You are mine

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You are my sunshine.

"Come on, Wally! You're gonna miss it!" Dick called as he ran through the halls. "Miss what?" "The League comes back today! You're gonna miss the landing!" "Why didn't you tell me?" "I thought you knew! Now hurry up, we're going to be late!" "Okay, okay! I'm coming." Wally leapt off the couch, running after the little bird. The League had been gone for a mission, and they'd finally returned after two weeks. "I'm gonna beat you!" Dick chided, giggling as Wally shouted back. "No you're not, you little monkey!" "You're so slow! I thought speedsters were supposed to be fast!" "I am fast!" "Then catch up!" "You had a head start!" "Doesn't matter when you can break the sound barrier!" 

The two tumbled into the landing area, rolling around as they giggled and tried to beat the other one. It ended with Dick on top, pinning Wally down. "I win!" "Dude, half of your body is another direction from the other half." "Well, yeah! I am an acrobat, after all." Dick giggled, standing up and offering Wally his hand. "I will never understand how you don't have back problems." "I'm too bendy for that!" "Uh huh. Well, where are they? You said they'd be here." "I said you'd miss the landing if you didn't hurry. Besides, there they are. Way up there." Dick pointed, looking at a small speck that kept getting bigger. "Cool. Do you think they brought us anything?" "Hopefully! Maybe it's food from the other planet!" "Or maybe they brought us some of their toys!" "Ten bucks says it's food." "Ten bucks says it's toys." "I'll take that bet." "Alrighty."

The duo watched as the ship landed, bouncing on their toes in excitement. It had been a long time since they'd seen or heard from the League, since it was a radio-silence mission. The door opened, which revealed the seven Leaguers. Dick immediately ran to Batman, hopping up in his arms before he had a chance to stop him. "You're back!" "I'm back, kiddo. Did you behave?" Bruce had to hide his smile from the others. Dick always seemed so happy, even with everything he's been through. It made Bruce happy just to watch the young boy. Maybe Dick could be the light this world needed. He could be the hero they looked up to. The one thing they needed to understand that the heroes were trying to help.

"What''s you bring us?" Wally asked, giggling as Barry started squeezing him. "Bring you? What makes you think we brought you anything?" Hal smirked, ruffling Wally's hair. "Cause you always bring us stuff! Besides, I can see the bag behind your back, Uncle Hal." "Alright, you got us. So," Hal pulled out two suckers. "Who wants space candy?" "Hah! I told you, Wally! Pay up." "Alright, fine. I'll pay you later." "Did you two bet?" "Yeah. I said you'd bring us candy, Wally said toys." "Well, looks like you were right, kiddo. You know, you are scarily good at guessing things." "I don't really guess. It's more like...I can sense what it is. Like how I know Aunt Diana's dog is a Cretan Hound!" Everyone looked to the Amazon, who nodded. "he is correct. I haven't told him about it, either." "Well, let's get you home, and you can tell me everything that happened while I was gone." Bruce suggested, walking out with Dick close behind him. "Alright, how did you know Diana's dog?" "I saw the fur on her uniform." 

My only sunshine

"Hey, Walls. We're heading to the park. You wanna come?" Randy, one of the kids from Wally's school, asked him. "No thanks. I got a study session with Dick." Wally responded. He was met with a chorus of groans. "Come on, dude. You're always hanging out with that rich kid." "Cause he's my best friend. I only know you because we have math together. I think it's pretty obvious why I hang out with him so much." "Are you sure he's just your best friend?" "What do you mean?" "Well, it's like how adults say their husband or wife or whatever is their best friend. They love them. Do you love Dick?" Wally shrugged. "Alright, I'll put it like this: would you date him?" "Probably. Depends on if he wants to date me or not." "So you're saying you'd date another guy?" "Yeah. What's the problem with that?" "Dude, it's still illegal." "Okay, but the situation you're presenting is one where it is legal. So yeah, if he wants to, I would."

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