Part 37

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Kai's POV

"Actually... i know someone who can help us"

"Who?" I asked.

"Hyunjin" She said.

My mind was loading in confusion. Who's Hyunjin?

"Who's Hyunjin?" I asked with one of my eyebrows raised.

"Ohh... he was one of my friends in middle school. I thought he can help us since he's a cop right now." She explained. "He was also my  middle school crush"

"Your crush??" I said with a hint of jealousy.

Jennie laughed at me while i kept a serious face on. I know that we didn't even know each other when we were in middle school but i'm still jealous.

"It was a long time ago" She said, trying to hold in her laughter.

"Can't we find someone else?" I said avoiding eye contact with her.

"Oh cmon, don't let jealousy take over Mr. Kim" She said poking my nose.

"Hey, when did i say i was jealous??" I argued back.

"So... it's okay if we ask him to help right? since you're not jealous" She said.

Damn that backfired on my ass.

"We-" I said until she cut me off.

"Please? It better if we ask someone that we are familiar with so we can trust them" She pleaded.

"Fine but you better not flirt with him or he's dead meat" I warned her.

"Okay~" She said in a soft tone as she flashed her gummy smile at me, making me smile.

Jennie's POV

I ran up to my bedroom and changed quickly. My drawers had extra cloths of Kai before so i just gave him some to change. Coincidentally, we matched. It was kind of cute :)

 It was kind of cute :)

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^^My outfit

^^My outfit

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