There's something inside 2

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"So, you're telling me that I've essentially been possessed since I was a kid." Dick raised an eyebrow at the gold-coated sorcerer in front of him. Fate had come to him in the med-bay, attempting to explain what his future would look like now that they knew where the voices came from. "Not quite. Possession would imply that there is another life inside of you. You are the demon, and the owner of the body at the same time. It is only you." "Aren't demons unable to cross holy lands, though? I've been on plenty of holy ground, and I've never had a problem." "That is where the half comes in. You are not a full demon, so some restrictions are not the same for you as they are for others. You can walk on holy land, and you are not affected by holy water, but other things will harm you. For instance, the crystal and the symbols around you made you ill. Your demon energy was unable to break the silver chains." "Okay, time out. When did I use demon energy? I was semi-conscious when you rescued me, but I blacked out once we left the room. Wally said something about the demon attacking the guys who abducted me, but that was it."

"Once you were freed from the confines of the room, you sensed the presence of those who hurt you. Normally, your human side would be enough to convince the demon to let well enough alone, but you were unconscious. With no moral compass, the demon attacked them. We were able to subdue your powers before anyone got hurt." "Okay, but you said the energy couldn't break the chains. I was out of them once I was out of the room." "I could sense your energy on the chains when I first entered. Whether you realized it or not, you were attempting to escape. It may also be part of why you became sick. Three symbols in that room are designed to discourage and block use of magic. By using it to try and escape, you activated the symbols, which did their job and stopped you from using magic." "Is there any way to tell how long I've been using this stuff?" "Unfortunately, no." "Dammit."

Dick let himself flop back to the bed, eyes immediately landing on the cross above him. "When can I go back to my room? The dead dude on the cross is freakin me out." "It is made of metal." "Never mind. Can I go back yet?" "Once Leslie says you can." "She said after an hour. It's been an hour." "I'm sure she will come get you. In the meantime, I will leave you to your thoughts. I'm sure this is a lot to process." "Sure. Leave me alone with the two voices that aren't supposed to be there. I'm sure that won't be bad at all." "The crucifix is there. It will prevent the demon-" "The demon energy from being used. I know, I get it. I'd rather not be alone with one voice that wants me to throw myself off a bridge, and another that thinks this will all get better just like that." Dick snapped his fingers. "You will be alright. I will update Batman about your condition." Dick groaned at the idea of the training Bruce was about to put him through. This was about to be a nightmare.

Fate walked out of the med-bay, leaving the acrobat by himself. "Great. Just great." You knew this was going to happen. "Shut up. I'm not going to listen to you chide me when you're the one who threw a hissy fit about the guys who took us." They tried to kill us! "But we were saved. They're not going to do it anymore." Someone will. "Not if you get control of yourself. Behave, and nobody will suspect." You expect me to sit still and do nothing?! "Just for a bit. While I'm still adjusting to this." You can't make me! "No, but the other voice can." He is correct. I hate when you two gang up on me. Suck it up, buttercup. "Thank you." Dick sat up. I am not a buttercup! "You're right. You're acting more like a baby than anything." You little- "Ah ah. The crucifix, remember? No magic for you." I hate you. "You need me to live, so chill and accept it." I will unleash seven plagues. "Do it, and I'll make sure you don't get anymore bagels." ...fine. What about the souls of the innocent? "Still no." Dammit. Dick chuckled.

"Hey dude. How'd it go?" Wally asked as he walked in. "Went okay. I'm still hella confused as to how this happened, but I guess I understand what's going on. I really just want a nap." "Well, I can take you to your room. An hour has passed." "Yeah. I'm just not sure Fate wants me leaving the crucifix." "We can take it with us." "I don't want a dead guy looking down on me." "He's removable." "Since when?!" "Since forever, dude. Think you can walk?" "Yeah. May need some support, but I can do it." "Okay. I'll grab this stuff, and you can focus on walking." "I can just roll my IV, Walls." "Then I have nothing to do." "The crucifix?" "Okay, yeah, true." Dick chuckled again, throwing his legs over the side of the bed and standing up. Wally was reaching up to grab the crucifix, and Dick was now leaning on the IV pole. "You got it yet?" "Yep. Just took a second." "And I thought I was supposed to be the slow one." "Oh, hush." Can I kill him? "No, you can't." "Hmm?" "Voices." "Oh. Let me guess: demon doesn't like me." "Yeah, pretty much."

The duo walked to Dick's room, making small talk and giggling at the other. It was pretty much empty at the Mountain, which meant the team was most likely training or on another mission. That was good to Dick. It meant he didn't have to worry about the demon getting out of control and attacking anyone. Wally had the crucifix, so the demon couldn't touch him. "So, what do you want to do?" "Get some sleep in my bed." "Okay. I'll probably set this thing on your nightstand, then." "I don't care where it goes, as long as it's close. I don't want mini Satan to get out." I am a being of darkness! I will not be mimicked by a human. "This human is the reason you're still here, so shut it." "He's feisty, huh?" "Annoyingly so." "Well, you'll be going to sleep soon, so don't worry about him." "Alright. Thanks for sticking around, by the way." "It's no problem, Dickie. Demon or not, you're still my boyfriend." Dick laughed softly. He really loved Wally.

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