To be or not to be; you don't have a choice

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Bruce was sitting in James' and Lily's living room, watching the flames crackle in the fireplace. It was currently one am, and he hadn't slept a wink. All thoughts of sleep had left him, even before James offered the guest bedroom. Bruce had been through the Animagus process before, and he knew how much pain Dick must've been in. He could still remember the burning fire inside of him, the flames licking at every part of his body. He could remember the feeling of his body mutilating, taking the form of another creature. Dick had been worried about what creature he'd get, but Bruce was worried he hadn't prepared Dick enough. Dick could do plenty of spells with ease, but he'd never done them while in pain before. He'd never experienced the feeling of being ripped apart from the inside out. He hoped Dick was alright. The rain kept beating on the windows, threatening to break in and steal the warmth. Dick must've been freezing out there. The urge to go and see Dick was very strong, but Bruce kept himself from doing it. Dick needed to be alone during the transformation. It was better for him.

James sat down on the couch, hanging Bruce a mug of butterbeer. "Worried?" He asked softly. Bruce nodded. "This storm is awful. Much worse than the one we went through. And Dick's out there all alone. Back then, we had each other. Dick has nobody." "That's not true. If he didn't have anybody, nobody would've known or prepared him for this process. You did. Staying away in this instance isn't a sign of neglect, but of care. You care enough about Dick to know that he needs to be alone right now. It's dangerous for people to be around him." "Still. He was so scared when I was leaving. I promised him that I'd come back immediately, but I'm not sure what comfort that is to him now." "Just know that you're doing all you could to make this better for him. You were the one who asked for those protection charms. You were the one who encouraged him to do this, and you're the one who kept reassuring him it would be fine. You helped him through every step of the process, leading him when he was lost. You've been a great parent, and I know it's only going to get better. You can teach Dick how to control his forms, and how to best use it to help others. Trust me. He'll be fine." "Thanks for trying to make me feel better." "Did it?" "Not by much, but that's better than nothing. I don't think I'm going to sleep tonight. Maybe once I get home and check on him." "You're never usually like this when he's at Hogwarts, and we both know it can be real dangerous there." "Because there are other people who can help him. He has teachers and other students. Out there, he's alone. He doesn't have anyone to help him." "He'll be fine. How many times have we thought he'd get hurt, but he turned out to be just fine? He's a strong kid, and a real good wizard. He'll be just fine." "I don't think I can make myself believe that. I know it's true, but right now he's my kid, and he's out in this storm." 

James grinned. "The parent is taking over, huh?" "Is that a bad thing?" "Nah. Hell, it's happening to me. I have no problem pulling pranks, but sometimes it's hard for me to leave Harry. He's about to start a new life with new friends, and I know he'll be fine, but there's always that little voice in the back of my head that screams protect him. I need to keep him safe, even though I know that might hold him back later on. We love our adventures, but we're scared when they go on the same ones. Come on, get some sleep. There's no telling how much sleep you'll actually get with two Animagi in the house, so enjoy it while you can." James patted Bruce's shoulder, standing up and walking back to the bedrooms. "Would you let Harry be an Animagus?" Bruce asked. James paused, pursing his lips. "I think I would. It depends on how his magic is. I've got no doubt that he'll be strong, but I want him to be confident in doing it, like Dick was. He only got nervous at the end. If Harry was to go through it, I'd want that for him. Why?" "Just trying to figure some things out. Thanks, James." "No problem, Batsy. Now, go to sleep. You'll know as soon as Dick's done, so there's no point in worrying about it until then." Bruce turned back to the fire. Maybe he should get some sleep. Dick would need him at his best tomorrow, so he should prepare himself for that. 

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