Part 31

295 17 4

Kai's POV


I contacted Sehun, Suho, Chanyeol, Rosé, Jisoo, and lisa all together for lunch together. I have a few things to expose and ask them about Jennie...

They arrived holding hands as usual and sat next to each other.

"Hyung, what's the matter?"  Sehun asked.
"I need to ask your girlfriends something" I said.

"Why are you inviting us then?" Chanyeol asked.

"I figured you need to know the truth too" I said.

"Well what is it?" Suho asked impatiently.

"Your girlfriends are apparently still friends with Jennie and was hiding it from us" I said.

"What? Is that true? Did you guys forget that Jennie left Kai heartbroken without a reason?" Sehun said to the girls.

"W-what are you talking about? We aren't friends with Jennie anymore. We broke off contact with her 3 years ago, right girls?" Rosé said.

"Yes" Jisoo and lisa said.

"Then can you explain how i saw you and Jennie at a restaurant the other week?" I said pointing at Rosé.

"What? No i didn't go to a restaurant" Rosé argued.

"Rosé, i don't want to argue. In that exact day, i got into a car accident. Jennie told you she had to leave right? Well, i chased after her and saved her from being hit by a car. I didn't tell any of you guys because i wouldn't want you guys to worry. But I did stay in the hospital for a week" I explained.

"Wait what?! This much shit happened and you really didn't bother telling us?" Suho said madly.

"Hyung, i'm completely fine now and it's not tha point i ask you guys to come out here" I said, calming Suho.

"Get to the point then" Sehun said.

"Why is Jennie married to Jay? I know you girls know the reason" I said, tilting my head towards the girls.

"WHAT? They are married? How do you know?" Suho screamed once again.

"I met them at a work party" I said.

"Okay, someone just say the truth of what's going on" Chanyeol said. I placed my hand out, waiting for a response from the girls.

"U-uhhhh" Lisa hesitate.

"Should we? We promised to keep it a secret for Jennie" Rosé whispered to Jisoo.

"Fine, we kept it a secret for Jennie three years ago. I know we shouldn't expose it but i think it's time Kai needs to know" Jisoo said standing up.

"Please tell me, i'm begging you" i begged.

"... Jennie's in an arranged marriage with Jay. Her fathers company was unstable and it still is. She had to marry him with no choice. We didn't want to stop being friends with her so we just kept it a secret from you guys since we knew you all would be mad" Jisoo said.

It's clear now. Everything was exposed to the truth and i still couldn't believe it.

"Why didn't she come get help from me? Why did she keep it to herself? Did she know how much i lived in guilt because she broke up with me? How can she just think about herself and not about me?! " I asked loudly.

"Not everyone is selfish, Kai. I know you suffered a lot but she suffered even more. She broke up with you and didn't tell you the reason because she didn't want to hurt you. Jennie kept it from you because she knew you would try to help her in any way and that was the exact reason why she didn't want to tell you. She told us that you deserve so much better and didn't want you to get involved. I can't sit here and watch your dirty ass mouth talk shit about her when you barely knew what fucking happen. I'm leaving" Lisa yelled and walked out.

"Lisa! Where are you going? Wait for us" Jisoo screamed and chased after.

I kept my head down in disappointment. Was everything that Lisa said true? I sighed loudly and clicked my tongue from annoyance.

"Kai... don't tell her we told you.  Jennie is probably one of the sweetest girls i ever met and i hope you guys will recover your relationship but you were wrong to judge her like that. I'm sorry we kept the secret from you guys but we just tried helping" Rosé said softly and walked out.

"Babe! Where are you going?" Chanyeol said standing up.

"Stay. I need time alone with Jisoo and Lisa. I figured you guys would need that time as well. I guess you can stay with the person who judges a girl that sacrificed so much" Rosé said.

Great. Now the girls left because of dumb actions for judging Jennie.

"Well, what are you gonna do? The girls are now pissed and probably won't talk to us" Chanyeol said.

"No... they're right. I shouldn't have judged Jennie when i didn't know how much she sacrificed me. You guys can go comfort your girlfriends, i want to spend some time alone" I said.

"They want time alone. Let's just talk about how Jennie and Jay got in an arranged marriage first" Sehun said.

"Her fathers company was unstable" Suho said.

"No, wait. There's something wrong. Jennie always told me her fathers company was always stable and never had any problems. Why all of it sudden their stocks drop done so much? And why hasn't it been replaced after this many years. Jay must have been behind this shit" I said slamming the table.

"Are you sure?" Sehun asked.

"Suho Hyung! I need your help. Since you are still friends with Jay, i need you to find information about this" I said.

"Even if he tells me anything, what are we going to do about it?" Suho said shrugging his shoulders.

"If he's guilty, i'm gonna put that motherfucker in jail and get Jennie back"

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