Welcome home

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Dick was standing in front of the Manor doors, hand raised to knock. Wally had brought him over, since Dick decided that Bruce needed to know he was alive. He was still adjusting to life as a free man, and something about this made him nervous. What if Bruce didn't want him anymore? What if Bruce lost all his love in the six years Dick was gone? Wally put his hand on Dick's shoulder. "The door won't make a noise unless you knock on it." Dick dropped his hand. "Maybe this is a bad idea." "Hey, we've come this far. Why turn back now?" "What if he doesn't want me anymore?" Wally gently cupped Dick's face. "Trust me. He'll want you back. You can ring the doorbell, too. But nothing will happen if you don't initiate it." "I'm scared. Everything's changed so much since I've been gone. He might've changed, too." "He hasn't. I'll do it, if you want." Dick bit his lip, but nodded. Wally pressed the doorbell, and they heard the chimes from inside. "Well, nobody's there. Let's go." Dick tried to turn around, but Wally held him. "You've got to give it time. It's a big Manor. Alfred's probably on his way down right now." Dick was about to respond, but froze at the sound of the door opening.

Alfred was standing behind the door, and gasped when he saw the boy he considered his grandson. This wasn't possible. Dick had died years ago, never to be found again. Dick cleared his throat. "Hey, Alfred. I, uh, I'm not dead." The older man raced forward, pulling Dick into his arms. "You're never allowed to do that again." "I'm sorry. I didn't really have much of a choice. Deathstroke had me. He forced me to be his apprentice. If Bruce home?" Alfred nodded, pulling Dick inside. Wally followed, grinning as the butler fretted over all of the new scars. Just like he predicted, Alfred was more than happy to have Dick back. Alfred led Dick to the living room, sitting him down with the promise that he'd return with Bruce. Wally sat next to Dick, grabbing his hand. "See? They still want you." Dick nodded, but he still didn't look convinced. Alfred wanted him back, but what about Bruce? Surely the man wasn't the same as he was six years ago. 

The sound of running reached his ears. Dick turned to the doorway in time to see Bruce run in, eyes desperately searching for his son. Dick stood up. "Hey, Bruce." Bruce ran forward, pulling Dick into an embrace. Dick hugged back, closing his eyes as Bruce held him close. Wally had his phone out, subtly recording the interaction. Alfred looked over Wally's shoulder, an eyebrow raised at the device. "I'll send it to you later." Wally whispered. Bruce sighed, pressing a kiss to Dick's forehead. "I missed you. I really thought you were dead." Dick grinned. "Well, I was for a bit. They used the Lazarus pit to bring me back." "Where have you been?" "Deathstroke had me as his unwilling apprentice. Took me six years to finally escape. I just found Wally a week ago, so I haven't been back long." "That's good. Why don't you stay here for a few days? I can run a few tests, just to make sure you're okay." "Sounds good to me. Wally, you want to stay too?" Wally nodded. "I will gladly stay here and eat Alfred's food." Dick chuckled. "There you have it." "I'm putting a tracker in you, just so you know." "Wouldn't expect anything different."

Very short, but I think it's fluffy. I'll try to get something else out soon.

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