Part 30

269 16 4

Jennie's POV


Someone called my name but i didn't bare to look back. I realized a car was in front of me and i stood there, not know what i should do. All of a sudden a person pushed me away, making me fall on the ground hardly.


I stayed on the floor for a few seconds, enduring all the pain i took from the push. I heard people talking loudly from every side of the street.

"Oh my! Is that man okay?"

"Someone call the ambulance!"

"Is he dead?"

I turned my back quickly and my jaw dropped. Tears were falling down down my face like how blood was coming out of the man's head. No, No, No this can't be happening. The person who took the hit for me was Kai...

I stood up and started patting Kai's hand, wishing that he still conscious.
"Kai... wake up! Stop scaring me" I screamed while crying.
"Kai, please..." I said, caressing his cheeks. Luckily, i head the ambulance. Doctors started coming out of the car and took Kai in. I jumped right in without hesitation. They checked for his pulse and it still beating. I sighed, realizing he was still alive.
"Ma'am, he may have a concussion" The doctor said.
"Is he going to live?" I said wiping my tears and holding Kai's hand at the same time.
"We don't know yet. He has to go in brain surgery later" The doctor coldly said. I bursted out of tears again and just kept holding Kai's hand, as if i couldn't hold it ever again...


Kai's POV

I woke up squinting my eyes because of the broad sunlight. Ah shit, my head hurts so fucking bad. I look around my surroundings and i was in a... hospital? There was someone next to my bed and i saw a small figure, sleeping peacefully. I stroke her hair back to her ears and saw her face clearly. Its Jennie. I smiled and kissed her head. She mumbled something and woke up, rubbing her eyes open. I stared at her in confusion. I'm gonna trick her that i lost my memory.
"AH you're awake! Are you okay? Does your head hurt?" She said in concern. I can't help but to smile inside. I removed her hands from my arm and curved my eyebrows in confusion.
"You are...?" I lied.
"Wait... you don't remember who i am? I'm your ex girl friend" She said, holding in her tears. I placed my palm on her cheek and started wiping her tears.
"I'm kidding, Jennie" I said and smiled softly. Her eyes widened but cried even more which i didn't expect to happen.
"Yo-you mother fucker, why would you joke right now? I seriously thought you forgot about me" She cried slapping my hand. I grabbed her waist and hugged her tightly.
"I'll never forget about you. Stop crying, you're breaking my heart" I said with a little chuckling. She hugged me back by the neck and left a few drops of tears on my shirt. I removed her from my body and stared in her eyes. Not knowing, my eyes dropped down to her lips. She noticed and smashed her lips on mine. I didn't think twice and started kissing back. She grabbed my neck, making our kiss deepen even more. I slipped my tongue in her mouth. The atmosphere was getting hotter and hotter each second.

"Lets stop, this isn't right"

She stopped moving her lips and pushed my chest away from hers.
"Why?" I asked.
"I'm married, Kai. As much as i want to, i'm still faithful to who i committed to even if i didn't want it to happen" She explained.
"What do you-" I said until she interrupted.

"I'm sorry for getting you into a car accident but i really should get going. I really can't thank you enough for saving me. I'll visit you another day."

That was the last thing she said before she head out. What did she mean by 'As much as i want to, i'm still faithful to who i committed to even if i didn't want it to happen' ? This sentence was on my mind for the last few minutes.

*knock knock*
"It's the doctor, may i come in Mr. Kim?"


The doctor came in with a clipboard in his hands.

"Hello Mr. Kim, how are you feeling? Is your head okay?"

"My head feels alright, it just hurts a little"

"That's normal to happen since you did have a minor concussion but, you're lucky that it's not that big of a damage"

"Thank you, doctor"

"You can probably discharge in a week or so. Get a lot of rest by the way, it's the best method to heal your head"

"Of course doctor"

"By the way, do you know the girl name... um what was her name again? I think it Jennie. Anyways, she was crying like crazy outside the operation room. I tried comforting her and she kept saying it was her fault and how she still loves you."


"Yes, i figured you had to know about this. I'll go now, i have some patients to take care of. Take some rest and don't damage your head anything further"

"Thank you, doctor. You should go back to working now"

The doctor smiled and exits out my room.

"Jennie still loves me?"

(HEY READERS!! I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter :) i have been more active on updating than i used to and i hope i can keep being active 😭. Leave comments and opinions about the book or even just this chapter, i love reading them)

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