Part 33

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"Yeah... of course I won't"

Kai's POV

I screamed as Suho hyung played the recording for me in our car after he met with Jay.
"What are you planning to do about this?" he asked as he stopped the recording from playing.
"I'm going to confront him" I yelled and turned on the engine for the car.
"Kai! Calm down. Stop rushing and plan everything out before you make a decision. If you're going to confront him right now, you're gonna make it even a harder position" Suho said and stopped the car.
"But what should i do now?" I said and covered my face with my palm.
"Let's call the girls for a meeting" Suho suggested.

I nodded and just started the car again. I can't believe this... Jay really did everything go get Jennie away from me. He deserves to be in jail too. Seojin was also in this too. Wow. Partners in crime i guess...

We called the girls and they immediately came. They looked nervous but also relieved since they told us the truth about why Jennie was married to Jay. I gave them three cups of warm water and sighed before i started talking.

"Listen to the recording"

The phone was on max sound and was playing steadily. Jisoo's face lit up when it was the truth was being told. Rosé and Lisa's jaws dropped after hearing that as well. I guess they were really surprised huh?

"What do you guys think we should do?" I asked.
"Put him to jail" Lisa said.
"I will later but i need more evidence, one recording isn't enough to put him in jail" I said.
"Do you girls know anything else?" Suho asked softly.
"No, we don't" Lisa and Jisoo said.
"I might..." Rosé said.
"What do you mean?" Jisoo furrowed her eyebrows and asked.
"Well, i forgot to tell you last time. On the day of Kai's accident, i met up with Jennie. She told me how she met a lady named Irene,  the CEO of the company named Red velvet. She told me that Jay was her abusive ex and how he treated her so bad when they were dating" Rosé explained.

He even abuses women?!?!? Is Jennie still okay with him? Oh my god, i'm gonna kill him with my bare hands.

"Where does she live? I'll try to meet up with her and ask if she is willing to contribute as evidence for Jay to go to jail" I said.
"I think Jennie told me that she lives on the hill next to her house"  Rosé said scratching her head.

I grabbed my car keys and wore a jacket.

"Who's coming with me to find her house?"

Jennie's POV

"Hello" I said to the lady at the receptionist desk.

(The receptionist)

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(The receptionist)

I stopped by Irene's company today, Red velvet. It was really big when i first saw it, i wonder what she works on. I wanted to talk to her about... you know, "stuff".

"Hello miss, is there anything i can help you with?" The girl asked as she stopped looking at her computer.
"I'm here to meet Bae Joohyun. I'm her friend, i just wanted to stop by and meet her" I said.
She nodded and asked for a few things about myself for safety issues.
"Boss, there is someone named Jennie and she wanted to meet you, can i let her in?" She said through her telephone.
"Yes, let her in Joy. Thank you" I heard a voice coming back from the phone. Joy pointed to the door at the end of the hallway and told me to walk there and Irene will open it for me. I bowed and thanked her for the help.


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"Hey unnie" I said smiling.
"Hey Jennie, why did you stop by? Did something happen?" She asked.
"Thank you for concerning, but no. I just wanted to talk to someone" I grinned.
"What's wrong..." She tilted her head, asking me to spill the truth.

"I always loved this one guy, back in high school too. However, we broke up. He recently saw me again and i just know we still love each other. He even ran in front of a car for me, i don't know what i should do..." I pouted.

"Well, why did you guys break up?" She asked.
"Jay. My fathers company wasn't stable and he suggested for me to marry Jay, which turns out like this" I explained.
"Wow... that's unbelievable" she said.
"Should i get back with him? I mean i don't feel like cheating with Jay as well" I asked scratching my head.
"Jennie, this man ran in front of a car for you... i think he's the one. It's your choice though, Jay is an arranged husband, you guys don't like each other. Go with your heart" She said holding my hand.

After hearing that, my heart warmed. Should i get back with Kai? Is he still waiting for me? I don't know...


Irene checked her phone and furrowed her eyebrow.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Oh shit. Pardon me but i have to go. I'm sorry, do you mind excusing me? Let's hangout tomorrow or anytime?" She said while packing her bag.
"Of course" I said and waved her goodbye.

Irenes POV

I rushed out and ditched Jennie, i felt so bad for doing that since she was talking about her problems. Jackson texted me and asked me to come home as soon as possible. My car engine started and i zoomed back home, hoping everything was okay.

I stepped outside my car and found another vehicle parked outside of our house. Who's is this? I knocked on the door, revealing my husband. My arms wrapped around his torso and hugged him tightly. He hugged me back and walked me towards the couch. I stopped the connection and saw four different faces.

"And you guys are..." I said.
"I'm Kai, these are Jennie's friends" The guy said.
"Jennie? Why are you guys here though?" I asked.
"Look, i'm Jennies ex. I came here because Rosé said that Jay abused you when you were dating him?" The man told me.

Jennie's ex?? Why is he here? I thought he didn't know that Jennie was in an arranged marriage with Jay though. Now, why is he asking about me?

" not to be rude but, what do you guys want?" I said in a soft tone.
"We want you to be a witness. All of us are planning to have Jay in Jail, are you interested?" He said.
"I don't want to get involved... He said he was gonna kill me if anyone found out" I said.
"We don't say it's from you" One of the girls said.

"Fine, let's do this."

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