Part 5

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"Let me introduce you to Rosé and Lisa" Jisoo said.

"Hi i'm rosé"

"Hello I'm lisa"

"Oh hello I'm new here, my name is Jennie"

"Great now let's all be friends together" Jisoo said while bringing all of them for a group hug.

"Sure" All of them yes.

They talked for a while until they decided to take a trip to the school store since Rosé wanted some snacks to eat before class. When they arrived, Jennie saw someone in there that made her stomach sank. It was Kim Seojin, her ex that abused and cheated on her.

"Jennie, why are you standing there? Come in" Lisa said.

"O-oh okay i'm coming" Jennie stuttered.

The girls walked past Seojin and started searching for some snacks. Jisoo, Rosé, and Lisa were busy walking around the aisles. Jennie followed them but her mind was somewhere else.

'I swear why am i this nervous? I broke up with him and moved on, I shouldn't be scared of him. I'll just avoid him just in case since my friends are here'

Jennie cleared her mind and kept a distance from Seojin. Jisoo walked towards Jennie and accidentally stepped on her foot.

"Ah!" Jennie screamed in pain.

"Oh my god i am so sorry Jennie, are you okay?" Jisoo said as she bent to check Jennie's foot.

Seojin turned after hearing the scream from Jennie, he smirked and walked to them slowly. Jisoo was still checking Jennie's foot so she could't stand up in time before Seojin came to them.

"Are you okay? my love" Seojin said as he placed his hand out to help Jennie get up.

"I don't need your help and we broke up so know your limits on calling me names" Jennie said coldly and got up by herself.

Jisoo saw the situation and said, "Go away, she doesn't want to talk to you".

"Yah! I wasn't talking to you so get the fuck away"  Seojin screamed then slapped Jisoo in the face.

Just in time someone yelled which made everyone stop what they were doing.


It was Suho. He ran towards Seojin and aggressively punched him in the face that made him fall on his feet. Kai,Chanyeol and Sehun was standing by the door and saw everything happen.

"Don't fucking touch my girlfriend or i'll kill you" Suho screamed.

(Btw Chanyeol is dating rosé, Sehun is dating Lisa and Suho is dating Jisoo)

Chanyeol, Sehun, and Suho ran up to their girlfriends and hugged them tightly. They were all worried and kept asking if they were hurt.

"Jisoo, does your face really hurt?" Suho said in a worried voice.

"Babe, i'm fine" Jisoo said as she hugged Suho.

Seojin took this opportunity to run away from them or else he would have been punched again. Everyone was with their girlfriends except for Kai or you can say he was with his crush at least. All of a sudden, Jennie started sobbing. Everyone was surprised since they knew Jennie was always strong.

"Why are you crying Jennie?" Kai said in a soft voice but was panicking inside.

"I'm so sorry Jisoo. It's all of my fault" Jennie said wiping her tears.

"No no Jennie it's not your fault, it's not like your the one that slapped me" Jisoo said running towards Jennie for a hug.

"Yeah it is, he's my ex and you guys should have been involved cause now you got hurt" Jennie said.

"It's okay Jen, my face doesn't even hurt anymore" Jisoo lied.


After that incident that happened, all of them had to go back to class. They had a field trip in three weeks, everyone had to perform a dance. The dance will later on be uploaded on Youtube.

"Hello class! Welcome to Dance, we would be learning the choreography for the field trip. In case if you haven't heard, we are performing by pairs so go ahead and pick a partner. Also tomorrow is the day when we will start dancing since today you guys aren't prepared" The teacher said loudly.

Chanyeol,Suho and Sehun was obviously was paired with their girlfriends. Kai stood there in the corner all alone, he wanted to pair with Jennie but didn't have the nerve to ask.

"Miss i don't have a partner" Jennie said.

"Oh really?"
"Who wants to be partners with Jennie?" The teacher yelled across the room.

"I'll do it!" Seojin and Kai screamed at the same time.

Kai and Seojin glared at each other then ran towards the teacher with Jennie. Jennie was confused that both of them volunteered to be her partner.

"I'll be her partner" Kai said first.

"No i'll do" Seojin said.

"Woah, looks like there will be some competition. I will decide who will be Jennie's partner after i see you all dance tomorrow so i can see who fits in with her"  The teachers said.

"We will see who wins."

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