Part 36

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Jennie's POV

"Just come over, i need your help"

I called Jay today to come to my house today. However, it was all part of the plan. I discussed with Kai about what i should do, and i agreed. I quickly ran to my room and slammed my computer open. I purposely broke it and left it like that. Just seconds after, someone knocked on my door. I immediately knew it was Jay. My short little legs ran down the stairs, skipping some steps and opened the door.

"Hey" He said.
"Hi" I said coldly.
"So, what do you need help with?" He said.
"Can you fix my computer? i think it's broken" I said as an excuse.
"Why didn't you just call someone else to fix it?" He said annoyingly.
"What's with the attitude? I thought you wanted to spend time with me, asshole" I said straightforwardly.
"Fine" He answered.

While he was walking pass me, i slipped my hand in his pockets and smoothly grabbed his phone. He was so focused on walking, he didn't even notice. I hid the phone in my butt pocket and turned away from him so he can't see it.

"Where's your computer?" He asked.
"It's in my room, follow me" I suggested.

I placed his phone from my butt pocket to my front pocket. I can't believe he's so stupid to notice his phone is gone.

"Here it is" I said pointing to my computer.

He sat on my desk and started looking through my computer.

"It's not really a big problem but it might take a while to fix" He explained.
"Great, thank you. I'll go make up some food while you're doing... that" I said, closing the door. This gives me a sigh that he finished. I smirked to myself knowing he's gonna get karma real soon...

I walked back down to the kitchen and sat quietly on the dining table. My hands grabbed his phone from my pocket and tried figuring out his password. What was it? I remember on the day we watched a movie together, i kind of saw it.

"6...2....6...1...1" I mumbled to myself as i pinned the number slowly.

Surprisingly, the phone opened. Wow first try! I went to his messages and started scrolling. The contact 'Seojin' appeared and clicked on it. I read all the messages and my eyes widened. My ex and Jay teamed up just so i can marry Jay...

I grabbed my other phone and took pictures of the messages. The further i scrolled, the more pictures i took. However, something caught my eye.

"Kidnap jennie and blackmail her into breaking up with Kai. If she doesn't agree, tell her we will fucking kill Kai"

Jay was the guy who ordered me to be kidnapped??? That fucking asshole! He needs to be in jail. I took more pictures and placed my phone away.

10 minutes later...

"Jennie, I fixed your computer" Jay said walking down the stairs.

I took his phone and put my hands behind my back. I ran up to him, tipped my toes, and made of cheeks touch. While doing this, i slipped his phone back in his pockets. I didn't peck his cheek, i just made his cheek touch mines. After i did that, i can tell Jay was shock since his eyes grew big.

"My friend has an emergency, i need to go now. Thanks for fixing my computer" I said and left the house.

I needed to gain his trust before he suspects something going on. After i left my house, i drove my car to Kai's house.

Kai's POV

While i was drying myself, someone called my phone.
"Kai, open the door. I'm at your house"
"O- oh okay i'm coming" I said as i quickly wore my boxers and shorts. With the short amount of time, i just walked out without my shirt.

I unlocked the door and stood there with drying my hair with the towel i still had in my hands. Jennie smiled as she stared at me.

"Why you smiling? You like the view?" I said looking at my own abs.
"N- I mean, yes i do like- but that's not the reason i'm smiling right now"
"Then why are you smiling?"
"I have evidence of Jay so we can put his ass in jail. I had enough of his bullshit" She said and excused herself in my house.

I poured her a cup of warm water and we both sat down on the table.
"Show me" I said.
She grabbed out her phone and i started scrolling through her.
"Wow" I said with my eyebrows raised.
"Mhm" She replied with.
"What should we do now? We need to go to the police" I suggested.


I know a person that can help us"

(I hope you guys enjoy this chapter :)) Just a little heads up, this book is about to end 🤧 I will be starting on a new one after and i hope you guys will read it. It's going to be about a bts x blackpink)

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