Part 34

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Jennie's POV

I shut off my phone and slammed my head on the table. I have so much free time... what should i do? Even though my cloths from my online shop are all sold out, i don't plan on making new ones yet. My feet had heavy footsteps as for every step i took until i reached to the kitchen.

"What should i eat?" I mumbled to myself as i stared at the full fridge, but still had no idea what to eat. Ramen...? hmmmm...

okay, i guess i'm gonna eat ramen.

I put a pot on the stove and started boiling the water. All of a sudden, i heard a ring from my phone. I picked it up without acknowledging the person,


"Hey" A guy said.

I rolled my eyes and placed my phone away my ear, far enough to actually see the contact name. The name 'Asshole' appeared and i sighed loudly.

"What do you want, Jay?" I asked.
"Do you wanna go on a date?" He asked.
"No what the fuck. If there's nothing important, i'm gonna hang up" I said coldly.
"WAIT. Where are you right now?" He said loudly, making my ears hurt.
"I'm at home, what now?" I said with my finger right next to the end call button.
"I'm coming over" He said.
"bitch you better no-" I said until he cut me off.
"I'm coming, bye" He said happily and ended the call before i can say anything.

"That asshole, what does he even want now?? I swear i'm gonna die cause of his ass... wait no. I'll probably suicide from his annoyance." I said to myself as i poured the noodles in another bowl.

———-———————— ⭐️———————————

I heard a car outside of my house and i instantly knew who it was. He knocked on my door and i didn't open it. The knocks started to become louder and i couldn't stand it anymore. My hand swung open the door which made a loud noise after it hit the wall.

"Why are you here?" I said clicking my tongue.
"So you can keep me company, babygirl" Jay said.
"Oh hell no. Go back home and NEVER, i mean NEVER call me that. It makes me wanna barf" I said.
"Whatever" He smiled and winked.

Holy fucking shit, someone get me a paper bag, i'm seriously gonna throw up.

He walked in my house and jumped on the couch, i rolled my eyes and facepalmed my head.

"Let's watch a movie" He said.
"No" I said without hesitation.
"oh cmon, i'll leave after" he pouted.
"UGH fine let's just get this over with" I said.



"The movies over, leave" I said seconds after the movie had ended.
"Okay okay fine. Let me go to the bathroom first" He said sarcastically and got up.

I lied back down on my couch and flipped my messy hair. Jay went in the bathroom and i could finally be in peace for a while.

*Knock knock*

I quickly sat up from the couch, who is here? Not going to lie, i got scared. I walked up to the door and peeked through the window.


What the fuck is he doing here? This is such wrong timing oh my god.

Kai's POV

I quietly park my car and turned off my car engine. I then saw black BMW outside of Jennies house. Who's car is it?

If you were wondering why i'm here... i decided to talk to Jennie today. I'm going to tell her the truth about what happened and everything with Jay.

I knocked quietly on her door and patiently waited for her to open it. The door swung loudly and i flinched when it happened.

"Kai?? Why you here?" She said silently.
"I just wanted to talk to you" I said.
"Bad timi-" She said until she tripped on a shoe on the floor. I acted quickly and caught her by the waist. Her waist was so small and curvy that it turned me on instantly. Her arms wrapped around my neck, to get more grip before falling. My face was barely a centimeter away from hers and i can see her eyes in shock.

"Hey Jennie!! I think i'm lost, your house i kind of confusing!"  Someone screamed at the end of the hallway.

Jennie quickly removed my hands from her waist and looked behind her.

"fuck" She hissed under her breath. I looked at her in confusion while she was panicking. She pulled my arm and dragged me in her house. Her legs ran so fast that i could barely keep up with her.

She opened a closet door and pushed me in there.
"U-uh... i'm so sorry but please stay here and be quiet" She said and shut the door before i could say anything.

I guess i'm alone now.

I heard quick footsteps through the hallway, i'm guessing it was Jennie.

"Your house is constructed weirdly" a guy said.
"Jay, you finished peeing, now leave" She said.
"Fine fine, i had a great time" Jay said.
"I didn't. Just leave already" Jennie said. I can hear Jay chuckling as he grabbed his car keys and walked out the door. Luckily, i parked my car somewhere else where he couldn't see so i was relieved.

I let out a sigh and suddenly someone opened the door...

"Get out"

Jennie's POV

After i pushed Jay out the door, i quickly rushed to Kai.

"Get out"

I said after i opened the closet door, revealing him sitting there quietly. He got up and walked out of the closet.

"So... why are you here?" I asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"I just wanted to talk to you" He said scratching his head. I can't help but to let out a small grin.

I walked away from him and went to fridge. There were 5 bottles of soju and i decided to bring it all.

"Soju?" Kai asked pointing to the bottles.
"You wanted to talk right? I mean... drinking makes everything better. I'm thirsty anyways" I said. He just nodded and we both say down on my couch.

"What were you doing here with Jay?" He said all of a sudden.
"He came to my house and demanded me to watch a movie with him to keep him company" I explained, rolling my eyes.
"Oh..." He said with his mouth shaping the letter O.

I took a big gulp of my soju and coughed after chugging it too fast. Kai saw me drinking so he also took a sip. Some of alcohol dropped from his mouth down to his jaw. I choked on my soju and my face turned red as a tomato.

"Are you okay?" He asked passing me a tissue.
"I-uhm... you just spilled soju on your jaw" I said taking the tissue.
"oh." He said and wiped the wet soju.

Both of us kept drinking and drinking...

YALL. I'm so sorry for a late update 🤡

- Author

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