Part 2

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That was the bell for the first class. Jennie grabbed her backpack and started to walk through the hallways. Everyone was staring at her since she was new.

"who is she?"

"She's really pretty"

Thoughts were flying around everyone's head while Jennie was walking. She knew everyone was talking about her but decided to just find her way to her classroom.

"Hello class! We have a new student here today.Why don't you introduce yourself a little" Mrs.Park said. (the teacher)

"Hello everyone, my name is Kim Jennie and i hope we can get along through the year" Jennie said.

"Great, it's very nice to have you in our school miss Kim Jennie. Uh how about you sit right there, next to Kai" Mrs.Park said while pointing at the empty seat next to Kai.

"Okay thank you" Jennie said while bowing to the teacher to leave a good impression.

She walked towards Kai with no expression on her face while Kai was staring at her. Every girl in class was in a bad mood since Jennie got to sit next to Kai, all the girls been whining to sit in the seat but the teacher never let them. When Jennie sat next to Kai, she realized that every girl was death glaring at her.

"Hello, i don't think we have introduced each other yet. I'm Kai" Kai said while sticking out his hand for a handshake.

"I know, those girls called your name when we were in the school store at first" Jennie said while shaking his hand.

"Oh, i'm sorry about what happened earlier" Kai said scratching his head.

"I can tell your the popular guy that every girl wants to date, literally every girl in this classroom already became enemies with me just because i sit next to you" Jennie said while laughing.

"Would you want to date me? Or are you different from other girls?" Kai said as a joke.

"Instead of asking me, would you want to date me?" Jennie said as in teasing him.

Kai was surprised Jennie asked that and stayed silent because he didn't know how to answer. Before he could answer anything, the teacher caught their attention.

"We will start class now students" Mrs.Park said.

"We should end class here today, remember to do your math homework i assigned and turn it in tomorrow. Have fun on your break" Mrs.Park said in a loud voice.

"Also, Jennie and Kai please come up to my desk" Mrs.Park said.

Jennie and Kai obeyed the teacher and walked up to the teacher's desk. They got nervous since they didn't know if they were in trouble or not.

"Kai, since Jennie is new here do you mind taking her for a tour around the school?" Mrs.Park said nicely.

"y-" Kai said until he was stopped.

"Actually Mrs.Park, do you mind if a girl tours me instead" Jennie said.

"Oh, if you are more comfortable with a girl then... Jisoo! Do you mind taking her for a tour?" Mrs Park said.

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