Part 11

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First period had just ended for another day, all a sudden Kai's head started hurting. He must have stayed up late yesterday playing video games. Jennie noticed it and asked if she can help him, so obviously Kai told her to go buy some pain relievers. After a while walking to the school store, Jennie finally arrived.

"Uh which one do i buy?" Jennie said to herself.

She was peacefully holding a box of pain relievers until someone smacked it on the floor. The person didn't even say sorry or help Jennie pick the box up.

"Oh i'm so sorry... hoe" the girl said.

Jennie stood up slowly while holding the box of pain relievers and said directly facing the girl, "What did you say? Watch your mouth"

"Or what? You started this by stealing Kai from us" The girl said. This girl was Park Sooyoung, she was one of the prettiest girls in junior year. Her other friends were like puppies chasing after Sooyoung everyday and acting like her servant just to fit in with her.

Jennie took one look at Sooyoung and just laughed. She then said, "I stole him? Let me remind you, if Kai was willing to be with you, he would be dating you right now."

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!" Sooyoung said as she lifted her arm to slap Jennie.

However someone blocked the hit for Jennie. Who though? Is it Kai? Nope, it was Seojin. He grabbed Sooyoung's wrist and twisted it harshly. Sooyoung screamed in pain and he finally let go.

"How can you talk to someone who's a year older than you like that? Do i need to teach you a lesson so you can learn your manners properly?" Seojin said.

"N-no im sorry sir" Sooyoung said and rushed away.

"I didn't need your help, i knew she was a pussy from the start" Jennie said as she payed for the pain relievers.

"Who are those for? Do you have a headache?" Seojin asked.

"No they are for my...boyfriend" Jennie replied.

Seojin chuckled for a quick second then grabbed Jennie's shoulders and pinned her to the wall. The cashier was about to call someone but Seojin signaled her to stop.

"Do you really have a boyfriend?" Seojin asked as he moved closer to Jennie's lips.

Jennie leaned backwards and said, "Yes i do, and i don't cheat on people like you"

"Ha" Seojin laughed.

"Even if i were to cheat, i would find someone way better than you to do it anyways" Jennie said before she walked away.

"Pst. You will be mine Jennie" Seojin said loudly.

"Just find yourself another slut, why obsess over me?" Jennie smirked.

Jennie walked quickly back to the classroom where Kai was. When she went in, she saw Kai dead asleep already. She woke him up to take the pills.

"Hey wake up"

"Huh... oh your back?"

"Yeah now take the pill so you can feel better"

"Oh... thanks"

Jennie sat down and took out a pill for Kai. She then grabbed a water bottle and gave everything to him. Kai gulped the pill in a matter of five seconds and was feeling sleepy again. Not knowing his surroundings, he fell asleep on Jennie's shoulder. She didn't dare to move or else Kai would wake up so she just smiled and caressed his hair.


"That's all for today class, also don't forget the field trip is tomorrow so get ready for it. Have a nice day."

Jennie grabbed her backpack and carried it. She was about to leave but she realized she needed to meet Seojin after school with Kai.

"hey, let's go" Jennie said randomly.

"Oh okay i'm coming" Kai said.

Both of them walked out of the classroom and found Seojin standing on the school yard. Jennie rolled her eyes and continued walking towards Seojin while Kai was just following.

"Oh you're here" Seojin smirked.

"Leave my girlfriend alone" Kai said as he put one of his hands on Jennie's shoulders to show Seojin.

"Oh really?" Seojin said as he grabbed Kai's collar.

"Yah, take your hand off my boyfriend" Jennie joined in the talk.

Seojin ignored Jennie and whispered to Kai, "Honestly, i don't give a fuck if you have Jennie. She's just the same selfish bitch after all"

"You asshole!" Kai punched Seojin in the face. Seojin laid on the floor in pain and Kai was getting aggressive already. He grabbed Seojins jaw and punched it one more times before Jennie stopped him.

"Oppa! Stop punching him!" Jennie screamed.

Kai stopped punching and stood up. He asked Jennie, "Why won't  you let me punch him? He deserves it"

"Even though he deserves it, i'm not letting you take that risk to have you in trouble just because of him. Let's just go, there's nothing else to show to him" Jennie grabbed Kai's wrist.

"Where are y'all going?!" Seojin screamed in a weak tone and panting for breath.

"Catch your breath before you even speak asshole. Also leave my girlfriend alone, or you know what happens...right?" Kai said.

Seojin didn't dare to speak and just nodded. Kai took Jennie to his car and drove them back to their houses. They didn't talk at all during the whole ride, it was just too awkward but they obviously thought about each other.

Kai's thoughts : 'Jennie, i'll do anything to protect you even if that causes me in danger.'

Jennie's thoughts : 'I think i love you kai'

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