Part 22

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one week later...

Kai's POV

I sighed on my bed, it's been one week since Jennie broke up with me. She never even told me the reason why we broke up, it's like an unsolved mystery. She could have at least told me so i would accept it but she didn't, it made me feel way more guilty. Should i get over her? My mind is about to burst from all these thoughts. I should erase her from my head and more on, it's not like she's going to come back anyways. Sehun told me that the girls (rosé, jisoo, lisa) stopped being friends with Jennie since she broke my heart but i somehow felt bad. They didn't need to stop being friends with her just because of me. All of them looked very happy when they were hanging out. I took out my phone and opened the photo gallery. There was an album full of photos of us together, we had a lot of memories together. I miss you...


I rushed out my room and peeked out the window, i found my Suho hyung standing there like the emoji "🧍" I laughed and opened the door quickly or else he would get mad.
"Sorry hyung, i didn't realize. I was -um doing something else" I explained.
"Yeah that shit you were doing was better important or i'm gonna beat your ass for making me wait outside like a clueless guy" He warned me. I just laughed and told him to sit.
"Why are you here? Did something happen?" I asked worriedly.
"Yah. Do you always think i always come here because something happened? Your my friend, i just wanted to come hangout with you today and keep you company" He smiled and said.
"Thanks hyung but you really didn't need to. I'm really fine" I said.
"Yeah but like... still" He chuckled. I laughed with him and we decided to play video games to waste time.

Jennie's POV

Today i woke feeling all cranky. My parents forced me to go on a date with Jay so we could get to know each other. I met him before so i don't understand why it would be great to be on a date. I dragged myself out of bed and got dressed. My outfit was completely plain, i ain't dressing up for a person who isn't even worth it.
Jay: "Hey"
I didn't reply, i didn't want to.
Jay: "Where do you want to go?"
Me: "Anywhere"
Jay: "Let's go to the mall then"
He smiled and tried holding my hand. I flung it away and glared at him.
Me: "Don't fucking touch me"
Jay: "Why? You're my fiancé though"
Me: "I never agreed on being your 'fiancé'. I had no other choice. You know i will never like you"
Jay: "you're mine"
Me: "Did you do this because you're jealous of me dating Kai? I rejected you, why can't you accept it?"
Jay: "Its not my fault your parent's company is falling at the same time. This was my chance to be with you"

This made me think again, why did my parents company fall? How did it? It never happened and i doubt it will ever happen since they were always good with stocks. It was very confusing but i can't do anything about it, i guess.

Author's POV

Jay and Jennie went to the mall for their date. Jay always tried making a move on Jennie but obviously, it never worked. While shopping in different stores, her mind was always on Kai. She couldn't get over him, it was too difficult. However, she still wears the necklace he gave on her their anniversary. Whenever she looks at the necklace, she always remembered their great memories which makes her smile or even... cry. Jennie begged for time to go by quickly, while Jay wished for the opposite.
"Can we go home?" Jennie asked.
"Why? Are you tired?" Jay asked.
"Uh-yes" Jennie lied in a pissed off tone.
"Why do you sound mad?" He asked madly.
"Why am i mad?! You're asking me that? Can you be any more stupid? The reason i'm pissed is cause i'm hanging out with you, someone i don't want to be with" Jennie fought back.
"Get used to it" He said.
"I fucking hate you. Even if we are claimed to be married, i will never love you" Jennie said coldly and walked away.
"Where are you going? At least let me drive you home" Jay screamed.
"Fuck off, i'm taking a cab" Jennie said and pointed the middle finger to Jay.

Jennie's POV

When i said i was taking a cab to go home, i lied. Instead of going back home, I invited for the girls to go to an arcade. Luckily, they agreed and we all went separately but met at the same place.
"Come on, let's go i wanna play some games" Lisa said while jumping.
"Did you tell your boyfriends that you came?" I asked worriedly.
"Unnie don't worry, we told them that the three of us will hangout. We told them we stopped being friends with you" Rosé said.
"Good job girls" I smiled.
"How is the marriage going? Are you feeling okay?" Jisoo unnie asked with a slight smile.
"The marriage will be held next month. I want you girls to be there, you guys are the only ones who can make me smile" I said.
"NEXT MONTH?!" Rosé yelled which made me flinch.
"That fast? that means you're going spend a lot of time with Jay" Jisoo unnie said.
"Well not that... i'm going to study abroad right after we marry. It's not like my parents need my presence anyways so i might as well take a leave from Jay as well. Spending a minute with him makes me wanna die" I said and laughed. They all laughed at what i said then hugged me.
"I can't believe what you are going through, unnie. I wish you the best of it though. Just remember the three of us are here for you no matter what" Lisa said.
"Yeah!" Jisoo and rosé screamed as well. I smiled and them and hugged them tightly.
"Thank you girls, like seriously thank you so much for being here for me all the time" I said holding in my tears.
"Let's not talk about sad stuff and enjoy the moment. LETS PLAY SOME GAMES" Lisa yelled which made me laugh again. We all went in the arcade and i insisted to pay for the games. We all got our badges and ran straight to the games.
"Unnie! Unnie! i want to play basketball against you" Lisa said.
"Let's all play and whoever looses has to truthfully answer a question from the winner" I said.
"Alright!" They said.
We all scanned our badges in order for the game to let us play. Once the basketballs started to come out, i quickly grabbed them to shoot in the hoop. It was easy at first but i somehow lost energy.
"I WIN!" Jisoo unnie screamed. 
"Damn unnie, you were really good" Rosé said.
"Who has the lowest score?" Lisa asked.
"Fuck it's me" I said putting my palm over my face.
"HAHHAHAHHA" They all laughed.
"Yah stop laughing and ask me a question" I said.
"Okay since i'm the winner i'm gonna ask, are you still in love with Kai?" Jisoo unnie said.
"ummm" I hesitated.
"Answer it truthfully" Jisoo unnie said.
"Fine. Yes i do" I said. My face started turning red like a tomato.
"Not a surprise unnie" Lisa said. I smacked her on the arm which made her burst into laugh again. I stopped hitting her and smiled. I really love the girls a lot, they are one of my comfort.

Thanks girls - Jennie ❤️

(I hope you guys enjoyed my recent updates. I have been trying to update more often but sometimes if i'm in the mood to write then i'll try LOL. Thank you all for the love and support you have been giving to my story. I'll try my best to write better! 💕)

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