Part 23

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Next month...
(this chapter is only about Jennie)

Jennie's POV

I wore my wedding dress and had my makeup artist do my makeup for me. I stared at the mirror realizing today was the day. The day where everything will settle and how i can't run away anymore. I sighed and closed my eyes, wishing everything would end here but obviously it didn't.
"Do you like your makeup miss? Would you like me to change it?" The makeup artist asked nicely.
"No it's perfect, thank you for doing my makeup" I smiled and shook her hands. She smiled back and walked out the door. My wedding dress was really pretty, my makeup was nice as well. One thing that wasn't perfect was the groom, it wasn't the person i wanted to marry. My thoughts went away as soon as i heard a knock on the door.
"Jennie-ya, can i come in? Are you ready? We are almost walking down the aisle. Jay is outside already" My dad said through the door.
"Yeah dad i'm done. I'll be out in a bit to walk down the aisle" i said weakly.
"Why do you sound like that? Are you okay?" My dad said opening the door.
"Yeah i'm fine. Let's just get this over with" I said getting ready to walk out. My dad lend me his arm to support me walking and i used it. He was smiling so much that it made me smile.
The wide doors opened slowly, wedding music stated playing softly but turned loud afterwards. I saw Jay standing in a front of me with a suit on.
"I will leave you to take care of my daughter, Jay" My dad said.
"My pleasure, sir" Jay said.
Bullshit. Straight up bullshit. I would have threw a tantrum right now but i didn't since there were so many people. I scanned across the church and my eyes land on the girls. They dressed up and sat neatly on the back row. I smiled after realizing they kept their promise to come to her wedding.
"You may kiss the bride"

No... NO I DONT WANNA KISS HIM. My mind was about to explode as Jay started leaning towards my face. I couldn't run so i just stood there like a statue. Jay kissed me on the lips and held my waist to pull me closer. I was so disgusted that i didn't even kiss him back. I broke the kiss earlier by pushing him back away from me. Everyone stood up from their seats and started clapping, including the girls.

——————-After the wedding—————

I changed out of my wedding dress and was ready to go out. My parents had booked a reservation for dinner with Jay to celebrate our wedding. I only need to last two more days and i can finally go to the US. I had enough of everything going on i swear to god.
"Hey mom" I said.
"Oh Jennie you're finally here. Let's go in" my mom said guiding me to our table. I saw my dad smiling and laughing with Jay. I say next to my dad but he ordered me to sit next to Jay. I kept a cold expression on my face throughout the whole dinner.
"Why do you look sad, Jennie? You should be happy, you just got married. I promise you had nothing to worry about, Jay is a really great person"My dad said. I rolled my eyes and was so annoyed.
"I'm fine, dad. I'll get going now, i need to pack for the flight in two days" I said standing up.
"Finish your food first" Jay said holding onto my wrist. I let go of it quickly and grabbed my bag.
"I'm not even in the mood to eat" I said and walked out of the restaurant. I texted the girls and wanted them to come to my house to help me pack for the last few days.


"unnie!" Lisa screamed as she ran and hugged me. I held her tightly with a smile on my face. Jisoo unnie and Rosé walking towards me with bags of Mcdonald's. I opened my mouth after smelling the food coming out from the mouth.
"Hungry?" Jisoo unnie asked.
"Of course she's hungry, she didn't even have dinner yet" Rosé said.
"Yeah i am, come in" I said when i told them to sit on the couch.
"Unnie, are you really leaving in 2 days? I'm gonna miss you so much" Lisa said holding in her tears. I bursted into tears right after she said that. The girls literally meant so much to me, they were there when i needed them and now i'm gonna leave them.
"Don't cry jennie-yah" Jisoo unnie said caressing my back. Rosé started crying as well and we just group hugged each other.
"I probably won't be back in like 3-4 years, i don't even know if you guys will even remember me. Please promise me you guys won't forget me" I said wiping my tears.
"It's okay Jennie, we won't forget you. Let's just stay and touch all the time so we can still see each other" Jisoo unnie said.
"I love you girls so much" I said.
"We love you too" They all said.
"Let's spend these few days together and we can also send you to the airport" Lisa said. I nodded and smiled to all of them.

2 days later...

I took my luggages and looked at my house one more time.
"Jennie-yah, we have to go. Come on" Jisoo unnie screamed. I ran towards their car and threw my luggage in the backseat.
"Okay i'm ready" i said strapping my seatbelt. They all smiled at me and started the car.

——————— one hour later————-

We sang, smiled, and laughed together in he car. It truly made me very happy to be with them.
"Unnie, we are here" Rosé said. I looked out the window, noticing people with carts and backpacks walking around. This was it, the final step i need to take. I saw my parents and Jay waiting for me at the check-in center.
"Jennie!" My dad yelled.
"Hey dad, mom, and... yeah" I said while staring at Jay.
"Oh are these your friends? It's nice to meet you girls" My mom said shaking the girl's hands. They stayed quiet from awkwardness.
"Um mom and dad, my flight is about to take. I think i should get going" I said. They nodded and started hugging me tightly, i smiled at them trying not to cry. Jay opened his arms, expecting me to hug him but i just shook his hand instead. I turned my body to the girls and we all hugged each other tightly.
"I hope you guys will stay safe in Korea, i'll miss you guys so much when i'm in the US. Stay in touch will me as well. Promise you guys won't forget me okay?" I said with tears coming out of my eyes. They all started crying with me too.
"We won't Jennie, we won't. We hope you will have a great time in US and study hard. You better not forget us as well. We love you so much" They said. I wiped Rosé's tears since she cried so much.
"Mom and dad, i'll miss you too. Thank you guys for caring for me, i'll be safe in US and i'll study hard. When i come back, we need to reunite okay? I love you guys"

All of us said our last goodbyes and i walked away with my suitcase. I waved one more time with tears falling down my cheeks.

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