Part 19

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Kai's POV

"Hey dad, why did you call me?" I asked.
"Son, now that you are done with high school. You need to prepare for taking over my company, okay? i'm counting on you" He said sipping his water.
"Of course dad, i will make you proud" I replied.
"Great, you will attend college in a few months so be ready and study hard" He said giving me a thumbs up.
"Yes dad" i bowed.
"Alright then, you can leave. That was just a heads up i wanted to tell you" he said. I bowed for the last time before walking out. My father was a nice person, he always satisfied my needs so the only way i can repay is to make him proud. My phone rang and i smiled.
"Hey babe" I said.
"Hey boo, do you want to meet at my house?" Jennie asked.
"Of course i'll come" I said and hanged up the phone right after we said our goodbyes.
———-10 minutes later——

I stepped out the car and knocked on the door, i found Jennie opening the door with a rope on.
"OH BABE, WHY YOU IN A ROPE?" I screamed.
"Why? you don't like it?" She asked with a smirk. I chuckled and carried her in bridal style to the bed.
"Are we gonna do this now?" She asked.
I kissed her lips roughly and started removing her silky rope...

Then it all happened...

(Sorry but it's so weird for me to write smuts 😀 i'm tryna make the story interesting but like, my eyes need holy water)

Next day

Jennie's POV

My parents called me to the company today, i wondered what it was for. They usually never called me unless it was very important. I pushed opened the wide door and WHAT THE FUCK???
"Jennie dear, please sit down. We have important something to discuss" My dad said pointing to the chair near that person.
"Dad, y-you need to explain why that person is here" I said. The guy chuckled, knowing i was now nervous.
"Sit down first" My dad said. I slowly walked to the chair and sat down quickly, i feel like i'm having a panic attack right now.
"You and Jay are getting married" My mom randomly spoke out. I chocked on my saliva and my jaw dropped.
"NO. IM NOT MARRYING HIM! YOU CANT MAKE ME" I screamed and stood up. My dad grabbed my hand and stopped me from walking any further.
"Why not Jennie? Please do it for us" My dad pleaded. 
"You're asking why?! Dad, is it not obvious?! I'm not marrying him because i don't love him and i already have a boyfriend. I'm not breaking up with my boyfriend just because you want me to have a stupid arranged marriage. No way!" I yelled through the whole room.
"Jennie dear, please understand that our company is not stable and we need you to save this. Break up with your boyfriend, you have no choice" My dad said coldly.
"No." I said straightforwardly. My legs felt weak but i eventually walked out the door strongly, i can't believe this shit. I heard someone walking right behind me so i ran in my car and drove off. I parked outside of Jisoo unnie's house and knocked softly, she opened the door with a confused face. I looked at her face once and bursted out of tears.
"Omo! Why are you crying??" Jisoo unnie screamed. I stayed silent as she welcomed me in her house. She guided me to the sofa and started hugging me.
"Tell me what's wrong... don't cry, it won't solve anything" Jisoo unnie say as she patted my head.
I finally spoke and said, "I'm having an arranged marriage... i have no choice but to break up with Kai"
I saw Jisoo unnie's eyes widened which made me even feel more miserable. She didn't say anything and just hugged me tightly again.
"Why are you having the marriage?" She asked.
"My parents company isn't stable, they need me to have a marriage" i answered.
"How long will it last? I'm sure you can divorce right after" She said calmly.
"I'm pretty sure it will last pretty long... the marriage has to continue until the company is stable" I cried even harder.
"It's going to be okay Jennie..." She said.
"Wait... please don't tell Kai i'm having an arranged marriage. I'll break up with him with another reason" I said slowly.
"Why? If you tell him the real reason, he would stop it or maybe wait for you" She explained.
"That's the reason... i don't want him to be involved and i don't want him to wait for me. He deserves someone better" I cried.
"Ah...don't cry, your eyes are getting puffy. When are you going to break up with him then?" She asked as she wiped my tears.
"Maybe after a week? I want to spend some time with him before it happens" I said.
"Can i tell the girls?" She asked.
"Of course but please don't tell anything to the boys or Kai" I begged.
"It's okay Jennie, trust us" She smiled. I smiled back even though i was tearing inside. I just know something was wrong about this marriage. My parents company never went unstable, their stocks and finances were amazing. I have to find out why i'm having this stupid ass marriage but for now, i'm gonna focus on spending time with Kai....

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