Part 17

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2 days later...

Jennie POV

I woke up with my stomach hurting like a bitch. While running to the bathroom, i felt something leak. Oh my god is it my period? I stood there like a statue, in shock.
"What are you doing babe?" Kai groaned.
"O-oh it's nothing, i just need to pee" I said and ran quickly to the bathroom. I pulled down my pants just to find my underwear smeared with blood.
"Fuck..." i whispered to myself. I hate having my periods, they always cause pain. Last time, i even fainted from my stomach cramps. I snapped back to reality and placed a pad on.
*knock knock*
"Babe, can i come in?" Kai asked.
"Yeah yeah" I said. He opened the door cluelessly and smiled at me. I guess he was still half asleep. His hair was all messy but it looked cute on him. He back hugged me for a while before he brushed his teeth.
"By the way, Lisa invited us to go to the bar later" I said.
"Really? Do you want to go?" He asked.
"Yeah of course" I said.
"Alright then hehe" He said and pinched my cheek. All of a sudden, my legs felt weak. Ugh. Fuck you period.

Kai's POV

It was 6:30 pm and we getting ready for the bar. I looked at my closet full of cloths and decided to blindly choose an outfit. Jennie came out looking like a fucking goddess, i almost passed out.
"You look gorgeous babe" I said.
"Thanks, you look handsome yourself" she said.
"We should get going before we're late" I grabbed her hand and walked out the door.

—-10 minutes later——

"Oh you guys are finally here" Suho hyung said.
"Yep, did you guys drink yet?" I asked while sitting down.
"Nope, we were waiting for you" Sehun said.
"Let's drink then!!" Rosé screamed.
Everyone cheered and chugged bottles of beer into their bodies. I passed one to Jennie but she refused to drink it. Why?
"I'm not feeling the mood to drink" She said.
"Why? Did something happen?" I softly asked.
"No, i just don't want alcohol right now" She giggled. I knew something was wrong but i didn't want to ask furthermore about it. I sipped my soju and glared at someone. The one and only Jay Cheon. He glared back at me but i shrugged it off and focused on Jennie. Her face looked very pale and tired.
"Jennie! Are you okay? Are you sick?" I panicked.
"It's nothing, i just have a tummy ache. You can continue enjoying your time" She said weakly.
"Oh no no. You are not fine, i'm gonna go get you some warm water" I rushed out the bar.

Jennie's POV

Oh my god, i wanna cry. My stomach hurts so bad, i feel like i'm gonna die. I closed my eyes to rest a little until i felt someone carry me. I assumed it was Kai since he was my boyfriend. The guy placed me on a table, with his hands on my waist and i felt him coming closer to my face. I just sat there still in pain until someone screamed.
"What the fuck?" Kai yelled. My eyes opened again and i saw Kai at the doorway with a bottle of water. He threw the bottle on the floor and walked away with his hands in his pockets. I looked in front of me just to find Jay trying to kiss me.
"WHAT THE FUCK?! GET OFF ME YOU ASSHOLE" I pushed him away and ran after Kai. I saw him right there just a few feet away from me. I held my stomach, trying to endure the pain and chased after him. I grabbed his wrist and looked him in the eyes.
"Kai, i didn't do anything with him" I said. He look at me with puppy eyes but glared at me right after.
"I saw it with my own eyes, Jennie. You faked being sick to get me out so u can cheat on me. I can't believe this shit" He said and flung my hand away. I fell to the floor and my stomach pain made it even worst.
"Aish..." I said to myself, holding in my tears. I saw Kai turn around but he ignored me. My tears finally fell from my eyes, i really didn't cheat on him. I swear i'm gonna kill Jay but right after i explain everything to Kai. While trying to use all my strength, i stood up and went back in the bar to rest. I saw Jay coming towards me but walked to the counter instead.
"Excuse me, do you have hot water? I'm having really bad stomach pains from my period" I asked the lady.
"Oh yes miss, i will get you that right now" She hurried. I sat down and stressfully waited for her to come back.
"Here's your water miss" The lady said as she handed me a bottle.
"Thank you so much" I bowed and chugged the water. It made my stomach feel so much better. I stood up and bowed to the lady one more time before heading out.

Kai's POV

"AHH! THAT ASSHOLE!" I screamed and threw a glass cup on the floor. It shattered like how my heart did, i really can't Jennie cheated on me with Jay... OUT OF ANYONE! I punched the wall, making my hand bleed. Why am i even doing this to myself? My anger is literally uncontrollable, how can she do that to me? The door creaked open and caught my attention, it was Jennie. I turned my head away from her direction and sat on the bed.
"Look...I seriously didn't cheat on you" She said fidgeting with her fingers. I chuckled knowing it was a lie.
"Stop making excuses, Jennie. I saw it with my own eyes, the only way to make me believe you is if you have proof" I angrily said and flopped on the bed.
"I re-really di-didn't che-" she said weakly until i heard a loud sound. I got up from the bed just to find Jennie laying unconsciously on ground. I rushed to check her pulse and breathing and luckily she was fine.
"Yah. Stop joking around Jennie, you're scaring me. Wake up" I shook her shoulders. She didn't reply to me and i started to panick. I carried her in a bridal style and ran out the door to the nearest hospital.
"HELP PLEASE!" I yelled through the whole hospital. I didn't give a fuck if people stared at me, it's a hospital after all. A doctor came rushing and directed me to a bed, i followed and carefully placed Jennie down.
"Is she going to be okay?!" I asked.
"Young man, you need to step out of the room in order for me to treat the patient. I will tell you what's wrong right after, it will be okay" The doctor said. I nodded and went outside quietly. My back slid on the wall, realizing i was the one that made Jennie faint. Next thing you know, tears came out of my eyes.
"I'm so sorry, Jennie. Please stay with me, i love you" I said to myself while crying in my sleeves.

Jennie's POV

"I'm gonna fucking kill you."

My eyes opened right after a hectic nightmare. I realized i was laying on a bed in a hospital. Why am i here? The last thing i remembered was when i had a blackout in the hotel room. I didn't think i had any injuries so i got out of bed. Kai was not near me but can i blame him? He saw everything that happened even though it wasn't true. If it was me, i would have been mad too. I was going for a walk until a nurse came up to me.
"Hello Miss Jennie Kim, how are you feeling?"
The nurse asked.
"I'm doing good but how did i end up here?" I asked.
"You had very bad anxiety attack that was caused by stress but... what made it even worse was your period cramps which made you faint"  The nurse explained.
"Oh... well who took me to the hospital?" I asked curiously.
"It was a man, his name is Kim Jongin. He is at the receptionist filling out some forms for you right now" The nurse said.
"Oh okay, thank you" I bowed and left. So... Kai is here? I hurried to the receptionist area and found him. He noticed me and ran in my direction.
"Kai.. I'm so sor-" I said until he cut me off with a hug. He hugged me so tightly that i could barely breath but i didn't budge moving.
"Jennie, i'm sorry i caused you to end up in the hospital. I was so scared you were going to leave me" He cried. I hugged him back tightly and cried along with him.
"Please forgive me... i really didn't cheat on you, i can bet my whole life on it" I cried louder.
"I believe you" He said.

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