Part 8

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"Fuck, what am I supposed to do now??" Jennie whispered to herself when she realized she made a mistake for telling Seojin she had a boyfriend.

Jennie speed walked out of the dance classroom but someone pulled her back.

"Where are you going that fast Jennie? You seem worried" Lisa asked while gripping on Jennie's wrist.

"O-Oh I'm fine Lisa, I'm just quite tired" Jennie replied.

"No you're not, look i know we haven't known each other for a long time but i can tell when someone's having a hard time" Lisa said.

"uh..." Jennie hesitated.

"Jennie, whenever you're ready, I'm here to listen. I'll try to help you" Lisa said.

*A few seconds later*

"Alright, I'll tell you"

"yeah what is it?"

"I need you to find me a boyfriend"

"What? Why all of a sudden?"

"I told my ex that i was taken, just to get back at him but he wants me to introduce my non existent boyfriend to him"

"Hmmm... I have a plan. Leave it to me i'll find you a boyfriend to cover up your mess in a bit"

"i need one by tomorrow but i don't know how i'm gonna find one that fast"

"Oh damn that fast? okay ill try to help you"

"Okay thanks Lisa"

"No problem"

Lisa's plan was to ask Kai to be Jennie's "boyfriend". She knew Kai liked her since she can read people's expressions. All she needed now was to find Kai.

'Where can he be? Is he with Sehun? Let me just call him then'

Lisa pulled out her phone from her pocket and pressed on the number named 'Babe❤️'. Sehun answered the call and said, " Hey babe, where are you"

"I'm in the hallways of the dance classroom. I need to ask you something"

"Yeah what is it? You making me nervous"

"Is Kai with you right now?"

"Yeah why?"

"Where are you guys?"

"We are at the basketball gym"

"Okay i'm coming. Bye babe"

"Oh okay bye baby"

*2 minutes later*

Lisa was outside of the door to the gym. Something stopped her from going in, it was the fangirls. Literally almost every girl in the school was by the benches watching Sehun and Kia play basketball.

'Oh god here are the fangirls again. They are here for nothing but to cause trouble' Lisa thought as she opened the door.

Sehun saw her and threw the basketball in the hoop one more time before running towards Lisa.

"Hey babe" Sehun said as he hugged Lisa.

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