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"Hey, Jamie! You know why we're here?" Impulse asked Blue Beetle, leaking on his shoulder. Most of the team was in the mission room, waiting for something from Batman. "Nope. I just heard it was something to do with that mission the Originals went on." "That's what we're calling them now?" "Why not? They started the team." "Because that's also a TV show." "I don't care. Hey, Batgirl! Do you know what's going on?" Bart called over to her. She shrugged. "I know as much as you do. I tried texting Nightwing about it, but it keeps giving me error codes. I'm trying to work on it. That last update I did might've had a bug or something." "Not a bug, I'm afraid." Oliver grinned as he walked in. "Hey, Ollie! What're you doing here?" "Escorting a few old friends. We had a setback on the mission. Apparently, Klarion's been working on a spell to go back in time. It backfired, but caught a few people in the blast." He moved to the side, which revealed the originals. But they all looked...smaller. Younger. Nightwing wasn't in his Nightwing uniform, but his Robin one. "Holy hell." Bart whispered. "Alright, I know my beauty is unparalleled, but I don't think we need the stares." Robin quipped.

"How long are they like this?" Batgirl asked, already feeling the headache that was going to come. Dick looked like he was about fourteen here. Unfortunately, he and Wally were in a prank war at that time, which caught just about everybody. "Just a few days. His spell was weak when it hit them. However, since so much has changed from when they were kids, Batman wants the team to watch them until the spell wears off. They've already been told they're staying here, but Batman did give them clearance for training and missions, if it came down to that. Think you can handle them for a bit?" "As long as they don't involve me in any pranks. Oi, Pixie!" Robin rolled his eyes. "Yes, Tree?" "One, don't call me tree." "Don't call me Pixie, and I won't call you tree." "Whatever. Two, whatever shit you and Wally decide to pull, leave me out of it, okay? I've got classes to study for." "Fun sucker. Fine, we'll leave you out of it." "Good. Now, go socialize with the team. They've been dying to meet you guys before you got all grumpy." "I am not grumpy! I am simply asterous." "Just go."

Impulse zipped over to Wally, bouncing on his toes. "No way. You're much smaller than I'd thought you be." Wally raised an eyebrow, a little uncomfortable with the other speedster. Last he checked, the only speedsters were him, Barry, and Reverse Flash. "Oh, you probably don't remember me. Name's Impulse, but you can call me Bart." Bart held his hand out, which Wally shook. "Wally, but you seem to know that already. How did you get your powers?" "Oh! I'm Barry's grandson from the future. Lots of stuff to explain there, but we can do that later. How did you get your powers? That's what I'm interested in." Wally rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I tried to copy the experiment that gave Barry his powers. I was obsessed with it for a while." "Cool. So did you have to recover afterwards? How long did it take for you to get your speed? When did Barry find out?" "Okay, hey, slow down. One at a time. Yes, I had to recover. It was about a day or two before I could actually use my speed. Barry found out about two minutes after I got my speed, when I accidentally ran into him." "Crash." "Uh, yeah?" "Oh. I forgot you don't know the slang from now. Crash means that something is cool." "So it's asterous." "Sure?"

Dick walked over to Wally, jumping up and climbing on his back. "Hey, is Mortal Kombat still on the system here? Or has the world changed so much that all good video games are gone?" Cassie chuckled. "It's still there." "Oh! Oh! I got first game with him!" Beast Boy raised his hand. "No fair! I wanted to play him." Bart pouted. Wonder Girl giggled. "Your reputation precedes you." "What's my reputation?" "You're a hella good player." "Then the rumors are true. So, who wants to get their butt kicked?" Several hands went up. "Good. I should have enough room in my schedule." Dick smiled, hopping down and walking to the living room.  "I wanna see this. You coming, Kal?" Wally called over to Kaldur. Kaldur sighed, but grinned. "I suppose. As long as I don't get a controller launched at my head." "It was one time, and he had me 36 to 0!" "Still. You're lucky I dodged it in time." 

A few hours had passed, and Dick currently had the Team in a 24-0 choke hold. Nobody had been able to beat him, despite getting close. Bart was the one who finally snapped. "There's no way you win that much without cheating! You have to have hacked the game!" He jumped up. Dick grinned. "Nope. You all just suck." "You've been playing with Kobra for the entire time! Kobra fucking sucks!" "Not if you know how to use him right." "And why do you always insist on using the second controller? They're something hinky here." "Fine. Let's switch. I'll use controller 1, you'll use controller 2." The duo switched, pausing long enough to switch their characters. It only took forty seconds for Dick to win. "See? Not hacked. Just admit that you're a sore loser." "Unbelievable. Fucking unbelievable." "I'm just whelmed."

An alarm went off on Dick's holo-glove, which made Wally and Dick grin. "Fuck." Aqualad cursed, heading to the wall and sitting under the kitchen counter. The duo disappeared, leaving the team anxious. "You might want to take cover." Aqualad sighed. Before anyone could react, however, water balloons were being pelted at them. "HYDRATE OR DIEDRATE, BITCH!" Dick shouted, chucking one at Tim. "What the fuck?!" Bart yelped as he got hit with several balloons, all sent by Wally. "They call this 'the human watering. Just accept it already." Conner shrugged, a water balloon bursting over his head. It took mere seconds for everyone to be soaked. When the chaos finally stopped, Dick and Wally were gone again. "That's one of their pranks?" La'gaan huffed. "Believe it or not, that's routine. You haven't seen anything if you think that's one of their pranks." Batgirl hummed as she walked in. The Team looked at each other in horror. What exactly did their pranks look like?

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