Deal with the devil 7

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Been a hot minute since I did one of these.

Dick had locked himself in one of the guest bedrooms, ignoring the pleas of the servants outside. He didn't want to see anyone right now. He wanted to be left alone. He felt downright awful, and he didn't want to talk to anybody.

The Demon Lords had been dealing with an uprising from one of the smaller demons, and Dick had just gotten word that Wally hadn't returned from the mission. Nobody knew where he was. They didn't know if he had gone missing, or if he was...

No, Dick wouldn't think like that. Wally had to be alright. He was one of the strongest demons alive. Hell, he was a Demon Lord! You don't just get that title for bad deeds. You get it for your strength and intelligence. Wally had to be alright. If he wasn't able to fight his way out, he was surely able to think it out. He would be fine. Dick would see him again. They would be able to hold each other again, get to reunite with Vixon and hang out as a family.

Someone knocked on the door. "Dickie? Are you in there?" Kirishima's voice cut through the door. "Go away." Dick rasped. His voice was weak from crying. "Please let me in, Dick. I just want to talk." "There's nothing to talk about." "At least let me see you. Face to face." "There's no point." "Please? From one bride to another." "Your husband came back. Mine didn't."

Kirishima sighed. "He won't let me in." Bakugou huffed. "You know what? I'll fix it later." "Fix what-" Bakugou kicked down the door, walking in. "I thought I said go away." Dick sighed. He was sitting in the window, watching the garden glumly. "And I said I'd fix your door later. You need to talk to someone." "I'm fine." "No, you're not." "He's coming back." "Dick, it may not be true." "He's coming back." "You need to face reality." "He's coming back."

Dick's voice was wavering. "Dick, listen to me. The demon we fought was very powerful. Wally is a demon lord, but even he has his limits. You need to accept that he might have been beat." "He's coming back. He's coming home." "You're not listening to me. I need you to listen, Dick. Look me in the eye and listen." Dick looked up hesitantly, meeting fiery red eyes. They looked sorrowful, like they carried a truth they didn't want to know. Tears started clouding Dick's vision, a lump forming in his throat.

"Dick, he might not be coming back." The words finally tore down the walls he'd built up. The tears spilled over, sliding down his cheeks. Bakugou pulled Dick into his lap, letting the raven haired boy cry. He knew it was hard for a bride to lose their Lord. A bride was first conceived to please their Lord, to take up tasks and to give children. Over the years, however, brides and Demon Lords grew closer, forming a bond so intense that even angels couldn't break them. Dick was going through every bad emotion he'd ever felt, all at once, now that his husband was gone.

Kirishima walked over, hugging Dick from behind. He had never felt the grief of losing Bakugou, but he knew the younger wasn't okay. He'd heard stories of brides being driven to madness by the loss of their partners. Maybe he could keep that from happening to Dick. He'd stay as long as Dick needed. Right now, Dick was the one that needed help. He could ignore his own problems until Dick got better.

"We'll stay here until we get a definitive answer. It's better for someone to be here while your emotions are a mess. Besides, if Wally doesn't return, another Lord must take you under their protection." "And you'll be that Lord?" "It's what Wally asked me. The first day I met you, he made me swear that if anything happened to him, I'd help you. Besides, I knew him the best out of the Demon Lords. I know how he'd want his work to be handled." Bakugou whispered, wiping away a few tears from Dick's cheeks.

Dick didn't eat that day. He'd refuse anything given to him, claiming he wasn't hungry in the slightest. Bakugou let it slide for the rest of the day, figuring Dick would need time to comprehend what was going on. He'd need to figure out what life without Wally would be like. He needed time to process his emotions as well. Incubi tended to have very strong emotions, which usually ended up controlling their actions. This could get messy if Bakugou wasn't careful.

Dick withdrew to his room during the evening, pulling out the ring Wally had given him. The ruby shone in the center, as if trying to convince him it was still beautiful. Dick sighed, rubbing his thumb across the jewel. He missed Wally. He wanted to know where his husband was. Everyone seemed convinced that he was dead, but Dick knew he wasn't. He couldn't be. He was a demon, so he was already dead. Besides, Dick could feel him. He was too far away to talk to, but Dick knew he was still alive. How could he be dead if Dick could sense him?

