Part 24

263 17 2

3 years later...

Kai's POV

"Boss, you have a work party to attend to in 3 days. A lot of business people will be there as well so you can maybe work with one or two" My secretary said.
"Thank you for reminding me, hyung. Make sure to pick me up at 8:30 so i won't be late" I said.
"Yes, i won't forget" she said and bowed. I pointed my finger to the door, dismissing my secretary. She quickly walked out my office and shut the door quietly. I walked to my desk and sat on the chair, thinking about my life once again.

It's been three years already. I graduated from college and took over my dads company after he retired. I achieved most of the goals i wanted already but i can't forget this one person. No other than, Jennie kim. I shut my eyes when i thought about her, my head was now spinning again. It was like i had a whole file of our memories in my brain, i just can't move on from her. A lot of girls tried hooking up with me but i rejected each of them since my heart only belonged to Jennie.
"ah" I sighed and got back to work. I contacted my stylist since i needed an outfit for tomorrows work party. When will i ever take a break from all this work?
"Hello, Mrs. Park. I need you to help me set up an outfit for an event in three days. Please make it really neat, i'm meeting with business people so i need to look presentable" I said through the phone.
"Right on it Mr. Kim" She said. I thanked her and hung up the phone.

Jennie's POV

"GIRLS!!" I screamed across the airport. They all jumped and ran towards me. I hugged all of them at the same time and cried tears of joy.
"Unnie!! It's been so long, how are you?" Lisa asked after we calmed down a bit.
"It's been great, i graduated with honors and studied a LOT" I said widening my eyes.
"OoOOo look at our smart Jennie" Jisoo unnie teased me.
"Unnie, we kept your promise... we didn't forget you at all" Rosé said and smiled.
"I love you guys so much" I said.
"Enough of this, let's talk more while eating dinner" Jisoo unnie said.
"LETS GOOOOO!!" We all yelled.


We arrived at a restaurant and ordered a lot of food. All of us started talking about what we did the past three years, i just listened to them with a light grin on my face. I got a text from my phone and i hate to see who it was from... Jay.

Jay: [Hey Jennie]
[what do you want?]
Jay: [i need you to attend to a work party with me in a few days]
[Why me? Bring some other bitch]
Jay: [you're my fiancé, i have to bring you.]
[did my father ask you to bring me?]
Jay: [yes he did but i wanted to bring you myself anyways. I haven't seen you in three years]
[fine i'll go]
Jay: [okay i'll pick you up in a few days 💕]
[Don't send heart emojis or else i'll block you]
Jay: [haha fine]

"ugh" I shut my phone and groaned.
"What's wrong Jennie?" Jisoo unnie asked. I pulled my hair to show how frustrated i was.
"I have to attend to a work party with Jay. I fucking hate that guy" I said.
"Good luck with that fucker" Rosé said eating her fries.
"Unnie can we help you choose your outfit? Even if you don't wanna go to the work party with him, you should still impress people" Lisa said and winked at me.
"Sure sure" I agreed.

We finished our dinner and we started heading out again. We went to a movie theater and planned to stay there for 24 hours since we had nothing to do anyways.
"Are you guys still dating your boyfriends?" I whispered.
"Yeah, all of us are" Jisoo unnie said.

That reminded me of someone. I need to forget about him honestly, he probably moved on since it's been three years already. The girls focused on the movie when i thought about the great memories when i was in high school.

"i wish i can go back in time."

(Hello readers!! i know these past few chapters are quite boring but i was trying to make more parts before jenkai moments start appearing again. I hope you guys are still enjoying it though! ❤️)

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