadn't so much as shifted since he first woke up. Wally silenced Dick's alarm, carefully sitting next to the acrobat and shaking his shoulder. Dick made no move to get up. "Come on, Dickie. Your alarm's been going off for the past five minutes. It's time to get up." Concern started to roll through Wally when he realized that Dick wasn't moving, at all. He was breathing, but that was it. 

"Dick? Hey, Dickie, wake up. Come on, Dick, open your eyes. Dick!" Wally shook Dick's shoulders again, a spike of fear driving into his heart when nothing happened. Him being sick was one thing, but Dick being completely unresponsive? That wasn't okay. Wally lifted Dick out of the bed, shocked at how pale he was. Bruce. Bruce would know what to do. He'd always known when it came to Dick. "It's okay. You're going to be okay, Dickie. Just hang on, okay? If you die, I'll kill you." Wally set off for the Manor, wondering what exactly happened to his angel. Could he have been drugged? Maybe there was something in his system from the fights. What if he was poisoned? Dick couldn't die on him. Not when they'd been through so much. Besides, they still had so much of their lives to live. Wally hadn't shared enough of his life with Dick yet. 

Wally came to a stop at the front door, falling to his knees as nausea overtook his body. Okay, no more super speed for a while. He knocked on the door, forcing himself to push down bile as he waited for an answer. Bruce, Alfred, somebody. He needed help. Dick needed help. The door opened in front of him, and Wally heard a soft gasp. Alfred was kneeling next to him in seconds, gently rubbing Wally's back. "What happened?" The elderly butler asked, pulling Wally to his feet and leading him inside. "I don't know. All I know is I woke up sick, and Dick is unresponsive. I didn't know what else to do." Wally slowly explained. "Have you found any evidence of what happened to Master Dick?" Alfred asked, herding the duo to the living room. "No. The only thing I've seen is his leg. I haven't found anything else."

Wally laid Dick down on a couch, collapsing to his knees moments later. He was going to throw up again. "Go find a trash can, or a bathroom. I'll take care of Master Dick." Alfred sighed as Wally disappeared, turning his attention back to the boy on the couch. Dick looked peaceful, his face and body free of stress. There was a small bruise on his neck, which Alfred could confidently say wasn't there last night. He frowned, then stood up. He needed to take a sample of Dick's blood. More than likely, Dick and Wally had been drugged. Wally's dose must've worn off faster, and now he was suffering from the side effects. The sooner he figured it out, the sooner he could take care of the couple. He wondered who might've drugged them. Dick didn't go on patrol in Blüdhaven last night, and while Wally could've been drugged, it was unlikely that Dick got drugged before he returned home. Perhaps the culprit had been in their apartment. 

Bruce slowly walked down the stairs, gingerly rubbing at his shoulder. The fight with Red Hood had been a hard one, and Bruce hadn't walked away unscathed. "Good morning, Master Bruce." Alfred said coolly, walking back to Dick with a syringe. "I thought I heard voices down here. Did someone come over?" Bruce stifled a yawn, heart lurching when he saw a tuft of black hair on the arm of the couch. "Master Wallace and Master Dick. Master Wallace woke up ill, and Master Dick has been unresponsive all morning. I am taking blood samples. I have a feeling they've been drugged. I would not worry, Master Bruce. They'll be fine." Alfred explained as he pulled blood from Dick's arm. Bruce knelt down by the couch, watching Dick's face carefully. He'd already lost one of his sons. He didn't know if he could handle losing his eldest.

Wally eventually emerged from...wherever he went, still looking a little green. Alfred had gone down to the Batcave, and was trying to figure out what they'd been drugged with. "How is he?" Wally asked quietly. "He's alright. Still unresponsive, but we're taking care of him. What about you? Even with your metabolism, I know you're feeling the effects of it." Wally shrugged, sitting next to the couch. "M' okay. Little nauseous at times, but I'm good for the most part. How'd it go last night?" "Shit." "Sorry." "It's fine. I'm just glad Dick got out safe. Well, he was safe. Did he give you any indication that he wasn't okay? Anything at all?" Wally shrugged. "I was out before he ever got back. I just don't know how he got me from the couch to the bed without waking me. I don't even remember watching the end of the movie. My head feels as scrambled as my stomach." Bruce hummed. "Could you have been drugged before Dick got home?" "Maybe. But I feel like I would've remembered in anyone came into the apartment. There wasn't anyone but me, and Dick once he got home." "You had to have gotten drugged somewhere." "I know. That's what pissed me off. I don't know where, or when. I don't know anything about this."

Alfred walked into the room, carrying a syringe filled with something blue. "What's that?" Wally asked. "Something that will help him wake sooner. I identified the drug you two were sedated with. It's a black market drug that was only recently introduced. It can be weakened by this, which will also help with his symptoms." "Could've used one of those." Wally chuckled. "I am not worried about you, Master Wallace. The drug is mostly out of your system by now." "Tell that to my stomach." Bruce rolled his eyes at the redhead. Alfred carefully grabbed Dick's arm, watching the acrobat's face for anything. Some sign of consciousness. Alas, there was nothing. It would probably be another hour or so until he woke. "I will get started on breakfast. I suggest you two go to the dining room. It will be at least an hour before he wakes up again." The two reluctantly stood up, leaving Dick on the couch. All that was left was waiting. At least Dick would be okay. As long as Alfred said he was okay, he'd be okay.  

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