Part 21

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2 days later...

Jennie's POV

Today is the day... i can't wait any longer or else Kai will be in danger, i need to break up with him. I texted him to meet me at the park at 6:30 and it's 6:15 right now. I should get going. My outfit was plain since i didn't need to dress up anymore in front of him. I ran out the house and arrived at the park. There was a swing in the area so i started riding it while waiting for Kai.
"babe!" i heard someone scream. It was Kai, he was all smiley running towards me not knowing i will break his heart in a matter of time.
"hey..." i said.
"Sorry i haven't been able to contact you as much as before, my dad has a lot of things for me to do" He explained.
"it's okay" i said softly.
"How have you been? Do you want-" He said until i cut him off.
"Kai... let's break up" I said. After i said that last sentence, i heard no replies from him. I turned my head to his direction and found him with a confused face. My eyes were already getting watery but i held it in.
"You're joking... right?" He asked.
"No. Let's break up" I replied strongly.
"Why? We were fine though. Is it because i cancelled our date that day? Is it because i'm not giving you enough attention? Look, i'm sorry for anything wrong i did. I'll change for you but please... don't leave me. I love you."He cried while grabbing my hands. I removed his hands slowly and put a cold look on my face.
"It's not you kai, it's me. You did nothing wrong, i promise you. Please don't take the blame on yourself, i just think we need to... move on" I said.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN MOVE ON?" How do you think i can move on when i know we broke up because of me? I love you a lot Jennie, please don't do this. If you're having a hard time, i'm here to help you. Don't break up with me" He yelled while crying.
I stood up and said one last thing before walking away, "i'm sorry." I slowly walked away until i disappeared from Kai's sight. There was a tree so i hid behind it to watch Kai again. I saw him kneeling on the ground, crying his eyes out. My eyes couldn't hold it anymore and i bursted into tears.

I stoped crying when i saw him get up from the floor and started punching the wall until his fist bled

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I stoped crying when i saw him get up from the floor and started punching the wall until his fist bled. My chest clenched, knowing i shattered his heart into pieces...

Kai's POV

I stopped punching the wall and walked back home

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I stopped punching the wall and walked back home. What did i do wrong? Am i that bad of a boyfriend? What should i do? i still love her... a lot. My foot stopped walking when my phone rang. I wiped my tears and picked up the call.
"H-hello Sehun?" I asked.
"Bro, let's meet up" He said randomly.
"Why? Did something happen?" I asked.
"Just come, i'll text you the address" He said and ended the call. Sehun was always a cold person when serious things happen so i wonder what's wrong.
"Hey sehun" I said.
"Hey" He said.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I know Jennie broke up with you..." He said.
"H-how do you know that? it literally just happened not too long ago" I said with my confused face on.
"Jennie called me to look after you just in case if you would harm yourself" He said.
"Thanks... i guess" I said while looking down. Sehun probably noticed since he passed me a cup of water. I drank it like i would drink alcohol. I left out a big sigh and controlled my tears, i didn't want Sehun to think i was weak.
"Thanks for the drink, i'll get going now since i'm getting sleepy" I said standing up.
"Don't-" Sehun said til i cut him off.
"Don't worry, you will see me alive tomorrow" I chuckled and waved him goodbye.

Jennie's POV

If you don't know yet, i did call Sehun to watch after Kai. I was scared he might suicide or do anything that can be dangerous. Sehun asked me why i broke up with him but before i said anything, i panicked and hanged up. I told the girls about my arranged marriage so they would know and still be friends with me at least. But i didn't tell them to say anything to their boyfriends ESPECIALLY Kai. They promised me and wished me good luck.

—The call—

"Unnie, are you okay?" Lisa asked.
"Y-yeah i guess" I answered.
"Can't you reject the marriage?" Rosé blurted.
"No i can't, it's for my parent's sake. The company is not stable which is unusual to happen, so i need to marry Jay" I said.
"Isn't it suspicious that the person you're marrying is Jay though? Jisoo wondered.
"I know right... maybe it's just a coincidence" I thought.
"yeah huh" Lisa said.
"I have one favor for you guys and i beg you to do it" i said.
"What is it?" rosé asked.
"Please don't tell your boyfriends about why i broke up with Kai and MOST importantly don't tell Kai. Tell them you stopped being friends with me because i broke his heart or something like that as an excuse. However, i still want you guys to hangout with me in secret, yeah?" I asked sincerely.
"Of course" all of them said.
—End of call—-

Right after i ended the call with my girls, my father called me for an 'emergency meeting' when i already knew it had something to do with the marriage. I grabbed my keys and walked out the door slowly, since i wanted to waste time.

I knocked on the door and Jay opened it. He gave me a smirk but i returned a glare to him instead.
"Jennie dear, you are finally here" My dad said.
"What do you want?" I rudely asked.
"We are here to tell you more news for the wedding" My mom said.
"I didn't agree to this stupid marriage but now that we came this far, continue" I said.
"Your wedding will be held in one month so i was asking you to be ready" My dad said.
"I have one request..." I said.
"What is it?" my dad asked.
"Send me to study abroad right after. I want to study in US" I said. You may be confused on why i asked him to study abroad but it's because i can keep my distance from Jay. He's definitely a guy who can take control of me so i ain't tryna have that happening. My dad looked at Jay to see if he would approve to my request.
"And why do you want to study abroad, Jennie?" Jay asked me.
"I like the US and it's not like i'm gonna divorce you anytime soon so you don't have to worry, sir. You can't control what i want to do either" I rolled my eyes.
"Sure, you can study abroad but keep in mind that if you try something dirty, you will still end up mine" Jay warned.
"yeah yeah whatever" I said. I had to gain his trust anyways.

"I wonder how you're doing, Kai. Are you okay? I wish i can be with you right now. I know you are probably going through a hard time... just like me. I love you Kim Jongin..."

- Jennie's thoughts and feelings ❤️

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