Part 27

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Jennie's POV
(This whole chapter is only Jennies POV. Long chapter btw :D)

I speed walked in the bathroom and locked myself in a stock. I heard another person in the bathroom so i tried not to cry. Why am i being so sensitive? I just met the guy i truly loved and acted as if i didn't even know him. My tears started rolling down my cheeks but i stopped myself immediately. I need to go back out or else they're gonna sus something. I unlocked the stall and started washing my hands.
"Hey, are you okay?" A lady asked right next to me. I was startled and stopped washing my hands.
"I heard you crying a little in the stall" She explained.
"O-oh i'm fine, I'm just having a bad day. Thank you for asking" I said nicely.
"Oh well if you want to share anything, my name is Irene. I own a entertainment company called Red velvet" She said while wiping her wet hands.
"Really? Wow you must be very successful then. I'm Jennie" I complimented.
"Thank you, Jennie. If you want to hangout sometimes, you can come to my company or contact me. Having an extra friend doesn't hurt" She said and gave me a big grin.
"I'll contact you. Thank you for your concern at first, it's really nice meeting you" I said and bowed.
"Me too" She bowed and left the restroom. I let out a big sigh and looked and myself in the mirror. I always look like shit after i cry ugh. I whipped out my makeup bag and started applying foundation to cover up more. I placed my makeup back in my bag as i walk out of the bathroom. All of a sudden i heard a loud bang.

I closed my eyes shut and jumped against the wall. I stood there being scared for my life.
"Open your eyes" A low voice said. I peeked my eyes open a little and let go of my breath after realizing who it was.
"W-What are you doing?" I stuttered. The person was Kai, he pinned me against the wall and i had no other way to get out. We were so close together that i can here him breath.
"Get off me" I said in a cold tone, trying to push him off me. He didn't budge but instead pushed me against the wall again and i almost banged my head. Luckily, he placed his hand to protect my head at the same time.
"What is your problem?!" I whispered loudly, so i can prevent people from hearing.
"Explain yourself. HOW CAN YOU SHOW UP IN MY FACE WITH JAY AS YOUR HUSBAND?! Is he the reason we broke up? Did you really cheat on me?" He asked.
"What does it even have to do with you? You're not my boyfriend anymore, you can't make decisions for me" I argued.
"You left me without a reason, do you not remember anything? I lived the past three years in guilt just because you broke up with me, take responsibility. Now you show up with someone new and that person is JAY?!! Just answer my question, did you cheat on me with Jay?" He screamed. I rolled my eyes to show him i didn't care when i deep down i did.
"And if i did cheat on you, what are you gonna do about it? My answer to your question is Yes" I lied, trying to make him move on. You're probably wondering why i didn't tell him the truth, well i want him to move on. As much as i still love him, he deserves someone better and someone that won't leave him unlike me.
"You're lying. I know you didn't cheat on me" He said as his tone became softer.
"Then why did you ask? You can choose to believe me or not" I said and finally pushed him away from me. I walked away from him until he pulled my wrist, making me stop.
"Did you even love me when we were dating?" He asked. I paused for a second and flung his hand away. I didn't answer him and just left. My high heels made a loud sound as i was walking towards the table with Jay there.
"I'm going back home, stay here if you want" I said in a pissed off tone.
"Why?" Jay asked.
"I'm tired" I answered.
"I'll drive you home then" He smiled and we both walked out of the mansion. I dragged myself in his car and stared getting a headache. Damnit Jennie stop thinking about that. Ugh.


Jay parked his car outside my house and opened the car door for me. I thanked him and unlock my door. He followed me inside my damn house.
"What are you doing? Go home" I insisted.
"I want water, my throat is dry as fuck" He said while rubbing his throat.
"Uh-sure i guess. Just sit on the coach, i'll get it for you" I said. He observed my house as he sat on the coach.
"Wow, your house is pretty nice. It's very decorative" He complimented.
"Thanks" I said. The cup was filled and ready to be served.
"Here" I handed him the glass cup of water. He thanked me and chugged the water down his throat. Was he that damn thirsty? He could have drunk it slowly at least. I rolled my eyes and sat down as well. After he drank his water, he scooted himself closer to me. As he tried getting closer to me, i got away from him until the couch had no more space. He leaned in my face and...

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