Part 14

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(This chapter can be inappropriate for some readers but i won't stop you from reading it if you want) ⚠️⚠️

Jennie's POV

I closed the hotel door and leaned on it. I couldn't believe i just did that. I kissed Kim. Jong.In. What was more surprising was he kissed me back. I checked the time on my phone and i was almost late for my girls night. I ran to the destination where i was suppose to meet Rosé, Jisoo unnie, and Lisa. (A bar) My tolerance for drinking was actually quite low. After a few minutes, all of the girls finally arrived. We bought each other some beer and drank it. Even though i was with them, my mind was thinking about my kiss with Kai. I also remembered i said to him that i would continue when i came back to the hotel room. I punched my head in frustration.
"Ugh. What should i do?" I said.
"What's wrong?" Jisoo unnie asked. I stared at them blankly and wondering if i should tell them.
"Uh..." I stuttered.
"Oh cmon unnie, tell us" rosé said.
"Yeah tell us" Lisa said.
"Okay okay, i kissed someone" I blurted out.
"What?! Who was it?" Jisoo unnie asked.
"It was-" I said until i was cut off.
"Kai" Lisa said as she sipped her beer. I was speechless, how did she know??
"How did you..." I said.
"What can i say? i read minds" Lisa said with a smirk on her face. All of the girls didn't say anything and just drank their beer.
"What should i doooo??" I groaned.
"Did he kiss you back?" Rosé asked.
"Yeah, i even told him i would continue it after i came back from the girls night" I answered. Jisoo's mouth dropped and stared at Rosé and Lisa. I knew they were communicating in telepathy but obviously i didn't know what they were thinking about. All of a sudden, they got up from their seat.
"Where are you guys going?" I asked.
"Oh. We are going back to our hotel cause we are 'tired'." Lisa said smiling.
"No no no, don't try making me go back to the hotel" I panicked.
"Hey, this is your chance. Make it happen" Jisoo unnie said to me and winked. All of them walked away, leaving me alone sitting in the bar. I had to leave the bar because there was so many creepy men around me. Geez it made me uncomfortable.
After a few minutes of walking, i arrived at the hotel door. I wandered outside for about five minutes, i didn't know what i should do if i step in the door. I came over my fears and opened the door, i saw Kai walking towards me with a smile on his face. When he was about to talk, i just kissed him on the lips again. I couldn't resist his lips. He grabbed my waist and responded to the kiss quickly. I took a breathe in between the kiss and he took this chance to say something.
"You really do keep your words huh?" He said.
"Just shut up already" I said and leaned in for another kiss. Next thing you know, I was sitting on top of him on the bed.

Kai's POV ⚠️⚠️

I kissed her soft lips passionately but roughly at the same time. I laid her on the bed and started giving hickeys on her neck which made her moan a little. I stopped kissing to take off my shirt.
"Im a virgin" She blurted out while flipping her messy hair. My eyes widened, I was impressed she was a virgin.
"Oh...i'm sorry" I said and wore my shirt back. She chuckled then took off her shirt, making her chest area exposed. I glanced at it but looked away right after. She wore a laced black bra and her body was amazing but i still couldn't do anything without her permission.
"Fuck me already, i'm getting impatient" She said.
"What?" I asked.
"You heard what i said" She rolled her eyes.
"Are you sure?" I asked again. She sighed and nodded. I ripped my T shirt which made her gasp.

Jennie's POV ⚠️⚠️

Honestly, i was unsure about losing my virginity but i might as well do it. Kai ripped his shirt right in front of me which made me impressed. He looked so fucking hot, i honestly think i'm in love with him. At this point, both of us were already naked.
"Are you ready? I'm gonna do it now" He said.
I nodded and kiss him on the lips, he placed "it" in me and it started hurting really bad. I paused the kiss and gripped Kai's neck to hold in the pain.
"Shit... it hurts" I said.
"I'll go gently until you adjust" He said.

After a while, it went from pain to pleasure. (Y'all i'm trying so hard to write this story good but it's so awkward 💀- author)
"G-go fas-ster" I moaned.
"Of course" He said as he kissed me. I don't even know why but i was desperate for more and the fact that i was doing it with Kai made it even better.

Kai's POV

This is was my second time having sex with someone. I lost my virginity by of rape. I was only ten years old when it happened... my dad was so upset about it that he had bodyguards following me everyday. After i turned older, i asked him to get rid of them since i was now stronger. Yeah, tragic story right? It's all the past now and i don't even want to think about it. All that matters right now is Jennie. I can't believe I, ME took her virginity. We were done with our "second round" and i collapsed on the bed.
"You tired?" she asked me.
"Yeah" I smirked at her. She got up from the bed and grabbed her PJs, i guess she wanted to shower. Not going to lie, she was really good for a first timer. I wore my cloths then crawled to the other bed and tucked myself in. I went on my phone just to find a few miss calls from Suho hyung, i didn't know why he called though.

Jennie's POV

I went in the bathroom and started showering, my cheeks were burning hot. I can't believe i just did that with him. I finished washing up myself and got dressed in my silk PJs. My hair was so messy but i didn't give a fuck. I walked out the bathroom and i saw Kai staring at my body. I realized my cloths were quite see through but did i look like i cared? It's not like he haven't me naked anyways. I walked to his bed and sat next to him.
"You look beautiful" He smiled.
"Prft i'm tired let's just go to sleep" I said.
"Us? on the same bed?" He asked. I stared at him dumbly, did he forget we just fucked?
"I guess not then" I tried moving to the other bed. He grabbed my arm,making me not able to leave.
"You have a bad temper, i'm just kidding" He laughed and smiled. I rolled my eyes at him and just slept on the other bed. I heard him chuckling in the back but i wasn't in the mood.
I heard him moving to my bed but i still didn't turn around. He placed his hands on my waist and was now cuddling me.
"I love you" He said. I turned around and faced him, he lightly kissed my forehead then closed his eyes to sleep. I just kept staring at his handsome face.
"I know this isn't the best time to ask you but... can you please be my girlfriend?" He said while his eyes still closed.
"Aren't we already in a relationship?" I said.
"Yeah but i meant as in a real one" He answered.
I laughed quietly and kiss him on the lips.
"I think that can say my answer" I said and turned around.
He kissed my cheek, "Thank you Jennie, i really love you a lot." I blushed and didn't say anything. We both fell asleep together.

(I HOPE YOU GUYS LIKED THIS CHAPTER 😀 It was weird writing some parts but i tried my best. Thanks for reading 💕)

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