Part 1

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It was 7 in the morning, Jennie was still in bed even when her alarm went off for the second time already.

"why do i have to wake up? I hate going to school" Jennie said while rubbing her eyes to make herself wake up.

Today was the first day of school for Jennie. She had recently transferred to a Seoul High school because of personal matters. However, she lives in a mansion with her mom and dad. They were always busy and never spent time with her since they own a big company. Jennie packed up her back pack. Since she woke up late, she didn't have time to eat breakfast and had to head out for the bus before she was late.

Jennie's uniform :

While waiting for the bus, Jennie pulled out her airpods and stuck them up her small ears

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While waiting for the bus, Jennie pulled out her airpods and stuck them up her small ears. She started playing her playlist on Spotify named 'chill songs'. The first song that played was "Life Goes On" by BTS. When she heard the song playing, she let out a big sigh. Then the bus had arrived.


Jennie stepped out of the bus after she payed the bus driver, then her jaw dropped. She was amazed because the school was huge, there were a lot of people everywhere.

"Holy shit... this school is huge" Jennie whispered to herself.

Jennie was admiring the view while walking to the school office because she had to check in. She got lost halfway there but managed to find her way afterwards.

"Oh hello, i am Kim Jennie. I am new here." Jennie said while bowing 90 degrees.

"Oh miss Kim Jennie! Welcome to Seoul High school" the principal said in a happy voice.

"Yes it is an honor to be here, nice to meet you principal" Jennie said in a soft voice.

"I have to say you are very mannered, thank you for saying that. Also here are your classes and your schedule is behind that sheet." The principal said while pointing to the papers.

"Oh thank you very much, have a nice day. I'll get going now" Jennie said while bowing.

"Okay Jennie, you have a good day too" he said while waving goodbye.

Jennie walked out of the office and her stomach growled. She realized that she had skipped breakfast at first and now she was hungry so she tried to find the school store. Since she was new and didn't know the directions, she asked a teacher and then she finally got there.

'Woah even the school store looks luxurious'

Jennie was scanning through shelves, trying to look for something good to eat. While walking through the aisles, she saw three people coming through the door. There were two girls surrounding one guy, and the guy looked like he wanted to get rid of them.

"Kai oppa , do you want us to buy you something?" One of the girl said while linking his arm.

"N-No girls, i'm okay i'll buy my own food" The guy said in an awkward voice.

"Let us buy you something" The other girl said while winking at him.

"I'm fine, i'll buy it-" Kai said until he got cut off.

"Leave the guy alone, can't you see that he wants to get rid of you two?" Jennie said loudly while looking at the snacks.

"Who are you? How do you have the nerve to talk to us like that? You better watch your tone" The girl said in an annoying voice.

"I'm new here, now leave the poor guy alone" Jennie said in calm voice while playing on her phone.

"You don't even know who we are, you bitch. He's the most popular guy in school and i'm girlfriend" the girl said in a proud voice.

"You're not my girlfriend" Kai said in denial.

"I don't care who the fuck you are. I'm just saying to leave the guy alone cause he looks uncomfortable, desperate bitch" Jennie said while looking up at the girl.

She turned her head to the left side and made eye contact with the guy for a split second. He stared right into Jennie's eyes until she broke the interaction.

'He's pretty good looking' Jennie thought.

'Woah, she's very pretty' Kai thought.

Jennie had enough of staring and grabbed her food to go pay. When she pulled out her wallet, she realized she forgot to bring money.

"Fucking shit..." Jennie whispered to herself.

"Oh what happened? You don't have money? Are you poor or what?" the girl said while laughing.

"I'm not poor. In fact, my dad owns a company. I just don't rely on him for money because apparently i'm not a spoiled bitch... like you. You're lucky today is my first day, if it wasn't, i would have beaten your ass already" Jennie said as she glared into the girl.

"Also you"Jennie said pointing to Kai.

"Y-Yes?"Kai said while stuttering.

"Have fun with them" Jennie laughed as she walked away.

Kai realized that Jennie walked away empty handed without her food because she didn't have any money. He grabbed the food and payed for it quickly then was planning to chase after her but one of the girls pulled his arm and said.

"Oppa, where are you going with the food? Are you leaving us?" The girl said in a whiny voice.

"Are you chasing after that bitch?" the other girl said in a mad voice.

"I am because she couldn't pay for her food so i am giving it to her, just stay here" Kai said in a pleasing voice.

The girls kept pulling him back but Kai eventually got rid of them and ran out the store. He looked around and tried to find Jennie, but he couldn't see her. He then look around again and found her sitting on the bench while playing on her phone. He ran up to her with all his power.

"Hey, eat this" Kai said while catching his breath.

"Why? i didn't pay for it and i don't even know you" Jennie said in a confused voice.

"Just eat it, i know your hungry" Kai said.

Jennie stayed silence afterwards, she knew he was right that she was hungry but she didn't want to look weak and just accept it. Kai grabbed her wrist and put the food on her hands.

"Eat it slowly" He said as he ran away.

Jennie was in shocked that he would just run off like that, she didn't even get to thank him. Her stomach couldn't handle hunger anymore so she eventually ate it.


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