Part 7

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Math class had just ended, everyone was almost dead asleep since it was so boring. The only person who was still wide awake was Jennie.

"Class, all of you need to finish the classwork in order to go to break time but if you haven't completed then continue doing it"  Mrs.Park said as she staked some papers.

Jennie stood up and pushed in her chair. Kai saw her and asked, "Where are you going?"

"I'm done with the classwork, i wanna go to the school store"

"Wait for me, i'll be done"

"Here, copy mines. I'm pretty sure it's right since i listened to class"

"Oh okay thanks, i'll meet you later then"

"Turn it in for me"


Jennie walked out of the classroom quietly and headed for the store. After two minutes of walking, she arrived. Jennie walked in and chose some snacks.

'Oh banana milk and barbecue chips look like a good choice. Hmm..."

"Hey, i'll buy the snacks for you" The guy said.

"Who are you?" Jennie said in a confused face.

"I don't think we have met before, i'm Cha Ji-woo" He said.

"I'm kim jennie, i'm kind of new here"  Jennie said.

"It's nice to meet you" Jiwoo said.

"Nice to meet you too" Jennie said.

"Do you want to hangout with me?" Jiwoo said in a pervert voice as he stared at Jennie's body.

"I'm fine, i'm waiting for my friend to arrive" Jennie said.

"Oh come on, just hangout with me" Jiwoo said while placing his hand on Jennie's waist.

"What the fuck?! Get your hands off me" Jennie screamed and tried pushing him away.

"You look gorgeous" Jiwoo leaned in to kiss Jennie.

Jennie was leaning back so much that her back can probably break.

"Get off me you asshole!"  Jennie tried to yelled but Jiwoo was holding her tightly.


Suddenly someone screamed. It was Kai, he knew Jennie was being held and it made his blood boil. He ran up to Jiwoo and punched him.

"Get your hands off her body or i'll punch you to death" Kai rsaid while grabbing Jiwoos collar then lets it go aggressively.

Jiwoo stood up and punched Kai back. Kai fell onto the floor while covering his face.

"It's none of your business" Jiwoo said.

"Kai! Are you okay?" Jennie said as she lifted his head.

"Let's go Jennie" Jiwoo said as he pulled Jennie's waist.

"STOP FUCKING TOUCHING HER" Kai yelled  while pushing Jiwoo and pulling Jennie to his body.

"We need to leave Kai, you're hurt" Jennie said while holding in her tears.

Kai wiped the blood from his mouth and grabbed Jennie's hand to leave. He was in pain but didn't want to show it. They found a bench under a tree and sat on it.

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