The young prince's value 2

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Dick was now fifteen, swimming around in the oceans and giggling as Wally caught up with him. It had been almost seven years since Dick's abduction, which had earned Dick a fear of nets and chests (especially when the two were combined), and a deep distrust for new mers that lasted about four years. He and Wally were secretly dating, and were closer than ever. If Dick's brothers ever got on his nerves, Wally was the one who could calm him down. He could get him to go back to sleep after a nightmare, and he could convince him to eat when he wasn't hungry. Alternatively, Dick was the one who could get Wally to slow down and think before he did something. He could help Wally understand the schoolwork, and he could get him to stay calm during exam weeks.

Dick's brothers didn't know he'd been kidnapped. They had no idea he'd almost died at age eight. Tim was the only one who knew, and that's because he'd done some research and stumbled across Leslie's file. Jason constantly teased him for his fears. He'd cover Dick's room in nets, place empty chests around the castle and pretend to push him in. Dick wasn't quite sure how many panic attacks he'd been put through, but the number kept increasing, and Wally was getting pissed. Jason had no right to do that to Dick. Dick never teased him about his fear of sardines, which had no backstory to it, and left well enough alone. Jason seemed to derive some sort of sick pleasure out of watching his brother panic. Jason liked to play pranks when Dick was asleep, too.  One time, Dick had woken up in the coral reef, a net wrapped tightly around him. It had taken hours for Wally to calm him down afterwards.

The only problem to Jason's newest plan was that Wally now spent every living second with Dick. He wasn't sure when this change had occurred, but he suddenly couldn't Dick alone at any point. Well, sure, he was never usually alone alone. He'd had a bodyguard around him for the past few years, protecting him from Neptune knows what. What did Dick have to be afraid of, really? The kingdom had been at peace for years. Dick was in one of the safest places under the water. Who was going to attack him? Well, Jason was, but that was besides the point! He wasn't going to kill Dick. He may get a little scratched up, but scratches were a part of life.  Jason had gotten roughed up for years, and he turned out fine! Okay, maybe not fine fine. He had a pretty sick sense of humor. But that was part of his charm!

Jason eventually found the answer to his plan. The bodyguard was being called on a training mission, and Wally had an exam that day. That meant Dick would be alone. Jason had a master plan, you see. He was going to ask to Dick to help him find something in the attic, then push him into an old chest he'd found up there. It was empty, so he wouldn't hit anything. The lock had been busted a long time ago, so he could get out. It was from some sort of expedition that happened before he was born. Dick would've been about seven or eight, so if cleaning out failed, he said he had questions about it. He had to watch the sickening sight of Dick kissing Wally, and had to wait for an hour just to be safe before he could finally execute his plan.

"Oi, Dickie! Need your help for something." Jason called as he swam into the library. Dick was sitting on the couch, reading a book that Jason had no interest in. "What's up?" "B wants me to find something in the attic, but it'll take forever if I do it by myself. Mind helping?" Dick shrugged. "Why not? Got nothing else to do till Wally gets back." Jason grinned to himself, swimming up to the tower with Dick close behind. He couldn't believe this was working. Dick was actually following him. He was lucky today. Normally, the bodyguard was insisting he grab a servant, but he was gone today.

"What did Bruce say you were looking for?" "Some old sword. Said one of the kings before him used it, and he wanted to preserve it as an artifact." "Weird. I thought all the kings used the trident?" "That's what he said. I'm just following orders. Knowing the old mers, it'll probably be in some sort of trunk. You're gonna have to conquer your fear for a bit." "How about you check the chests, I'll check the closets." "Deal. I'll call you if I find anything." "Don't do anything stupid. There might be magic up here." "I'll do my best." Dick swam to one side of the attic, and Jason swam to the other. 

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