"Where are you, Wally? Why can't I find you?" Dick whispered, pressing his lips to the ring. A wave of cold ran through his body, followed by an image of a room in his mind. There was a cage against a wall, and inside was...Wally. He had chains wrapped around his wrists, and his body was bloodied and beat. One green eye was swollen closed, and every breath he took was ragged. Dick felt a wave of anger wash through him. Someone had his husband, and they'd hurt him.

Dick opened his eyes, a low growl escaping from his throat. He quietly got up, opening his window and looking out. Thanks to the vision, he knew exactly where Wally was. He shifted into a bat, joining a cluster that flew around. He needed to sneak away. If Bakugou knew he was leaving, he'd try to stop him. Dick couldn't stand that, not now. He wasn't letting anyone keep his husband away from him, especially when he knew where he was.

Dick flew down to the gate, landing just outside of it and shifting into a mouse. He just needed to get out of sight now. He needed to make his way to the marketplace. Sure, it was shifty as hell at night, but he couldn't wait. Wally might not last long with his injuries. Dick preferred to get him out now rather than later. Besides, Dick could heal his wounds, so he wouldn't be hurt anymore if Dick got to him.

Once he was about a mile out, he transformed back to a human, running through the forest. Sure, he could take the path, but that would take too long. Going through the forest was much faster, and it gave him cover to hide from anyone tracking him. He slipped past trees and bushes, ignoring the prickling from the leaves that caught his legs. Wally was hurt much worse than he was. He could deal with a little pain.

Dick snuck into the market, a hood hiding his face. He was getting closer. He could feel it. "Wally, can you hear me? Tell me if you can hear this." "...Dick?" "Yeah. I'm coming to get you, okay? Just wait a little longer." "No. Dick, get out of here. This guy is dangerous." "I am too, and I'm pissed off. Nobody hurts you and gets away with it. I don't care if I get the Demon Lords on my tail, I'm helping you." "Dick, please. He'll hurt you, too." "Not if I have a say in it. You can't change my mind, Wally. I'm coming to rescue you."

Dick turned into a mouse again, scampering into a ragged building. He could hear a game of poker going on, demon screeching and growling at each other. He headed to the basement, transforming back once he reached the top of the stairs. He could see the cage in the corner, and he could hear Wally's ragged breathing. He made his way down slowly, listening for any other footsteps. "Wally. I'm here, Walls. I'm gonna get you out, okay?" Dick whispered, summoning a key. He had a universal key that worked on any lock, since people liked chains and padlocks.

"Dick." Wally rasped, pulling against the chains. "Shh. It's okay, Wally. I'm going to get you out of here." "How did you find me?" "I had a vision. Just hold still, okay? I'll heal you when we're safe." "Please, go. I can't see you get hurt." "And I can't live without you. I'm not leaving unless I have you in tow." Dick wrapped his arms around Wally, gently pulling his weary body against his chest. "How? How can you carry me out of here?" "Who said anything about carrying?"

A flash of light filled the room, momentarily blinding the demons, before it settled down. They were back in the bedroom, the window still left open from earlier. "What? How did...I'm so confused." "I can teleport to bedrooms. Just hold still, and I'll heal you." "Don't let me go. Please?" "As long as you promise not to disappear on me like that again." "Deal." Dick pressed his lips to Wally's forehead, letting energy flow from his body to Wally's. The wounds started to close, and the swelling in his eye started to shrink.

Dick pulled back, smiling down at Wally. His beautiful green eyes met dazzling blue ones, both relieved to see the other. "Hey, beautiful." "Hey, gorgeous. How do you feel about going to bed?" "I think it sounds great. Bakugou and Kirishima are here, by the way. Bakugou kicked down a door." "He's fixing it. Right now, I just want to hold you." "I agree with that statement. I love you, Wally." "Love you too, Dickie."  

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