Part 15

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Kai's POV

I woke up due to load noises outside, I rubbed my eyes just to see Jennie still asleep. I smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead. My hair was messy but i didn't care and just walked out the door to see why people were so loud. People were lining up with their partners, i had just realized that we going to perform the dance we learned a few weeks ago. FUCK. I ran to Jennie and woke her up softly.
"Jen, wake up" I said as i softly pinched her cheek.
"H-huh wh-y" she yawned.
"We have to perform remember?" I reminded her.
"Oh...okay i'll get ready then" She slowly got up. I got dressed and waited for Jennie until we headed out.
"Wait." She said.
"Yes?" I raised both of my eyebrows.
"Do you want to tell people we are dating?" She asked.
"Of course" I smiled.
"Okay then" She smiled back.
"Let's go now" I held her little hands and led the way out. I saw the most of the people in our  group laughing at the end of the line, we walked to them quickly and joined in the conversation.
"Hey guys" I said. All of them stared at us holding hands,none of them replied to me until...
"Unnie, ARE YOU TWO DATING??!" Rosé screamed. I looked at Jennie waiting for her to say an answer.
"Yeah..." She said quietly. Everyone covered their mouths with their hands and just stepped back from us.
"Something must have happened in the hotel room last night" Lisa gave us a dirty smile. I chuckled.
"Yah." Jennie said. I laughed even louder and gave them a shrug causing Jennie to punch me in the arm. Jay was just walking to our direction so obviously, i had to do something. I cupped Jennie's face and kissed her. Jay looked so shock.
"ooOo Something DEFINITELY happened in the hotel room 😏 It's okay keep doing your thing" Jisoo said holding in her laugh. Jennie started blushing right after.
"Wait. You guys are dating?" Jay quickly asked.
"Yeah" I replied with a grin. He was about to say something again but the teacher yelled.
"EVERYONE! We will be performing at a competition today so we need every student to get on the bus with your partners right now!" 

Jay's POV

I seriously couldn't believe it. Jennie and Kai are now dating?! They only had one night together in the same hotel room and that's how it happened? I'm so pissed right now. I can't let Jennie be taken away from me, no matter what happens. I gripped my hand and wanted to punch Kai so bad but didn't want to have a bad reputation. Both of them held hands and sat next to each other on the bus, while i sat to the seat right next to them. They were talking and i leaned a little closer to eavesdrop.
"Are you tried?" Kai asked.
" A little bit" Jennie answered.
"I bet you are" Kai laughed. What did he mean by that?
"Shut up. We fucked and it was my first time, what did you expect?" Jennie rolled her eyes. WHAT DID SHE SAY?! I can't believe this right now, i just wanna punch something.
"Do you regret it?" Kai asked.
"No, i love you. If i didn't i wouldn't have done it" Jennie said and leaned on Kai's chest.
"I love you more" Kai said and smiled. LORD. There's no way they like each other, they must be faking it. I hate this. I will make you mine Jennie, no matter what i do and i seriously mean it.

Jennie's POV

I laid my head on Kai's chest and played with his fingers cause i was bored. I took a picture of us on the bus and i set it as my wallpaper. It was so cute.

I looked at the back of the bus and saw Lisa waving at her hand to tell me to go to them

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I looked at the back of the bus and saw Lisa waving at her hand to tell me to go to them. I gave her a thumbs up.
"Imma go with the girls at the back of the bus" I said to Kai. He nodded and tapped his cheek as a sign for me to peck him. I leaned in and kissed him.
"Your so clingy" I chuckled.
"I know i know" he smiled brightly. It warmed my heart. I got up from my seat and walked to the girls. They all looked excited to talk to me, i already knew i'm gonna need to answer a LOT of questions.
"Jennie-yah, tell us what happened in the hotel room" Jisoo unnie started.
"Yeah if you don't tell us, we will make you" Lisa threatened me. I mean i was now close with the girls so...
"Yeah a lot happened" I said.
"OOoo what though?" Rosé said.
"Don't tell me you guys... did 34+35??" Jisoo unnie asked. If you don't know what 34+35 is, well it means 69 which is like a code for sex i guess.
"Yep" I answered.
"WTF UNNIE" Lisa screamed and caught everyone's attention on the bus. My face turned red from embarrassment.
"Shhhh Lisa ya" Jisoo unnie scolded.
"My bad" lisa apologize.
"Yes we did it and it was my first time" I blurted. All of them froze. Rosé faked getting up from her seat but sat back down right away.
I laughed at the girls, i know it was shocking but i mean it's not like a secret.
"Tell me y'all used protection at least" Rosé asked.
"We didn't but he was careful so i don't think i'm prego" I shrugged my shoulders.
We talked for a while until the teacher told us to go back to our seat. I ran back to my seat with Kai and i snuggled in his arms.
"Hey can i play with your phone?" I asked to test him. Honestly i did that on purpose because i have trust issues. I have to get access to my boyfriends phone in order to trust him. I know it's weird but that's just me.
"Yeah sure, the password is just 123321. I'll put your fingerprint so it's easier for you" He responded. Wow that was impressive, i can say i trust him 100%.
"Thanks babe" I randomly said.
"Babe?" He asked.
"I'll just call you that" I said.
"Haha okay babe" He laughed. I started to play games on his phone throughout the whole ride.

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